Going to Court

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Becca's POV
It's been a couple of weeks and I still haven't gone back to school. Everyone understands why though. My friends have been over a couple of times to try to cheer me up and it works sometimes. I've put a lot of distance between Megan and I. After what had happened I haven't kissed her or held her hand or did anything of affection. I guess I'm just scared. "Becca?" I hear Lauren's voice as she knocks on my bedroom door. "It's time sweetie" I sigh and opened the door. "You ready?" She asks "Yea I just hope that bitch gets thrown in jail for good." I say smiling weakly she smiles back hugs me "Me too Baby" she says kissing my forehead. We went downstairs and met up with all the other girls. All of them were coming for support. Rafael Barba another friend of Olivia's is my Lawyer in this case and we went through the questions that he was going to ask me yesterday. It was scary being on the stand since I've never really have been in a trial but Rafael and Olivia helped and reassured me. Once we got to the Court House we met with Olivia and her Partner Nick as well as Rafael. "You ready for today?" Olivia asks I take a deep breath and nod. "Ready as I'll ever be." I say "Is it okay if we take her inside. We need to speak with her for a few moments" Nick says "Of course" Lauren says I turn to look at her and she smiles tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Good Luck Baby. You're going to be okay" she reassures me as we hug and I gave the rest of the girls a small smile as I followed my lawyer and the detectives inside. "Alright before we step in we want you to know that Maria is going to be in there." Nick says instantly terror takes over my body as I look over at Olivia and look into her brown eyes. "Look it's going to be okay Sweetheart. We won't let her near you so there's no need to be afraid. Just tell the court exactly what happened and if you need to just look at me okay?" She says I nodded "Are you ready Becca?" Rafael asks i nodded as we walked in. I took my seat next to Rafael as Maria and her Lawyer were standing up. "In the charge of Kidnapping and Rape of the first degree how would the defendant like to plead?" The judge asks "Not Guilty your honor" Maria's Lawyer says "Very well Mr.Barba please bring your first witness to the stand." The judge says. A couple of the neighbors decided to testify to say what they heard and saw and then it was my turn. I placed my hand on the bible and my other in the air. "Do you swear to tell the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth." The officer says I nodded I took my seat and looked around the room. My eyes met with each of the girls,The detectives that I've come to know and Maria. Her dark brown eyes filled with lust and not an inch of Guilt. She smirks at me but I look away in disgust. Then I'm met with Olivia's brown eyes and she gives me a small smile which brings me strength and confidence. "Becca would you like to tell the Jury what happened to you the day Maria kidnapped you?" Rafael asks pulling me out of my thoughts. I nodded "Well I had just gotten out of school when my friends and I spotted Maria. She was there because some girls did cocaine in the girls locker room." I say pausing to take a deep breath in. "Um Her dog started barking and that's when she stopped us she searched through our bags and found a plastic bag filled with white powder in mine." I say "Did you put it in there?" He asks "No I haven't done any drugs of that sort in months." I say "Continue" he says "Well she arrested me and told me my rights but she didn't take me to the police station." I say "Where did she take you?" Rafael asks "I don't know the exact location but the house was small and pretty beat up." I say he nods as I went on and told the jury about how I contacted my mom and then how Maria had raped me and did some other horrible things to me. "Thank you Becca that is all for me your honor" Rafael says as he took a seat. He locked eyes with me and he gave me a look as if to say 'Be Strong' I nodded as Maria's Lawyer came up to ask me some questions. "Becca is it?" He asks "Yes" I say "I've heard that you were in a gang." He says as Rafael yells Objection. "Sustained" The judge says "Yes I was in a gang but I was only in it because it got me off the streets" I say "In this gang,You must've had sexual relationships right?" "Objection. Your honor my client really would not like to talk about this" Rafael says "Sustained. Mr.Barba" the judge says I look over at Olivia and she gives me a look as if to say it's okay. "Okay yes I had sexual relationship but I wasn't thinking. I grew up in that kind of environment so I thought that was normal" I explain "Did any of those people have any sort of kinks? Cuffing you to the bed? Tying you up? Maybe even hitting you?" He asks "Objection your Honor Becca told me specifically that she did not want to talk about her past" Rafael says "Very well Jury will dismiss" the judge says. "So what makes any of those sexual relationships that you had in the gang different from what Maria did to you. I mean this could've just been some fun you were having with her." Maria's Lawyer says smirking that's when I lost it. "The difference is I wasn't screaming in pain I wasn't begging for the person to stop I didn't have tears streaming down my face hell half of the sexual relationships I had I was either drunk or high or sometimes both but the only reason I had sex with those people was to survive. I had no other choice and I had no family none. Up until this point my life was anything but stable. I did whatever I had to do to just live. Maria knows what she did to me and she deserves to go to jail for all the pain and fear she's caused me. I haven't been sleeping well because of the nightmares. I don't go to school in fear that everyone will call me a slut. I can't even kiss my girlfriend without thinking about Maria." I say basically venting to the jury. I was in tears by the end. "No further questions your honor" he says I step down from the stand and leave the court room since I don't see why I'll need to be there anymore. I go to the bathroom as hot tears make their way down my face and my hands start shaking. Shit I start to take in shaky breaths but nothing helps. I need Lauren. "Becca?" I hear someone say and I look up to see Lauren "Baby look at me deep breaths" she says realizing what was happening she crouched in front of me and took my hand in hers. As I started to calm down I chocked on a couple of sobs until she pulled me in for a hug. That's when I just broke down and let myself feel all the emotions I had been feeling since Maria had kidnapped me. Fear,Anxiety,Sadness,Anger. All of it and Lauren was there through it all. Once I had calmed down again she had pulled back but she was still holding me. "You ready to go back baby?" She asked I nodded "oh and mom" I say she smiled "Yea baby" she says "You don't have to avoid calling me 'Babygirl' it won't trigger memories. I appreciate your concern though" I say she kisses my forehead "I love you Babygirl" she says I smiled "I love you too mom" I say we returned to the courtroom and it looks like the jury had just gotten back. "Has the jury come to a conclusion?" The judge asks "We have your honor" a jury guy says "On the charge of kidnapping we find the defendant guilty and on the charge of Rape in the first degree we find the defendant guilty" he says a smile spreads across my face. "Ms.Martinez I sentence you to 20 years in prison with no bail fee" the judge says as the cops take Maria away. I go to hug Rafael. "Thank you so much for everything" I say "You're welcome" he says smiling I go and hug the girls who are all now in hysterical. I went over to the detectives and thanked them. I saved the best for last. "Hey Becca" Olivia says smiling at me. "Hey I wanted to say thank you so much for everything. If it hadn't been for you Maria probably would have never been behind bars and I'd probably wouldn't be back with my mom" I say smiling "Bec you did all of that I just helped. You keep being that strong girl that I know you are and keep speaking your mind you never know maybe someday you'll join my squad" she says smiling I hug her and she gives me a tight squeeze. For once in the 3 weeks since I had gotten kidnapped I no longer feel like the victim. I feel like a survivor.
A/N: Hey guys so here's another chapter. Hope you guys liked it. Don't forget to Vote and Comment. Love you guys!

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