You Can't Do That!

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Becca's POV
It was getting close to the end of the school year which meant summer was almost here. Sadly Jake and Jeremy would be graduating soon so that meant that we only had a few weeks left together. But luckily they are going to the college in town so we'll still get to see them. "Babe get up its time to go to school!!!" Lauren says turning the on the lights in my room. "Nooo get away!" I say pulling the covers over my head. "Come on babygirl don't make me go under there to get you" she says which caused me to hiss at her. "Did you just hiss at me?" She asks which caused me to giggle but I just did it again. "Okay you asked for it. Mila!!!" She called out for her girlfriend. "What's up babe?" I heard Mila say "help me get Becca up before we are late." Lauren says trying to get under the covers but failing miserably. "I've got an idea." Mila says I hear them whispering and then all of a sudden I feel both side of the bed dip and then I'm being tickled by Camren. "Okay okay I'm up!" I say through my laughing fit. "Good now get dressed you're going to be late!" Lauren says ruffling my hair. I rolled my eyes at her as I got out of bed and got into a Ed Sheeran t-shirt that I had gotten at a concert that I went to with the girls. I also put on some ripped jeans and chucks. After doing everything I do in the mornings I slid down the stairs and landed safely on the ground. "Rebecca Nicole Jauregui! How many times have I told you not to do that! You could get hurt!" Lauren says going full mom mode on me. "Sorry mom but it's so much easier to get downstairs. "Let the kid have some fun Ralph!" DJ says "Hey I do let her have fun! What am I just supposed to let her break her arm?!?!" Lauren says "Yes!" Dinah and I say at the same time which causes Lauren to roll her eyes. "Anyway are you and the gang going to Taco Bell for breakfast?" She asks "Yup! And guys don't forget our concert is this Friday!" I say before I head out. "We won't! Love you!" They chorused "Love you too losers!" I say as I shut the door. I went down the street to see if the Wilson kids were ready.  I knocked on the door to be greeted with Jamie "Hey kid! Schools almost over are you excited!?" She says "Hell yeah I am!" I say smiling "I knew I recognized that voice!" I turned to see Rebecca "Hey Mini me how've you been Hun?" She asks giving me a hug "I'm great thanks how are you Mrs.Wilson?" I ask "How many times do I have to tell you just call me Rebecca. And I'm doing fine." She says with her famous smile "Alright. Is Jen still in Sacramento?" I ask "Yes she is but she'll be back tomorrow" She says I nod "Baaaaabbbbeeee!!" I hear that melodic voice call out for me. "Yeeeesss???" I say catching her She kisses me and smiles "Good Morning Beautiful!" She says smiling "Morning to you too gorgeous!" I say kissing again making her laugh. "Ewwww can you guys stop being so cute!!!" Jamie says "Hey at least we're not as bad as you and Jess" I say as Jamie stuck out her tongue at me. "Did I hear my name?" Jess says coming down the stairs. "Speak of the Devi and the Devil shall appear." Megan says causing me to chuckle. "Just these two being annoying like always babe" Jamie says as we both stuck out our tongues at them. "Real mature guys" Jake says appering in a tux. "Wow what's with the suit James Bond?" I ask "Ha Ha very funny" he says rolling his eyes. "My English teacher is making me dress up for presentations today." He explains. "So glad we don't have to do that." Jess says to me "Yea but he got an awesome teacher and we got a bitchy one remember?" I say "Yeah but there's some perks to having a bitchy teacher." She says "True!" I say agreeing with her. "You didn't forget about me did you?" Jeremy says popping his head in. "Of course not babe!" Jake says kissing him. "Damn Wilson you're looking hot!" Jeremy says "You're not so bad yourself Martinez" Jake says "Alright enough with the love fest we gotta go!" Jess says being the more responsible out of all of us. "Alright bye mom!" Jamie says as the other kids said goodbye as well. "Bye be safe!" Rebecca called as we started walking to school. We grabbed our breakfast then Megan and I raced to Spanish. "Wilson,Jauregui you're late!" Mr.Perez says just as we walked "We know." We say at the same time as we head to the back of the class. He glared at us then continued with the lesson. We both laughed as we ate while taking notes. The day went by as usual. Jake and I payed no attention whatsoever in Math and just listened to music. Singing a bit too loud. Jamie and I goofed off in Biology and gave Mr.H some grief. Jess and I basically just talked about how much we hated our English teacher. Megan,Jeremy and I goofed off in photography taking stupid pictures around campus. Now we were in the class we all dreaded the most. Choir. Ms.Parker made us do the usual annoying warm ups. And as usual Anna and her group refused to do anything when we were rehearsing for our last concert of the year. "You know it'd actually be nice for once If you guys helped out our section" I say getting pissed since This other girl and I were basically carrying the soprano section. "Look we already know these fucking annoying as shit songs so why don't you go back to being the goody two shoes that you are and sing." Anna says "Or are you just gonna copy me again?" My fists were clenching and unclenching I swear I would've punched right there and then but I felt arms wrap around me and my girlfriend's voice telling me to calm down. "And it's your girlfriend to the rescue cause you can't fight your own battles." I hear Anna say as her friends laugh. "Hey hey hey. Babe look at me don't look at them. Breathe it's going to be okay." Megan says I nod taking in deep breaths calming myself down. "Megan go back to your seat I need to talk to the whole class." Voldemort says "I gotta go." She says I nod understanding. "Alright well I've made up my mind. You guys are just not ready for a concert! The sopranos are way too pitchy and the altos are either too fast or too slow. So I'm sorry to say but there will be no spring concert!" She says but you could totally tell she wasn't sorry. "What!!" We all say "I know I'm sorry" she says "No don't say your sorry! Sorry isn't going to fix it! We've got Seniors that have been waiting all year long for this one moment!" Jamie says "Yea you can't do this!" Jake says "If you do. We'll protest!" Jeremy says "Ha and just how are you going to do that?" She says "Do Not Underestimate us. We are capable of anything we set our minds to and if you don't believe in us then maybe someone in the office will!" I say just as the bell rang. We all walked out pissed as hell. "Alright all choir kids. Listen up! Tomorrow at the beginning of school lets all meet up here and sit right outside of the C Building. Don't go to any of your classes we are protesting this bullshit and getting that bitch fired!" I yell as everyone cheers in response. "Do you really think this could work?" Jamie asks "Yea what if we get in trouble?" Megan asks "They can't write us all up! Cmon guys we gotta do something!" I say "she's got point guys." Jeremy says "Yea and who knows guys this could be one for the history books." Jake says "Alright I'm in" Megan says "Yea me too anything to get that bitch fired." Jamie says "Jess?" I say "Fine! We better not get our asses expelled" She says "Alright then whatever you do. Don't tell your parents cause I'm sure they will march to our school and drag us to first period." I say "Deal" they all say "Alright then let's do this thing!" Jake says putting his hand in the middle of our little huddle. Next was Jeremy then Jamie and Jess Then Megan and I. "Fuck it!" We all shouted that's become our thing. The day continued as usual but once I got home I didn't go straight upstairs to do my homework instead I went upstairs to write some chants. The group chat was blowing up with pictures. Tomorrow could either go really well or take a turn for the worst. Either way it's going to be one hell of a day.
A/N: Hey guys so sorry it's been a while. But I'm back hopefully I'll start writing more with Summer approaching. Okay well I've got another book out right now guys. It's called She's a Criminal and it's a Demi fanfic and it would really mean a lot to me if you guys checked it out. Okay well Vote and Comment. Love you guys!

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