First Date

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Becca's POV
Holy fucking shit! I'm going on a date with Megan today. What the hell am I going to do? What if I say the wrong things what if I make a complete fool out of myself? What the hell was I thinking ugh! Can I just go back to fucking people whenever I wanted to. I mean it was pretty simple. We flirt then fuck then on to the next. No Bec stay calm you got this. As I looked at the outfit that the girls put together for me in the mirror I started getting more nervous. This is my first real date that I'm not getting fucked after. I was wearing a simple outfit. I had some combat boot with ripped skinny jeans along with a white tee that had a cross on it along with a leather jacket.  I also added a beanie that said badass on it. "Okay here we go." I say as I head downstairs. "Awww guys our little Bec is going on her first date!" Camila teases I rolled my eyes. "Alright so you know where your going?" Lauren asks "Yea I know where to go. Thanks for the idea" I say hugging her. "No problem kid it's what I'm here for" she says smiling "Alright go get her Bec the Mecca ship must continue to sail" Dinah says I roll my eyes at her as I said Goodbye to the rest of the girls. "Remember be back by 10" Ally says "Got It. I gotta go through. Bye love you" I say as I hear a chorus of 'love you too's' I walked down the street to the Wilson house hold. I knocked on the door and Jamie opened the door. "Perfect timing Bec we were just talking about you" she says smiling inviting me inside. Immediately I saw two women who looked to be in their late 20s early 30s. One was a brunette the other was blonde and they both looked very kind. "Becca it's nice to finally meet you. We've heard so much about you." The blonde one says "It's nice to finally meet you too Mrs.Wilson and you too Mrs.Wilson" I say smiling at both of them. "Oh please call me Jen and this is my lovely wife Rebecca" she says I scrunched up my face. "That's so weird my name is also Rebecca" I say laughing "Well I guess Megan didn't fall that far from the tree" Jen says as Megan blushes "Mom you're embarrassing me" she says as I chuckle "sorry honey" Jen says "Okay well we expect her back by 9:30" Rebecca says "That's perfect! Alright Megan lets get going" I say smiling "Okay bye mom bye mama" she says kissing both of them on the cheek. We walked out the door hand in hand. "So will you tell me where we are going?" She asks "Well you know the fair in town?" I ask "you mean the one I've been dying to go to" she says I smile and pulled out two day passes. "Oh my god best first date ever!" She says hugging me "Well you can thank Lauren later since she gave me the idea but let's go." I say as we walk to the fair we played 20 questions to get to know each other better. "So let me get this straight you're from New York but you don't like hot dogs?" She asks I nod "I've never liked them. I just always think of dogs when people mention them and it makes me want to throw up." I say as we approach the gates to the fair grounds. We gave the man at the front our tickets and went in. "Okay what do you want to da first?" I ask "hmmm lets go on the bumper cars!" She says "Okay" I say smiling. We each got into one and waited until the girl said we could go. Let's just say I would be a horrible driver. She literally bumped into more times than I could count. "Oh my god I wish you Good luck on your drivers test" Megan says laughing as we got off "Yea yea keep laughing" I say a bit annoyed that I didn't bump into people as many times as I wanted to. "Oh my god babe look at that Panda!" She says wait did she just say babe I must be hearing things. "Will you get it for me please Bec!" She begs with her puppy eyes "Okay okay what do I have to do?" I say "Just knock down those pins and you get anything from the top" the guy says alright simple enough. I gave him the money and he gave me three baseballs. I threw the first one and missed. I threw the second one and knocked the top one off. "There's no way you can knock those 2 down" the guy says "is that a challenge?" I ask "why yes it is" he says I smirk "tell you what. I knock these two down and I get a free ride on the Ferris wheel" I say "and what do I get?" He asks "We take over your shift for the rest of the night" I say he smirks "Deal" he says "Bec what are you doing. It's clearly rigged." Megan whispers "it may be but I've got a couple of tricks up my sleeve." I say I aimed for the spot right in between the pins and threw as hard as I could. By some miracle the pins were knocked over. "Alright a deals a deal" he says handing me two free passes for the Ferris wheel. "Wait the panda please" I say nicely he hands me the panda that Megan wanted and I hand it to her. We decided to ride the Ferris wheel at the end considering it was only 7. So we rode a couple more rides and did a couple of more games. Ate two whole funnle cakes by ourselves. Then after the funnle cakes had been digisted of course we went on the Ferris wheel. "I'm so excited I've always wanted to go on one of these ever since I was a kid" Megan says "I know me too" I say as we sat in one of the benches of the Ferris wheel. We went all the way to the top and then it stopped. "Wow look at this view!" I say taking my phone out and taking a picture of the whole fair. I added it to the slideshow thing for photography. "Take a selfie with me please" Megan begs "oh alright" I say we take a selfie of both of us making goofy faces with the fair behind us. When we saw the picture we both laughed. "That's so going in my slideshow" she says chuckling. I looked at her as she typed something on her phone and just studied every little thing about her the way she flipped her hair out of her face,the way her eyes lit up when she looked at the view. She soon began to shiver so I took off the jacket that I was wearing and put it around her. That seemed to grab her attention because she turned to me as I had my arm around her. I looked into those hazel eyes that we're starting into my crystal blue ones. She put her hand under my chin and I cupped her check and we both leaned in until our lips met. It felt so incredible it was like nothing else in the world. It was like I was addicted to her lips and I couldn't get enough of them. When we finally pulled back our seat was back to the ground so we both got off. "Well it looks like if we want to get home on time we better start heading back now" I say considering it was close to 9 and it took about 20 minutes to get back home. "Okay but I wanna ask you something first" she says "Okay" I say turning to face her my eyes widen as she gets down on one knee and people start to gather around us. "Rebecca Nicole Jauregui although we have only known each other a few weeks" she begins people start to gasp probably thinking she was crazy "hey hey let me continue" she says that's something I've always liked about her is that she always spoke her mind I smiled as she turned back to me. "Anyway as I was saying although we have only known each other for a short amount of time I think it's time to take this relationship to the next level. So will you Rebecca Nicole Jauregui be my girlfriend?" She asks I smile as I looked into her eyes "Yes I would love to be your girlfriend Megan Angel Wilson" I say she stands back up and kisses me and I of course kiss back as my arms wrapped around her neck and hers around my waist we depended the kiss until someone coughed so we pulled back and laughed as some people applauded while others were just being big ignorant dicks. After that we walked back to our street hand in hand when we reached her house we stopped and I turned to face her. She smiled at me and but her lip as I blushed. "You're cute when you blush you know that?" She asks I looked down as I blushed even more as she chuckles. I looked back up at her as she says "I had a really nice time tonight. Thank you. Looks like it's my turn though." She says "are you saying there's a second date?" I ask she smirks "possibly" she says I roll my eyes and look back at her. "I had a really nice time too" I say she leans in to kiss my cheek and whispers "Goodnight Becca" and walks into her house while I am left there with this goofy smile on my face. I walked home and I was instantly greeted with a shit ton of questions I was ready to answer. As the night continued I went up to my room and just thought about the events that happened today and smiled. I couldn't wait to see what the future held in store for me.
A/N:Awwwww so Becca had her very first real first date and it was cute let me know what you guys thought of it. Anyways you guys know the drill. Vote,Comment and all that other fun stuff okay well I love you guys

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