
436 10 1

Becca's POV
It was starting to get really close to the end of the year. Which meant that people would start asking other people to Prom and some already have. Jeremy had the whole Football team rush out during the cheerleaders practice after school holding up the letters that spelled Will You Go To Prom With Me
Jeremy had the question mark as well as a rose. Of Course Jake said yes. Jamie at the championship game which we won by the way thanks to Jess who caught the last ball that we needed to get a player out. As Jamie was holding up the trophy she literally just gazed into Jess' eyes and said "Prom?" And Jess said "Fuck Yeah!" Then they made out. I was planning on asking Megan soon but I just had to come up with something. "Morning babygirl!" I hear Lauren say as she kisses my cheek pulling me out of my thoughts. "Morning mom. Um so hey mom?"  I say putting my bowl in the sink. "Yea?" She asks "Prom's is in a couple of weeks and I was wondering if I could go with you know my girlfriend her siblings and their partners." I say "Yes but you all have to be here to take awkward prom pictures!" She says "Seriously!" I say "Yes now go you're gonna be late!" Lauren says rushing me out of the door. That was weird it's only 6:30 and I usually leave at 6:45. Well alright then. I went down the street to meet up with the gang and we walked to school. "So you ready for our Spanish Final?" Megan asks me. "I'm pretty sure I'm gonna Ace that shit! You?" I say "I'll pass for sure thanks to you" she says kissing my check sending butterflies into my stomach. I smile I have been over multiple times to help her study. "Well come on let's try not to be late so that way Mr.Perez won't mark us absent again" Megan says "Again wasn't my fault I had to go to the bathroom." I say laughing as she rolls her eyes. We say Goodbye to our friends then go off to start our day. The day goes on as usual except for when lunch comes around. "What the hell is going on?" I ask as I see a bunch of screaming people running out to the football field. "I don't know let's go find out." Jess says as we head over to where all the people are running to. We somehow manage to meet up with everyone else. Except Megan. "Where's Megan?" I ask Jamie "Hell if I know she took off after History." She says I nodded. I looked in front and it looks like they had set up a stage. Wait the background looks a lot like the girls' background weird. I decided to Snapchat it to Lauren.
Well this is awkward. Someone's copying your style😂😂😂
She opened but she never responded. "Weird." I say to myself "Hello Everyone!" A very familiar voice says I look up and my jaw drops as I see Camila followed by Lauren Followed by Ally Followed by Dinah Followed by Normani on the stage. The whole school starts cheering. "We hope you don't mind but we'd like to perform a couple of songs for you guys. Is that okay?" Lauren asks again cheers. "Alright then! Let's hit it!" Dinah says as the music starts. They perform Work From Home,All in My Head and Worth It. "Alright Thanks you guys!" Mani says as the girls take a sip of water.  "Alright we have one more song for you guys but I'd like to bring up someone special." Lauren says winking at me Here We Go "Please give a warm Welcome to my daughter Becca!" Big Rob came over to where I was and helped me get over the barrier thing. Once I was on stage I hugged all the girls and stood in between Lauren and Camila. "So we have a little suprise for you Munchkin!" Camila says handing me a Guitar. "We want you to play Lego House on the Guitar while we sing it. Is that okay with you?" Lauren says "Hell yeah!" I say putting the strap over my head. "Alright then let's do it!" Ally says excitedly. I start to play the chords as Mani begins to sing the first part of the song.
I'm gonna pick up the pieces and build a Lego House if things go wrong we can knock it down.
Now Dinah.
But three words have two meanings there's one thing on my mind it's all for you
She looked over at me and smiled and I smiled back.
And it's dark and cold December but I got you to keep me warm. If you're broken I will mend ya and I'll keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on.
"Sing this with me princess!" Camila says holding the mic in front of the both of us. I shrugged so I just decided to sing.
I'm out of touch I'm out of luck I'll pick you up when you're getting down and out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now I'm out of sight I'm out mind I'll do it all for you in time and out of all these things I've done I will love you better now.

Lauren came over and put her arm around me while she sang her part she even bopped my nose when she sang
And put you on a wall

Ally sang her part and I was mostly paying attention to her but out of the corner of my eye I saw a blonde. Once Ally was done I looked to my left but I didn't see Camila again my jaw dropped. Megan was standing there with a mic in her hand.
I'm out of touch I'm out of luck I'll pick you up when you're getting down and out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now I'm out of sight I'm out of mind I'll do it all for you in time and out of all these things I've done I think love you better now.
I for sure had tears in my eyes when I saw the girls gather around Megan holding up signs that spelt out Prom?
I smiled and just started nodding my head as I kissed Megan. "So I'm guessing that's a yes?" She says "it's a yes and Damn it you beat me to it!" I say playfully pushing her as I hugged the girls. "You guys knew didn't you." I say to Lauren "We'd be lying if we said we didn't." She says laughing "Babe our Princess is going to Prom!" Camila says "I know they grow up so fast!" Lauren says wiping a fake tear from her eye. "Shut up dorks!" I say hugging them. "Thank you babe I could not have asked for a better promposal." I say "Anything for you baby!" She says kissing me and it was starting to get heated until Lauren cleared her throat and made the 'I'm watching you' sign to Megan as we both laughed. Man what a weird but awesome sauce day!
A/N: Alright so hope you guys enjoyed this chapter like I said this Story is going to end in the next couple of chapters so if you want to see anything else. Then Hmu! lol okay love you guys!

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