Hotel Adventures with Lauren

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Becca's POV
It was our last night staying at the hotel before we went back to LA. I was laying in my bed scrolling through tumblr and reposting a bunch of stuff when someone jumped next to me scaring the living daylights out of me. "Holy shit ugh Lauren!" I say as I hold on to my chest. "Sorry for scaring you babe but I'm bored!" She says "Then go FaceTime Mila or something. I'm kinda busy" I say "Uh huh sure busy my ass!" She says I rolled my eyes and continued to look through tumblr. "Oh Come on Bec let's go out and have an adventure or something." She says I look at the time. "At 10 o'clock pm! Lauren there could be murders or kidnappers out there" I say "Do you really think any murderer or kidnapper would scare me?" She says with an eyebrow arched. I sighed in defeat. "Fine just let me go get changed" I say "You're the best!" She says hugging me. I swear sometimes I wonder if she's the adult. I went through my suitcase trying to find a jacket and a beanie since it was pretty cold outside. "Hey Lo have you seen my beanie?" I ask putting on my sweater. "No but here just wear mine" she says tossing me her Stay weird Beanie. I smiled as I put it on. So many memories were made while wearing this Beanie. It reminded me so much of the tour which I missed so much. "Hey Lo when are you guys going on tour again?" I ask "Probably this summer why?" She asks "I just miss it" I say "What the cramped bus? The small bunks?" She asks I nodded "That and all the late night things we would do just goofing off" I say "Yea me too munchkin me too" she says "But hey cheer up you and I are about to make some more memories tonight" I smiled as she took my hand and lead me out of the hotel room. We went to the nearest drug store and grabbed all the food,candy,sodas,energy drinks we could find. We then went to redbox and rented a couple of movies . We even stopped at GameStop and got a couple of games. It was now around 2 am and we were playing Call of Duty. "What the hell are you doing!!!" Lauren yelled at the screen as I threw a grenade at her. "Darling I'd catch a grenade for ya!" She sang as I laughed. "Alright let's go out and get into some trouble" Lauren says pausing the game. She took me by the hand and dragged me out to the hallway. I saw get on one of those things that they put your suitcases on. I pulled out my phone and started taking a snapchat video. "Lauren we're going to get kicked out" I say as I chuckle at her almost slipping and falling. I posted that to my story as well as sent it to the girls. "Push me!" She says "Mom you're insane!" I say "sh I know child now push me" she says "Okay" I say as I started pushing her down the hallway. I pulled my phone back out. "It's official guys Lauren's insane!" I say as I pushed her down the hallway while she was laughing like a maniac. I posted that to my snapchat story as well. "Alright get off it's my turn" I say "We are so getting kicked out of here" She says getting off. I laugh as I got on. I turned the camera torwards me. "Guys this where I die." I say as Lauren pushes me. "Holy shit Lauren!" I say as I hang on for dear life. We took turns on the death machine until we heard security and ran to our hotel. "Update we are currently now in our hotel room being as quiet as possible because we just heard security." I say to the camera as we were both sitting on the floor next to the door. I double tapped the screen showing Lauren looking out of the peephole "They look really confused" she says giggling "Oh shit they saw me!" She says as the snap stops. I posted that as well. We were completely silent until we were sure that they left. Lauren and I posed for a selfie for snapchat. Lauren and Becca 1 Hotel Security 0! I laughed at some of the Harmonizers vines. We were now winding down the night by watching The Little Mermaid and eating ice cream. "Hey Lo?" I ask "Hmm?" She hummed in response "What was your first impression of me?" I asks she smiles probably playing back the memory in her head. "Well I just basically thought 'Who is this kid? She's such a flirt! Oh shit wait she's got my purse!" She says I laughed "Then I saw you in the allyway and you looked so fragile like you were going to break at any second and I just sorta felt some compassion toward you. What about you?" She says "Well I saw you from a distance and I just thought 'Damn she's hot! She's totally into me! Ha sucker!' I turn around 'Oh shit she's onto me!" She laughs as well "I remember running into the allyway and my first instinct was to climb over the fence and I would have made it if my foot hadn't slipped causing my fall. Then when I looked up I just thought 'Oh shit this is it' and then after you said you weren't going to hurt me. I just felt safe and protected like i was going to be okay" I say "You know I'm kinda glad you stole my purse because if you hadn't I wouldn't be as happy as I am today." She says smiling at me. "Yea I'm glad I stole your purse too" I say as we both chuckle and continue to watch the movie. Man what an amazing night!
A/N:Hey guys so here's a pretty random chapter. Lol but hope you guys liked it! Remember to vote and comment love you guys!

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