A Weekend in the woods

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Becca's POV
It was finally the end of the week which meant that it was the weekend!!! Finally two days of sleeping in with no homework,no stress,No bitch ass teachers,no snobby rich kids just me,the gang and the girls. "I'm home!" I called out to the girls as I walked in and dropped my backpack on the ground. "Just the girl we wanted to talk to!" Mani says they all were gathered around in the living room like they were having some sort of meeting. I took a seat next to Dinah as I looked at them with confused eyes. "What's going on?" I ask "Well we kinda need to go to New York to do some promoting for our new album" Ally says "Okay cool so when do we leave?" I ask assuming that I'm going with them "Actually it's just us this time babe" Lauren says "oh" I say kinda sad that I won't be able to spend the weekend with my girls but I mean it's their job plus it's how they put food on the table and I do love food. "Yea but we figured that since you're so close to the Wilson's that they wouldn't mind taking care of you while we're gone" Camila says I rolled my eyes "Guys I'm 17 now I don't need a babysitter" I say "Says the girl who asked me to make her a sandwich" Dinah says "Sandwhiches just taste better when other people make them for you. It's a proven fact!" I say "We know you can take care of yourself baby but you're under 18 so if the cops found out we'd be in jail." Lauren says "Uh huh like the cops are just going to show up one day and say are you alone while you're under the age of 18?" I say sarcastically "It could happen and besides we thought you'd be happy since you'd be spending it with Megan" Ally says teasing me I rolled my eyes "whatever I'll go text them right now to see if it's cool with them" I say going upstairs to my room. I layed on my bed and went to our group chat.
JJJJMB Group Chat
Becca😇😈: Yooooo Wilson kids Lauren wants to know if it's cool if I stay over there for the weekend?
Jamie💯: Well our moms are gonna be out on a business trip that week.
Jake💁🏻:Yea but I say we rent this cabin in the woods for the weekend and have our own little get away!
Becca😇😈: OMG great idea Jake!!!! Do you think your parents could cover for me tho?
Megan😍😍: Yea babe our parents are hella chill!
Jess😝: I'm in I'll just tell my parents I'm spending the night too!
Jeremy🐻: Im in! my parents don't care as long as I come back by the end of the weekend.
Becca😇😈: Awesome sound like a plan I just hope we don't get killed by a serial killer!😱😱😱😱
Jamie💯: Geez do you always have to go for the cliché things!😒😒😒
Becca😇😈: It could happen! It happens in almost every scary movie! If anything I'm gonna be the one to save us all!
Jess😝: Oh please Bec you'd be the first one killed!😂😂😂
Becca😇😈: No I wouldn't! If anything Jake would be the first one down.
Jake💁🏻: Whaaaaat!!!!😫😫😫 No I wouldn't cause Jeremy would protect me!
Jeremy🐻:Yea plus we all know that Megan would be the stupid blonde to go into the closet when the killer is in there!
Megan😍😍: Shut up Jeremy! Just because I'm blonde does not mean I'm stupid!
Becca😇😈:Babe. Yesterday you were so out of it that you said the Spanish word for bathing suit instead of bathroom.
Megan😍😍:Being tired and stupid are not the same things babe! Looks like you're not getting any of this tonight!
Jess😝:Nice going Bec looks like you'll be sleeping on the couch😂😂😂
Becca😇😈:Awwwww come on baby I was kidding I love you!
Megan😍😍:Yea whatever😒😒😒
Megan😍😍:Fine I love you too!
Jamie💯:You guys have a weird relationship..But anyways Bec our moms said they'd cover for you!
Becca😇😈: Awesome I'll go tell Planet Green Eyes right now!
Jake💁🏻:Okay just don't die or anything
Becca😇😈:Lol I'll try not to.
I went over to Lauren's to catch her and Mila in the middle of a make out session. "Oh god close the fucking door!" I say shutting the door as i went back to my room to try to shake the image out of my head.
Becca😇😈: Nevermind I just caught her and Cam having a make out session
Jamie💯: Yassssss the Camren ship sails!!!!
Becca😇😈: *insert me rolling my eyes at you*
Jess😝: Rolling your eyes is very disrespectful!
Becca😇😈: Oh god! Who are you Ms.Parker?
Ms.Parker was our annoying ass choir teacher. She has no idea what she is doing and has no idea how to control teenagers. She says we are so "immature" and "disrespectful". She also says that she's sat in many high school classes where it's dead silent. Bitch what kind of classes have you been in? I'm pretty sure every class in that damn school acts the same as us.
Jess😝: she's so fucking annoying!!
Megan😍😍: and stupid when we were working w/ her today she said we were acting 'a fool' what the hell is that supposed to mean?!?!
Jake💁🏻: Oh my god I know don't even get me started on the whole "Don't use God and Jesus in this class" thing like this is school not church.
Jeremy🐻: I'm just glad we don't have to deal w/ her bullshit tomorrow
Jess😝: Honestly I mean I'd rather have Mrs. Woods than her!
Becca😇😈: IKR although she's probably say to find the deeper meaning of this song and to make a claim about it for homework.
Jess😝:Tru but still it's better than having going over every single little mistake.
Jake💁🏻: Yea I really miss Mrs.Henderson...Man I wish you could have been there Bec!
Jeremy🐻: Yea she was honestly the chilliest teacher ever unlike the homophobic bitch!
That was our nickname for Ms.Parker because anytime any of us start getting all coupley with our significant other she gives us a disgusted look. Once Jess and Jamie just started making out in the middle of class just to piss her off and they both got sent to the Dean. Luckily the dean let them off with a warning.
Megan😍😍:Yea she was like another mom to all of us.
Becca😇😈: She sounds real great from what you guys have told me.
Jamie💯: She was...We all miss her I'm just glad she leaves next year
Jess😝:Yea I just pray to God that the next one doesn't make our life a living hell.
Becca😇😈: Don't let Ms.Parker hear you say that.
Jess😝: Oh shut up! Lmao
We all continued to text into the wee hour of the night until I fell asleep. I can't wait to spend a weekend in the woods with the gang this should be fun!
A/N: Hey guys so looks like the gangs going to have their own mini adventure. Hope you guys liked the chapter! Remember to Vote and comment! Love you guys!

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