The Aftermath

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Becca's POV
"BECCA!!" I heard all the girls screech as I walked into the house. Okay I've got two choices here. One go into the living room and face my fate or Two run upstairs and pretend like nothing happened. I think I'll go with choice two. I ran upstairs only to be met with Dinah Jane Hansen. "Oh hey DJ" I say "Can I just say how good that outfit makes you look" I say "Nice try kid" she says I sigh as I trudge down the stairs. I walk into the living room to find all girls all spread out among the couches. Except for Lauren she was pacing back and forth probably trying to calm herself down. I sat in the middle of Ally and Camila. While DJ joined Mani on the other couch. Lauren turned to face me and her face was a mixture of Anger and Disappointment. "You're school called today." Lauren says in a calm tone that was terrifying. "And?" I asked cautiously. "They said you basically skipped 3 of your classes and just sat in front of the C building with a bunch of other students just to get your choir teacher fired." She says raising her voice "Lauren you don't understand! She's a bitch who had no idea how to teach music and anytime she saw us having fun she'd shut us up real quick. She didn't deserve that job!" I say defending myself. "That's not the way to do it Becca! Have you ever tried talking to the office or your counselor?!" She says "Yes but they wouldn't let me speak all they would was lecture me about how 'she's trying her best' or 'Just give her a chance' they'd never listen to me! This was the only way we were ever going to be heard. And it was a silent protest so it's not like we were disturbing any of the other classes. This was between the choir teacher and the choir students." I say "Okay look babe I get it you were just trying to get your voice heard but you should've at least told us about this. I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to take your phone. You're grounded." Lauren says "What! But I didn't even do anything wrong!" I say now standing. "Rebecca give me your phone now!" Lauren says "No! I will not give you my phone! This is bullshit! You tell you're all the time to let their voices be heard and now what you're doing is the exact opposite of that! You're shutting my ideas down just like everyone else." I say my hands balling into fists. "Becca-" Camila says softly trying to grab a hold of my hand. "No!" I say pulling my hand away from her. I saw a look of hurt in her eyes as I marched over to where Lauren was. "You know something Lauren I thought out of anyone you would be the one saying how proud you are of me for standing up for something I believed in. But no all you did was make me sit in a chair and listen to you say how wrong I was for letting my voice be heard. I thought you were different Lauren I thought you cared but in reality you're just like everyone else!" I say as I ran out not caring where I ended up. I ran for what seemed like hours until I came across a near by lake. I sat down on the grass and just watched the ducks swim on the lake. "Hey stranger." I hear someone say I look up to see none other than Demi Lovato. "Demi? What are you doing here?" I ask "I could ask you the same thing." She says sitting down next to me. I sighed it's a long story. "I've got time." She says I started from the beginning telling her all about Ms.Parker and how she was a horrible teacher up until the events that happened today. "Damn kid. How did you survive all that?" She asks. "I honestly don't know. It all seems like such a blur now. I'm just glad she's gone." I say she nods. "The girls tell me you got into a fight with Lauren?" She says I sigh "Yea turns out she doesn't exactly agree with my actions today." I say "Well you did skip 3 classes today babe. Look I get where you're coming from but I also get where Lauren's coming from. Lauren was just heated in the moment and so were you. You both said things you didn't mean. Now that the argument is over it's time to find a solution don't you think?" She says I sat there for a moment not knowing what to say because she was right. "Come on I'll give you a ride back home." She says getting off the ground. "Hey Demi?" I say getting up "Yea?" She says looking at me. "How'd you know I'd be here?" I ask "This is where I'd go if I had just had a fight with someone I cared about." She says I nodded as I got into her car. She drove me back to the fifth harmony residence and walked me up to the door. I rang the doorbell and was met with a worried Ally. "Oh thank God you're safe!" She says pulling me into a hug I hugged her back as she thanked Demi. I saw Camila,Dinah and Normani too so I went to give them a hug as well. "How mad is she?" I ask Camila. "She's more worried then mad. Go talk to her." She says I nodded as I went upstairs. I knocked on her door and waited for a response. "Go away!" I heard her shout. "Mom it's me." I say there's a moment of silence and then the door opens. I look up to see her emerald green eyes staring into my blue ones. Her eyes were puffy and her nose was red. I didn't mean to make her cry. She pulls me in for a hug and kisses my forehead. "Don't ever do that again. I'm so glad you're home and safe." She says "I'm sorry mom. I know what I did was wrong. Take my phone I don't care. I overreacted and made a big deal out of nothing." I say tears streaming down my face. "No you did nothing wrong Babygirl if anything I'm the one who should be apologizing. You were right I was being a hypocrite. You just were practicing what I preach. Which is something that I should have realized." She says "So we cool?" I asks she chuckles "We cool" she says "Yay! Group hug!" Camila says as she joins our little moment. "I could not have asked for a better girlfriend or a better daughter." Lauren says wrapping one arm around Camila's shoulders and putting the other around my waist. "Smile Jauregui-Cabello family!" We hear Dinah say as she takes a picture of all of us. I smile in that moment I could not have asked for better moms. I heard a gasp from Camila. I look up to see her smile widen as she attacks me with kisses. "Whoa was it something I said." I say laughing as I see Dinah and Lauren both laugh and nod. I guess I said that outloud then. "I love you princess" Camila Says i smile. "I love you too Momma." I say content and happy with my life.
A/N:Hey guys so sorry I have not updated in the longest time! It's finally Summer. So I'm thinking about ending this soon since I feel like it's kinda dragging. So if you guys want any cute or dramatic stuff to happen leave them in the comments. Okay love you guys!

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