Pokémon No

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If you don't play Pokémon Go (aka my obsession) this may be slightly confusing but otherwise enjoy!

Thomas shoved his headphones in his ears as he headed to the Pokémon gym by his house. It was only a five minute walk, he was lucky enough to have a super important park by his house that was labeled worthy enough to be a gym. The gym was normally controlled by his team of choice, team Valor, but as he got in range he was shocked to see the gym had turned blue. (MYSTIC FTW)

Frowning, he picked up his pace, determined to take his gym back.

When he got there, there was a guy about his age sitting on a bench, head buried in his phone.

Thomas eyed him then turned back to his phone and sent his Pokémon to take the gym. He had much better Pokémon then the top guy in Mystic, nnewtonn. He grinned as he watched the gym switch back to red.

"Hey," he heard from in front of him which made his head snap up, it was the guy on the bench.

"Uh hi," Thomas said as he pulled one headphone out of his ear.

"Did you just take the gym?" the blonde boy crossed his arms, his phone hanging loosely from his right hand.

Thomas smirked, "I'm guessing you're mystic?"

The boy groaned as he looked at his phone, "bloody hell you're pokemon are strong."

Thomas shrugged, "you should have chosen the best team, then we could share the gym."

The boy laughed, "hell no, I'm guessing your name is Thomas by your screen name, this is war."

Thomas stop himself from smiling, "okay Newton, game on." As he turned to leave the park he heard faintly behind him. "It's Newt."


The next day Thomas came to the park at around the same time. To no surprise he found Newt sitting on the bench.

He approached it, phone in hand, "hey."

Newt looked up, "talking to the enemy huh?"

Thomas glanced at his screen, "still haven't taken it back yet?"

Newt grinned, "oh just wait Tommy."

They stared at each other for a couple seconds before Thomas scratched the back of his neck and awkwardly spoke, "uh I have an egg to hatch."

Newt didn't respond so Thomas started walking in the direction of his house. There was no way he was allowing that gym to be any color but red.


The next few days they always met at the same time, Newt would be on that bench and Thomas would walk around, after exchanging a few awkward words.

On the 7th day the gym turned blue. Thomas was shocked, the Pokémon Newt put in there was a CP 1,250, 240 points higher then Thomas' Flareon.

Thomas was pissed as he practically stomped to the bench that afternoon.

"How the hell did you get a Articuno?"

Newt was smirking as he looked up and put his phone in his lap, "lucky I guess."

Thomas huffed and stared at the blue color on the gym, "red is so much better looking."

Newt laughed, "hey maybe one day you can take your precious gym back."

"Maybe I'll just take it back now!"

Newt leaned back, an amused smirk on his face, "oh yeah?"

Thomas nodded and turned on his heel, hurrying out of the park.


The gym stayed blue for six days.

On the seventh day Thomas took it back and he got to the park before Newt did so just to piss him off, he sat in his spot on the bench.

Newt showed up an hour later, on crutches. (JUST A TIP. CRUTCHES HURT SO BAD DON'T GET THEM)

Guilt shit through Thomas' chest as he instantly stood up from the bench.

"Newt? What happened?"

Newt shrugged and sat down, "car hit me."

"A-are you okay?" Thomas looked at him with a worried expression on his face.

"I'm fine, guess the gyms yours now," he laughed softly.

Thomas frowned, "I liked fighting with you."

Before Newt could respond Thomas' phone buzzed and he looked down to see that there was a Snorlax in the park.

"Newt give me you phone."

"U-uh why?"

"Trust me."

Newt handed Thomas his phone who ran off to the other side of the park. After a few minutes he came running back and flopped on the bench next to Newt. He handed him his phone back with a huge grin.

"Shit Tommy, you got this for me?" Newt asked as he stared at his newly caught Snorlax.

"I say we call this a truce," Thomas reached out his hand which Newt gladly shook.

"I think we're officially friends so I say you should come back to my house and we should watch a movie," Thomas said as Newt fiddled with his crutches.

"You don't have to do that."

"I want to," Thomas smiled as he stood up, "let me run home and grab my car so I can pick you up."


"You really do live close to the gym," Newt said as he sat on Thomas' couch.

Thomas laughed and sat next to Newt, "yeah."

"You know you're not so bad, even if you have horrible taste in teams," Newt smirked as Thomas frowned.

"I do not! You're the one with the bad taste, I mean seriously who picks Mystic?"

"Mystic is clearly superior to Valor!" Newt exclaimed as Thomas shook his head.

"Valor is the strongest team, hence the reason I always have that gym."

"Mystic is smarter, hence the reason I took over the gym for a week!" Newt mocked as Thomas huffed.

"I let you take it over," Thomas crossed his arms.

"You know, you're really hot when you're mad!" Newt shot back.

"Oh yeah, well you're really fucking adorable!"

They were full on shouting now.

"Well, I really want to kiss you right now!"

"I bet I want to kiss you more!"

Then their lips were pressed together in a hard and messy but heated kiss. Their lips moved together quickly as if they were fighting for dominance. Thomas pulled away first, panting slightly.

"I...uh," he started as Newt was grinning and shaking his head.

"We're ridiculous."

Thomas laughed, "yeah we are."

"That wasn't just a s-show thought r-right?" Newt asked nervously, "you actually w-wanted to kiss me?"

Thomas nodded shyly.

Newt grinned and gently pulled Thomas in by his shirt, kissing him softly.

When they pulled back Newt rested his forehead on Thomas', "you know, getting to kiss you makes losing the gym not matter to me at all."

"Oh yeah?" Thomas grinned stupidly as he pecked Newt's lips again, "then how would a date make you feel?"

Newt just attacked him with another passionate kiss which was a good enough answer for Thomas.

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