Please? For me

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"Newt, it's just one night! Please!" Thomas stuck out his bottom lip and got down on his knees in front of his best friend.

"No! I already said no! It's a bloody stupid idea!" Newt crossed his arms and huffed.

"Please, please, please," Thomas gave Newt the best puppy dog face he could muster.

"You're just trying to make Brenda jealous! Why do you even have to prove anything to her?! She's never gonna believe we're dating!" Newt shouted, starting to feel annoyed.

"Newt, you're my best friend. Will you just do this one thing? Please, for me," Thomas frowned.

Newt sighed and stuck out his hand for Thomas to take, "get up you bloody idiot."

"So you'll do it!" Thomas jumped up on excitement.

"Sure. But you owe me BIG time," Newt smiled a bit at Thomas' excitement.

"Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Thomas flung himself into Newt's arms.

Newt's face tinted red and he awkwardly hugged Thomas back.

"This will be fun, I promise," Thomas gave him a lopsided grin as he ruffled his hair.

He hurried off to his room to get ready as Newt stayed standing in the living room with an awful feeling in his gut.

This definitely wasn't going to end well.


"Okay so just stay close to me the whole party and we just have to hold hands and do all that couple-y stuff. I'm gonna kiss you when we see Brenda okay?"

Newt nodded and kept his eyes locked on the road as they drove to the dreaded party.

"Newt? If this is really going to make you uncomfortable then we don't...." Thomas started but Newt waved him off.

"It's fine. I'm just nervous, that's all. You know I don't date much," Newt gave him a weak smile and shrugged.

"It's just me buddy, trust me, nothing you could do tonight could scare me away," Thomas laughed and turned his full focus back to driving.

We'll see about that


"Ready?" Thomas grinned at Newt and gently intertwined their fingers.

Newt felt his heart rate pick up a few beats at the touch and he swallowed before nodding.

"It'll be fine. Just relax," Thomas smiled as he knocked on Teresa's front door.

It was opened almost instantly, "hey Tom!" Teresa grinned. Her eyes trailed down to their holding hands and she gasped, "you two got together! Oh my gosh! That's like super cute! Come in, come in!" she ushered them in giddily.

"Nothing to worry about," Thomas whispered in Newt's ear. His breath tickled the blonde boy's skin which made him shiver.

The music was loud and the air smelled like alcohol.

Newt held on Thomas' hand a little tighter as he watched all the people grind on each other and take body shots.

Thomas squeezed back and Newt's heart skipped a beat.

It's just pretend. It's just pretend

"Brenda and Minho are around here somewhere," Teresa shrugged as she stumbled a bit, obviously tipsy.

"I'm gonna go say hi to her," Thomas said as he dragged Newt along through a crowd of people.

Newt held on as tightly as he could as he dodged the horny bodies.

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