House Tour

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Becca's POV
"Alright kid here we are!" Lauren says as we pull up to this huge house. "Whoa you guys live here!" I say taking out my earbuds and looking up at the huge house. "Yup and you do now too!" Ally says smiling at me. I smiled back as we entered the house or I guess my new home. "Okay so Lauren why don't you and the rest of the girls show Becca around while I get dinner started." Ally says. It was mid day by the time we got to the house. The girls lived in a secured area where no paparazzi would ever think to look for them. "Alright come Bec we'll show you around the house first and then we'll show you your room sound good?" Dinah asks "Yea especially since I don't want to get lost" I say laughing "oh I've been there and it's no fun I literally had to call one of the girls to tell them I was lost" Camila says I laughed as they showed me the living room which included some couches a coffee table and a huge tv. "This is where we all just kinda chill. So if you're ever up early most likely this is where one of us will be" Lauren explains I nodded as we turned a corner into what looked like the movie room. It had a popcorn maker and some bean bags and love seats and a projector and a movie screen. "Whoa this place is pretty cool to have its own movie theater" I say my eyes widening "Yea we also have a collection of basically any Disney movie you can think of and then some from all of us growing up." Camila says "Cool so this is where we have movie nights I'm guessing" I say "Yep and trust me there will be plenty of those." Dinah says. "Alright let's sped this process up a bit. So basically there's a pool out back along with a hot tub. All of our rooms are on the second story and the there's the attic on the third" Lauren says leading me to my room "Alright seems simple enough. Whoa." I say walking into my room and looking around. "We hope we didn't over do it. We just wanted you to have everything you would need." Camila says "No its perfect" I say smiling as I looked around I saw a queen sized bed with tons of pillows,a desk with a mirror, a MacBook pro,a new iPhone along with everything else the Normal teenager would need. "Okay well we'll let get settled" Lauren says "Dinner will be ready in 10 and by the way you'll be starting school tomorrow" I turned around once she said that. "Wait what! I thought I wouldn't start til next week" I say "Yea well they wanted you to start as soon as possible. You know how schools are." She says "Yea I guess." I say As she heads downstairs with the rest of the girls. I decided while I'm up here I might as well start unpacking. It was either do it now or its never getting done.
An hour later
"Becca dinners ready!!" I hear Ally say "I'll be in a minute" I say putting the last of my stuff in the drawers. I went downstairs and sat next to Dinah and Camila. "So are you excited for your first day of school tomorrow?" Dinah asks "Eh it's whatever" I say shrugging my shoulders and digging in. "It's not just whatever. These next four years are going to be the best years of your life." Ally says "or its gonna be a place filled with assholes" I mutter but I think Dinah heard me because she was trying to stifle a laugh. "So kid what do you say we go get stuff for your room this weekend?" Lauren asks "Yea sounds good" I say smiling as I finished my food. "Alright well I'll be upstairs if you guys need me" I say heading towards the stairs "Okay but be in bed by ten you need to up early for tomorrow" Lauren says "Okay" I say I decided I would check out the school I was going to since I would be spending some time there. So I went on the school website and clicked on pictures. "Holy shit this school is huge!" I say to myself as I went through the pictures. It looked like they had a bunch of spirt days and that other stuff. Then I went to the student handbook which the rules were mainly basic. Like all phones must be turned off on campus. Even though they all know we keep our phones on silent. No gang related clothing. Blah blah blah. I looked at the time and saw that it was around 9 so I decided I would go see what everyone else was doing. I decided I would go see what Lauren was doing. I knocked on her door since it was closed. "Who is it?" She asked "It's me!" I say "Me? I'm sorry but I don't know a me" she says I rolled my eyes "haha very funny now open up loser." I say she opened the door and I walked in like I it was my room. "Sure come in. Make yourself at home" She says I laugh as I laid on her bed. "What's up babe?" She asks "Nothing just wanted to see what you were doing." I say "oh well as you can see I was watching some Netflix." She says I looked at the tv and sure enough it was on Netflix. "Hm cool!" I say "Yea but that's not the only reason you came in here Is it?" She asks man she knows me too well. "No what if the kids at school don't like me." I say sitting up. "Bec look I'm going to be honest with you. Not everyone in school is going to want to be your friend. There's gonna be assholes and people who stab you in the back, but then there's gonna be people that you will meet who are gonna be your ride or dies. You're going to fall in love you're going to have your heart broken all while having a shit ton of work and pressure in your shoulders but that's a part of growing up. Promise something though will you?" She says "You took me in so I guess I owe you one. So yea sure." I say she chuckles at my way of saying yes. "Promise me, you won't grow up too fast?" She says  "I promise lolo" I say in my baby voice she laughs "come here you!" She says engulfing me in a hug. "I love you,you know that." She says ruffling my hair "yea I know I love  you too." I say smiling "Okay go to bed it's getting late." She says I smile "mkay night lolo" I say laying down and covering myself in blankets. "I meant in your room" she says "But your bed is so comfy and besides it's wierd not sharing a bed with you anymore." I say "Alright but just for tonight" she says laying down with me. She started humming some of Lego House by Ed Sheeran since she knew that would make me go to sleep faster. And it did soon I was off to dreamland. What I didn't realize was that when I woke up I was being sent to a prison AKA school.
A/N: Hey guys so I know this is a filler but the next chapter should be good. Anyway I hope you guys are liking the story. If you guys have any ideas or feedback I'd love to hear from you guys
Well until next time I love you guys

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