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Becca's POV
I was 12 or 13 at the time and i had just gotten back from one of my regular runs and I just wanted to head to bed. I gave my money to Drew and went up the stairs only to be met with the brown eyes that belonged to Sabrina. "Hey baby I've been waiting for you to get back" she says smirking at me while getting closer. Usually I would have flirted back but I just did double the work that I usually did. "Not right now Sabrina I'm tired and I just want to sleep." I say but she pushed me up against the wall and started kissing me roughly. I shoved her off me "What the hell Sabrina?!!?! What don't you understand about me being tired!! I just did double the work I would usually do!! I'm tired as fuck and all you want to do is fuck me!" I say angry "Shut up you bitch! You're one to talk!! I save your ass off the streets and have taken many beatings for you and I get this as thanks! Last time I checked I always get thanked wether you like it or not!" She says that's when she grabbed a roped and pushed me into the bed and tied me onto it. That's the first time she raped me. And it wasn't the last.
"Bec wake up it's okay your safe" I heard someone say as I woke up. I opened my eyes and saw Jamie laying next to me. I hadn't realized I was crying until I noticed the tears running down my face. She immediately pulled me into a hug and let me cry into her shoulder. I know what you're thinking 'why didn't I run away earlier?' Well what was I gonna do live on the streets with no food? Hell no! I mean I could've died out there. At least in the gang I was feed and healthy for the most part. "Where's everyone else?" I ask once I had calmed myself down. "They all went out to get breakfast and I guess we were still asleep so they didn't want to wake us" Jess explains I nodded then I looked down remembering the events that took place last night. "Hey are you okay Bec? I saw what happened last night" Jess says pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yea I'm fine." I lied getting out of her grasp and sitting up. She looked at me with her eyebrows raised as if to say 'Really?' I rolled my eyes "I'm fine okay. Look I'm gonna take a shower and then when I get back we can go out and find the others alright?" I say "Okay" she says sighing. I grabbed the clothes that Jamie had put out for me and went into the bathroom. As I turned the water on stripped more memories from my past kept flooding my mind. I shook the memories away and got into the shower. I don't handle emotions well. I either explode if I'm pissed or have a panic attack if I think of anything bad that has happened to me. That's why I try really hard to hide my feelings from anyone especially from the ones I love because I'm afraid I'll end up hurting them or that they'll think I'm a freak and loose them. Once I was done with my shower and had felt a little better I put on my clothes and went out to meet Jamie. "Hey Jess just texted me saying they are at Waffle House with the girls. They said to meet them over there." She says I nodded as I adjusted my beanie that said Kid in white letters. "Hope you like it. It was your Christmas present but it looked good with the outfit." She says "Yea I love it dude!" I say as we head out of the room and towards the elevator. The walk to Waffle House was pretty quiet which I had no problem with since I had to figure things out in my head. As we went into the Waffle House I was greeted with a hug from Lauren I tensed up since I'm still a little shaken up. "How you feeling babe?" She asks that immediately triggered yet another memory.
It was the morning after Sabrina had raped me. I guess it was a normal thing to get raped here since no one came to help me. I took my usual shower and went downstairs. I saw Sabrina and she smirked at me she came up to me and pushed me against the wall. "How you feeling babe? A little sore I bet." She says "looks like Sabrina and the kid had a rough night in the sheets last night" Derek says winking at us "hmmm maybe next time you can join us" Sabrina says. I got out of her grasp and grabbed an apple. I went to Drew  "How much?" I ask "1,000 by 7 PM"  he says I nodded and was out the door.
End of Flashback
"You okay babe?" I hear Lauren ask pulling me back into reality. "Huh? Yea fine" I say going to sit down with every one else. "Well it looks like my sleepy beauty has awakened from her slumber" Megan says smiling. "No actually I'm sleep walking and I can only be awakened by a true loves kiss." I say smirking at her "oh right" she says kissing me on the lips "Nope didn't work Lauren?" I say jokingly "In your dreams kid" she says smirking at me oh no another flashback. I shook it off and went back to eating when I got a text.
From Sabrina..
Had fun w/ you last night babe. Too bad we couldn't finish our fun but next time 😉
That text was the thing that set me off. "Excuse me" I say excusing myself from the table. I went outside and made sure no one else was watching so that way I could call Sabrina.
S:Hey babe
I could hear her smirking from the phone.
B:Don't call me that
S:But I thought you liked it baby
B:I did but I was stupid to think that you actually cared about me it was all an act wasn't it?
I could feel my blood boiling by now.
S:No no Bec it wasn't-
B:Save it! And all this time I actually thought there was someone in the world who cared. But I guess that's not true! My parents never cared,Not Derek,Not Anyone from the gang, Not even you! No one cares!
S:Bec that's not-
B:No I'm done with you! Never try to contact me again because I meant it when I said I was never going back there! Goodbye Sabrina.
S:Becca wait.
I hung up before she could say anything else. I blocked her number and then just sat on the curb. I hadn't noticed I was crying until I saw that my vision was getting blury. That's when I felt someone wrap their arm around me. I jumped at first but then I relaxed once I saw that it was Camila. "Bec why are you crying?" She asks I shook my head and just buried my head in her chest. She wrapped her arms around me pulling me into a tight hug. "S-she used me. S-she didn't care. N-no one d-does." I say through my sobs. "Hey that's not true. I care about you and so does Lauren,Dinah,Normani,and Ally. Megan loves you like crazy. And so does Jake,Jeremy,Jess,and Jamie and the list goes on. Who made you think that no one cared?" She asks I sighed as I looked into her chocolate brown eyes I couldn't lie to her. So I guess I had to spill my guts. "It was Sabrina." I say she looked at me confused. "That's someone from the gang you were in." She says I nodded I knew I was gonna in so much trouble for this but it was better than holding it all in. So I told her everything leaving no details out. "Oh my god. Bec I'm so sorry." She says hugging me "wait you're not mad?" I ask "of course not i mean I'm mad about you guys sneaking out but you did the right thing by telling me about Sabrina. Look I'll fill Lauren and the girls in about what happened and you most likely be grounded for a month and get a lecture from planet green eyes but you'll live...Hopefully.." She says making me laugh. "Thanks Mila. You always know how to make me laugh" I say "Anything to see your Beautiful smile." She says standing. "You coming?" I nodded but before we went in I stood in her way. "Are you and my mom..?" I start. "No!" She says blushing "but you want to let me hook you up come on I'm the best wing woman there is out there" I say "First you figure out how to survive the wrath of planet green eyes and then we'll talk" she says I squealed and hugged her. "Whoa what's all the squealing about?" Lauren asks "Nothing hey guys why don't I show you where my favorite place to skate at is and we'll all meet back here say five ish for lunch?" I say "Yea okay just stay together and don't go too far." Ally says as we all ran off. "Hey kid you okay? Jamie told us about what happened last night" Jeremy says "Yea I'm okay just a little shaken up that's all. But I took care of things." I say "Need me to kick her ass for you?" Jess says "Thanks for the offer Jess but I don't think I'll ever see any of them in my life ever again" I say and I meant it this time. I didn't need the walls of the gang to keep me safe anymore. I had something even better. I finally had a family.
A/N: Hey guys so do you think that'll be the last we hear from the gang? Well we'll see. And looks like Camila is feeling something for Lauren. And looks like Becs in a little trouble for sneaking out. Anyways Vote and comment. Love you guys!

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