Don't Forget Me

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im very sad. this is very sad. yes, I used a stydia quote, fucking deal with it

Newt sat next to Thomas, his head on his shoulder and playing with his hands.

"Tomorrow is the day Tommy," Newt said sadly as he sighed sadly and cuddled into Thomas' side.

"You'll be fine up there," Thomas frowned but his words were more to convince himself then Newt.

Newt whimpered and held Thomas tighter, "I-I don't want to go into the maze."

Thomas carefully wrapped his arms around the boy he had slowly fallen for, of course WICKED was no place for love so beside the comforting cuddles and lazy kisses they were nothing more than friends.

 "Ill be there before you know it," Thomas pressed his face into Newt's hair and pulled the boy closer, "it's something we have to do and you know that."

Newt nodded but Thomas could feel his small body starting to shake.

"Newt, hey, you're fine, I won't let them hurt you," Thomas whispered into the terrified boy's ear.

"I-I'm scared T-Tommy," Newt cried into Thomas' shoulder.

Thomas ran a gentle hand through his soft blonde hair, "I've got you okay? I promise you're safe with me."

"I-I trust you," Newt sobbed as he climbed onto Thomas' lap.

Thomas ran his hands along Newt's arms and back, "you'll be okay."

"Tommy?" Newt whispered softly.

"Yeah Newt?"

"Did you know I'm in love with you?"

Thomas smiled sadly, "I'm in love with you too."

Then they were kissing, sad and full of emotion. Newt's salty tears rolled between their lips as their mouths caressed each other.

"I'm gonna miss you," Thomas whispered as he pulled back and rested his forehead on Newt's.

"I'll miss you too," Newt said as he rested his hands on Thomas' chest.

"Stay safe for me okay?" Thomas dropped his head to Newt's shoulder.

"Of course I will Tommy," Newt mumbled into his hair, "stay with me tonight."

Thomas happily agreed.

They spent that night wrapped up in eachother's arms, Thomas whispering comforting things in Newt's ear while he thrashed with nightmares.


"I-I guess this is goodbye then," Newt sighed as he stood in front of Thoams in the hallway next to the elevator.

"Y-yeah," Thoams frowned as his eyes welled up with tears.

Newt pulled him into his arms tightly, burying his face in the crook of Thomas' neck.

"Y-you'll be okay," Thomas murmured as he clutched Newt's back.

Newt pulled back, his eyes brimming red with tears, "Tommy, don't forget me."

"I wont," Thomas looked into his eyes and took his hand in his own.

"Promise?" Newt's bottom lip quivered and Thomas pulled him into a quick kiss.

"Promise," he whispered against Newt's lips.

"Subject A5," Janson called as Newt's body stiffened.

"H-here," he said as Thomas squeezed his hand.

"Get into line," Janson ordered as Newt looked back at Thomas.

Thomas nodded as tears ran down his cheeks.

Newt opened his mouth to say something but just shook his head as a sob escaped his lips. He kissed Thomas' cheek before getting into line.

Thomas turned and walked the other way, he couldn't watch Newt go up that elevator with his memory wiped. He clenched his hands into fists as he stared at the empty hallway, "I promise Newt, I wont forget you."


When the box opened up he saw a bunch of unfamiliar faces.

Freaking out and overwhelmed Thomas skidded to the corner of the box, trying to make himself as small as possible.

Suddenly a blonde boy dropped down into the box in front of him.

He froze, his face morphed into shock as Thomas looked up with a terrified expression.

"T-Tommy?" the boy asked as his eyes filled with tears.

"My name is Thomas," Thomas whispered as the boy's face fell.

"D-do you know w-who I am?"

Thomas shook his head slowly, "w-where am I?"

The boy was crying now, frozen in place.

"A-are you okay?" Thomas asked.

The boy shook his head, "y-you promised you wouldn't forget me."

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