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This is an AU where the poor Gladers actually get to live a life in a normal world.

"Day one greenies," Minho snickered as the 3 boys plopped their small suitcases on the floor of their new house. Yes, an actual house, in the actual world.

A few months after they escaped the Maze all the surviving Gladers were released into the world, to try and live normal lives. During those years in the maze Wicked decided this would be the last trial and focused on controlling the disease and rebuilding the world. This made it possible for Thomas, Minho and Newt to start a new chapter together, in their very own place.

"This place is nice, there's our own kitchen and everything.... Guys there's even a clean shower!" Thomas excitedly exclaimed as he ran around the small 2 story building.

"Tommy get your bloody butt over here and help us unpack this stuff," Newt rolled his eyes but couldn't hide his smile.

"Awh Newtie loosen up, we finally got freedom," Minho gently put his hand on his friends back.

Newt leaned into Minho as they watched Thomas sprint down the stairs.

"You guys have to see this. The bedrooms are upstairs and we have our own beds." Thomas grinned then ran and engulfed the other 2 in a huge group hug.

"Okay ya shank get off me we actually should put all this stuff away," Minho motioned to the bags on the floor.

Thomas flopped down on the couch,"I have a better idea...Newt come cuddle me," he begged, sticking out his lower lip in a pout.

"Get up ya bloody lazy slinthead," Newt laughed.

Thomas groaned but eventually agreed to help.

They unpacked the kitchen, putting away the few cans and boxes they we're given to put them on their feet. Next was the bedrooms. They each claimed a room and put their little belongings in their own dressers.

"We should all spend the first night together," Minho appeared in Thomas's doorframe.

"Okay, what exactly do you mean by that?" Newt suddenly came into view behind Minho.

He grinned,"sleepover in my room," then he took off down the hall and toward the kitchen,"IM GETTING FOOD!"

Newt smiled and shook his head,"come here Tommy."

Thomas obeyed and stood a few inches away from Newt.
The blonde boy wrapped his arms around him and buried his face in his shoulder.

"Thank you Tommy," he whispered, "thanks for getting us out of that shucking maze." Then he let go and followed the former head of the runners to the kitchen.


"Frypans food was way better," Newt said as he inhaled the sandwich Minho made.

"Shuck Newt slow down you're gonna choke," Minho laughed.

"I happen to like Min Min's cooking," Thomas grinned, peanut butter smeared on his face.

"Min min?" Minho gave him a look.

"It's called a nickname, Newt calls me Tommy," Thomas stated then went back to his sandwich.

"I know what a nickname is Thomas," Minho rolled his eyes.

"Okay sassy pants," Thomas laughed then retreated into the living room so he could claim the couch.

It was quiet for a few moments till Thomas's screamed,"GUYS THE TV ACTUALLY WORKS!"

Newt and Minho looked at each other and shook their heads.

"I'll go take care of him," Newt sighed and walked over to Thomas.

"Will you cuddle me now?" Minho heard Thomas beg. Sometimes he acts like a little lost child but that's what makes him Thomas and he wouldn't change him for the world.

Minho finally finished his 3rd sandwich then joined his other 2 friends in the living room.

Thomas was laying on the couch with Newt pretty much on top of him, their arms around each other.

Minho suddenly grinned and jumped on top of them,"it isn't a party without me guys," he said over the groans of the boys under him.

They watched a few episodes of this weird show called Teen Wolf. They finally had to turn it off when they got into a fight about how the character Stiles looked exactly like Thomas. Minho said he was to attractive to be a Thomas-look-alike and Newt fought back will full fire until Thomas quietly pointed out they were crushing his ribcage.

With full stomachs and eyes burning from exhaustion they all went upstairs to change. Soon enough they met in Minho's room in almost matching sweatpants and no shirts.

"Try not to stare to hard boys," Minho flexed and winked at Thomas who groaned loudly.

"Sorry Minho I think blonde is more his type," Newt snaked his arm around Thomas's waist who yawned loudly.

The 3 boys piled into Minho's queen sized bed and squeezed together.

"This was an awful idea," Newt pouted as he almost fell off the bed and grabbed Minho's arm to keep him up.

"Awh come here Newtie," Minho turned over and pulled Newt's small frame against his body. He draped his arm over the boy and held him tightly.

"How is this any better?" Newt complained.

"Will you shanks shut up," Thomas groaned.

Suddenly they all burst out laughing, like crying, stomach hurting, barely breathing type laughing.

"This doesn't seem real," Minho finally was able to spit out.

"This feels like home," Newt said softly.

"Because we are home," Thomas said cuddling into Minho's back.

"Just remember one thing greenies," Minho said, "We aren't property of Wicked anymore."

They all drifted to sleep after that, realizing how true it was. Maybe sharing a bed with your 2 best friends, eating sandwiches and binge watching teenage girl TV shows was what their new life really was but it didn't matter, every one of them felt like they were finally home.

Okay I loved writing this. I love this 3 as a trio. And yes I added Tominho, Newtmas and Minewt in this, ship what you choose. Thanks for reading! Remember to vote and comment.

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