Double date with Camren

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Becca's POV
So since the whole 'sneaking out' situation Lauren definitely gave us all an attack from those green eyes of hers luckily we all survived. Lauren decided that I would be grounded when we got back to LA since we already had stuff planned to do here. Same goes for the Wilson bunch. Anyway we've got about a day left in New York and I am now trying to convince Camren to come to a fancy restaurant with Megan and I since I know Camila has feelings for Lauren and Lauren well there's something in those green eyes of hers when their gaze lands on Camila. "Come on guys I know this great spot by the beach and I know the owner he owes me one for saving his ass a couple years back." I say still trying to get them to come. "Thanks but no thanks Bec. Camila and I aren't really into that whole fancy smancy stuff. Right Camz?" Lauren says "uh yea sure" Camila says I look at her with a 'really' look and she just shrugs. I decided to use my last resort. I kneeled down in front of Lauren and pulled my best puppy face. "Please Lauren pretty please with sugar on top!" I say almost begging "That's not gonna work kid" she says not looking at me but I began whimpering like a dog and then I started howling. Camila started giggling and Lauren just looked kinda annoyed. "Fine! I'll only go if you stop acting like a dog." She says "you got it!" I say getting up. "You guys get ready meet Megan and I in the lobby say in 20?" I say "perfect see you soon Fido!" Camila says I jokingly barked back at her as I exited their room. As I went down the hall to see Megan all dressed up for the occasion. She wore a red dress that showed off her curves and her dirty blonde hair was in curls and she had light make up. A little mascara to bring out her eyes and dark red lipstick. God she looked so beautiful. "Earth to Becca" I hear her say as she giggles as I come out of my daze. "Huh? What?" I say confused "I asked you if they were coming but you zoned out by staring at my ass" she says laughing "Well I can't help it! I've got a beautiful girlfriend" I say making her blush "Awww you're so sweet" she says kissing my cheek. "But anyway yea they're coming on the date with us." I say "Cool now go get ready before we are late for the reservation." She says literally pushing me into the bathroom while I laughed and shook my head. I took a quick shower then I got dress in a black dress with some flats I'm not a heels type girl never was and I never will be because let's be honest if I were to ever put on a pair of heels I'd probably fall straight on my ass. But anyway after that I applied some light make up and then walked out of the bathroom. "Damn babe you look hot af!" Megan says as I walk out of the bathroom. I rolled my eyes at her using the term 'af'. "Thanks baby" I say kissing her lips. "So you think Camren is ready?" She asks "give them another five minutes. I know Lo and she always wants to make sure her eyeliner is on point" I say as we both laugh. "It's so nice of you to do this for Camila." She says "Hey I'd do anything for any of the girls and Camz could've done this on her own she just needed a little push is all" I say "and you were that little push if they get married they'll have you to thank" she says making me chuckle "You're jumping to conclusions babe. Let's just focus on getting them dating first then we can talk about marriage" I say making her laugh as well. "Anyways I think They are ready now so let's go" I say taking her hand in mine. We rode the elevator Down to the lobby and sure enough Camila and Lauren were there and it looked they were having a nice conversation. "Hey dorks!" I say as we got closer to them. "Finally what took you guys so long?" Lauren asks "Yea we've been waiting for ages" Camila says I rolled my eyes at them both. "Sorry to keep you guys waiting but this one just had to get her eyeliner perfect" Megan says "Hey I don't wake up looking this good you know?" I say "oh I know you look even better" she says "Smooth Wilson" Lauren says "Thanks Jauregui" Megan says as we all laugh and head out of the hotel room. I get us a taxi and tell the driver the address to the restaurant. "It's so nice that you set this all up Bec!" Mila says "it's no problem besides I figured it would be fun to have a nice little double date" I say winking at her making her blush and Lauren just roll her eyes but if I know anything about my mom it's that I can tell her fake eye rolls from her real ones and that one was definitely fake. So that means she does like Camila. I smirked and sat there in victory. Alright now all we had to do was somehow convince one of them that they like the other one. But how? Wait that's it! I quickly grabbed my phone and texted Megan. I know it's ridiculous to text someone when they are sitting right next to you but I can't have Camren knowing.
To My Baby😍❤️😘:
From My Baby😍❤️😘:
I'm sitting right next to you. You know?
To My Baby😍❤️😘:
I know but I just figured out the perfect way to get Lauren and Camila together.
From My Baby😍❤️😘:
Okay what's the plan?
To My Baby😍❤️😘:
Well I was thinking maybe once we get to the restaurant we talk to each of the girls separately and get them to confess their love for the other and then we come back together and somehow get them to make out by the end of the night. Lol
From My Baby😍❤️😘:
Nice plan babe! But I call Mila!
To My Baby😍❤️😘:
Awwwww no fair! Why do I get planet green eyes!!!
From My Baby😍❤️😘:
Cause she's your mom!
To My Baby😍❤️😘:
Yea but Mila's my soon to be other mom.
From My Baby😍❤️😘:
Well if you love me you'll let me have Mila!
To My Baby😍❤️😘:
Ugh! Fine.
I put my phone back in my pocket as we arrived at the restaurant. I paid the driver and we walked in. "Reservation for Jauregui?" I ask one of the hosts "Right this way please" he says as he escorts us to the back of the restaurant. I decided to get us a booth so we could have some privacy. We also had a pretty great view of the city. "Wow Becca this is amazing!" Lauren says "I know. Hey um Lauren could you um come with me to the bathroom?" I ask "Um sure? Why?" She asks "just come please it's an emergency!" I say which it kinda was. "Okay" she says confused as I dragged her to the bathroom. "What do you need?" She asks "um do you have a tampon I forgot to pack an extra one in my purse." I say "oh um yea sure here." She says handing me the tampon. Now that I didn't lie about. Mother nature's monthly gift is amazing isn't it? After I came out of the stall I noticed that Lauren was looking down. "Hey mom you okay?" I ask "hm oh yea" she says "Mom you know I know you're lying. What's up?" I say "Nothing. Does this dress look okay on me?" She asks "Mom you look gorgeous in that dress. And I'm not just saying that cause I'm your daughter. I mean if you weren't my mom id probably fuck you right now" I say making her chuckle "We seriously need to get rid of that mouth of yours" she says "I got it from my momma" I say causing us both to laugh. "No but seriously Lauren what's up? You've never asked me how you look before." I say "Promise me you won't freak out,or squeal or fan girl." She says "You know I can't promise that" I say she sighs "I know but it was worth a shot." She says running a hand through her jet black hair. "I think I have feelings for Camila" she says I squealed "shhhh!!! She might hear you!" She says "Oh yea like she's gonna hear me all the way in the bathroom" I say sarcastically.
From My Baby😍❤️😘:
I got her to confess you?
To My Baby😍❤️😘:
Same w/ Green eyes
From My Baby😍❤️😘:
Now what?
To My Baby😍❤️😘:
Idk I didn't think this out
From My Baby😍❤️😘:
Ugh! Babe this is why you think things through.
To My Baby😍❤️😘:
Let's just let Nature take its course
From My Baby😍❤️😘:
Babe we're talking about humans not animals
To My Baby😍❤️😘:
Just trust me on this babe I know what I'm doing.
From My Baby😍❤️😘:
You better.
"Who were you texting?" Lauren asks "Just one of the girls. They wanted to know where we were" I say she makes an 'o' shape with her mouth. "Bec can I ask you something?" She asks "yea sure" I say "When you and Megan kissed for the first time did you know it was gonna happen?" She asks "Honestly i kinda knew where it was headed because she asked me if she could try something" I explain to her she nods "you can't tell anyone about this especially not Camila" she says I put my hands up in surrender "Okay I won't. But I'm just saying if you want to make a move you should" I say "Wait do you know something I don't?" She asks "No no why would you think that?" I say my voice going up an octave dammit I was good at lying in the gang. I had no problem at all talking to a police officer but now I'm here in front of Lauren fucking Jauregui and I can't even tell one stinking lie. "Becca..." She says "I swear I know nothing" I say "Becca Nicole Jauregui if you know something I suggest you tell me now before I take your phone away." She threatens "ugh fine Camila likes you too" I say "she does. You better not be fucking around with me!" She says "I'm not I swear." I say she smiles big "Lauren why are you smiling?" I ask "You'll see now come on let's get this double date started!" She says as we head back to the booth I slid in right next Megan and Lauren slid in next Camila putting her arm around Camila in the process. "What did you do?" Megan says as we ordered our food. "I may or may not have told Lauren that Camila likes her back." I say "Wait you did what?" She says "She forced me to. She was going to take away my phone if I didn't and hey it worked I mean it boosted up her confidence." I say "Yea she did go 0 to 100 real quick" she says "Well that's the Jauregui way babe" I say wrapping my arm around her. "What's the Jauregui way?" Lauren asks "Oh um putting chips in sandwiches" I say "True remember that one time you did it in red robin and the guy just looked at you wierd" she says "yea and then you looked at him and said 'take notes' good times" I say as we all laugh. Our food came and the rest of the night we just joked around and told stories. "Wait so you said what?" Camila asks as I was telling the story of how I first got pulled over by a cop.
"I looked at the dude looked him straight in the eye and said 'I don't tell you what speed to go in bed so why are you telling me what speed to go on the road' then he just kinda stood there in shock but I sped off and that's how you get out of getting a ticket" I say taking a sip of my Coke. "You're insane kid" Lauren says "Yea what were you thinking babe" Megan asks "That's the thing about being in a gang you don't think you just do" I say shrugging my shoulders. They all just nodded as the night went on. Camren started getting more and more flirty. "Alright guys well it's getting late I think we should head back to the hotel." Lauren says "okay" I say grabbing Megan's hand and sliding out of the booth. I hauled a taxi but unfortunately there was only space for 2 people. "You guys take the taxi. I'll just call an über" Lauren says "are you sure?" I ask "Yes now go and hey remember you're not alone in that taxi" she says "oh my god mom!" I say as Megan gets in. "Oh come on I'm only joking" she says chuckling. I roll my eyes and get in the car with Megan. "So do you think Lauren is going to ask Camila?" Megan asks "I don't know maybe" I say "Dinah's gonna freak if she finds out about them having feelings for eachother" Megan says I chuckle and nod thinking about how many people are gonna freak if they get together. Hey but wait a sec. Does that mean Camila will be my other mom or what will I call her besides mom. Huh guess I never really thought about that.
Lauren's POV
As Camila and I waited for the Über to get her she told one of her cheesy jokes that supposed to make you laugh but it doesn't so she's the only one laughing and then she gets awkward. Have I mentioned how cute she is when she feels awkward. Man those eyes ugh I could stare at them for days and her lips..."Lauren? Are you okay? You were kinda zoning out on me." She says "sorry I was just hypnotized by your beauty" I say I wince I can't believe I just said that outloud ugh I'm such an idiot. "What?" She asks "Nothing" I say "Okay Lauren something is up with you. What's wrong?" She asks should I tell her that I have feelings for her. I mean I know she does too since Bec told me but then what are we friends,Girlfriends,Fuck buddies. "Nothing it's just." I sigh cutting myself off she gives me a smile encouraging me to go on. Oh god she's so cute ugh. "Camila I think I have feelings for you" I say "Really?" She asks I nod "Wanna know a secret?" I nod again she leans in close to me and whispers in my ear. "I have feelings for you too." She says sending shivers down my spine as I felt her breath while she talked. "Really?" I ask acting surprised she nods. I looked at her and I smiled and she smiled back at me I looked at her lips again and before I knew what I was doing I leaned in until my lips met hers and kissed her. To my surprise she kissed me back we didn't pull back until we heard a car pull up. We laughed and hopped in. "Camila I want to ask you something." I say "Okay then ask" she says "Will you go out with me?" I ask she smiles and kisses me again. "Does that answer your question?" She asks I nod speechless she smiles and snuggles up to me. I wrapped an arm around her as we drove through the night. I thought about my new relationship with Camila. I've known her for years and I've always known that I loved her but I never actually have known that I loved her. I looked down at the younger Cuban and I couldn't believe that she was finally mine. I smiled as I kissed her head. Man I have to thank Bec later for setting us up. My eyes widen oh shit what's Bec gonna think when she knows. I mean I obviously know she's gonna accept us but what will she think of having Camila as basically now a mom and what will Camila think of now basically being a mom. Ugh why can't my life just be simple. Oh well I guess we'll find out what happens when it happens but for now I'm just going to enjoy this moment.
A/N: Well there you go guys. Hope you enjoyed that long chapter. How is Becca going to react to Camila basically being her other mom and how will Mila react to basically being a parent now. Oh also Finals are over and now it's Christmas break so I'll be updating my stories as much as I can! Well Vote and Comment love you guys

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