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"Hey Tommy, what's Newtmas?" Newt asked innocently as he scrolled through the hashtag on Instagram.

"I'm not to sure lemme see," Thomas jumped on the bed next to the blonde boy.

After they escaped the maze the videos from beetle blades were accidentally leaked and went viral in the rest of the world. The Gladers had become quite famous.

They scrolled through a few fanarts, headcannons and edits before Newt put his phone down.

"So it's our names combined together? Because they like us as a couple?" Newt asked looking slightly confused.

"Well I'm guessing by those pictures people drew of us together," Thomas laughed.

"That's kinda cute," Newt smiled as Thomas took the phone, laid down on his stomach and looked at more pictures.

"You think so? I was thinking it was a bit creepy," Thomas grinned.

"No its cute, they're happy when we're together. They're happy for our happiness."

Thomas just chuckled and shook his head then he paused staring at the screen with a weird expression.

"Hey do you know what fanfiction is?"

"How would I know?" Newt shrugged.

"I don't know maybe it's some British thing."

"No Tommy, it's not a British thing," Newt rolled his eyes," but why do you ask?"

"Cause I found a Newtmas fanfiction and I wanted to know what it was before I clicked on the link."

"Well click on it," Neat climbed on Thomas's back, resting his head on his shoulder so he could see too.

Thomas tapped it and Wattpad opened up.

Tainted love~A Newtmas fic it said.


The cover was a picture of them when they almost kissed in the Glade.

"What the bloody shuck is this," Newt looked with an almost terrified expression at the screen.

"Not so cute anymore huh?" Thomas teased as he hit the Orange "read" button.

A bunch of words appeared taking up the entire screen.

"Here you read it Newt," Thomas passed the phone up to him.

"Why?" Newt wined.

"Because I like your accent," Thomas smirked.

{Don't we all Thomas, don't we all.}

Newt blushed but took the phone anyways.

{Btw the fanfic they're reading is made up by me and prob isn't going to be very good, oh well just keep reading}

"Chapter one," he started, "Thomas looked up at the blinding sun, his eyes hurt from being in that strange dark box for awhile. He had no idea where he was. He blinked rapidly as a blonde boy jumped down and pulled him out of the box. 'Names Newt greenie' he said in an extremely attractive British accent..."

"See the people love your voice," Thomas laughed as Newt playfully whacked his head.

"...'Where am I?' Thomas demanded.
Newt rolled his eyes and grabbed his wrist,'What's your name Greenie?'
'Thomas, why do you keep calling me that?'
'Greenie is the name for the new guys, now come with me there's something I want to show you.' Newt said, pulling Thomas along before he could answer...."

"Hey that never happened," Newt looked down at Thomas to see him looking confused as well.

"Yeah that isn't at all," then Thomas shrugged,"just keep reading it."

Newt obliged and looked back at the phone, "Thomas had no idea where he was going but he felt like he could trust the adorable but also extremely hot boy who was tightly holding his wrist."

Thomas snorted with laughter then covered his mouth quickly so Newt could keep going.

"They walked to a small building then quickly entered after Newt checked behind him. Almost to make sure they weren't being followed. The blonde boy shut the door behind them and smiled at Thomas who just looked very lost. The place looked like a jail.
'This is where we keep the people who break the rules,' Newt explained.
'Why did you bring me here...did I do something wrong?' Thomas asked sounding scared.
'Yes,' Newt replied in a husky voice,'you stole my heart.'"

Both boys broke out into laughter, they couldn't breathe they were laughing so hard.

"I never bloody said that," Newt wiped a tear off his cheek, cleared his throat then continued.

"Thomas make a small squeaking sound as Newt shoved him against the wall...." Newt trailed off, then was silent for a few seconds. Before Thomas could ask why he stopped Newt made a loud a terrified scream and literally threw the phone in the air, it landed on the floor with a loud smack. He quickly got of Thomas and buried his face in a pillow.

"What did it say Newt?" Thomas tried to pull the pillow out of his boyfriend hands but he had a death grip on it.

"Go read it yourself," Newt's voice was muffled by the fabric pressed against his face.

Thomas sighed but did it anyways.

Newt shoved him against the wall.
'I want you,' he whispered in his ear and roughly smashed his lips against Thomas's....

{You can guess what happened next}

Thomas mouth fell open, he didn't even know what to think. He glanced at Newt who was still clutching the pillow.

Newt slowly peaked out so only his eyes were visible.

Thomas winked at him which made Newt's eyes go wide and quickly hide again.

"I'm kidding Newt," Thomas laughed, clutching his stomach his whole body shaking with uncontrolled laughter.

Newt got up and joined Thomas on the floor.

"Why would someone write that?" Newt asked, sounding horrified.

"Well at least we learned one thing," Thomas lightly kissed Newt's head, putting his arm around him.

"And what's that?"

"Stay away from fanfiction."

Okay I love this 😂😂 Poor Newttttt. He's so cute I just wanna wrap him up and keep him safe for ever. Well if you liked this make sure to comment and vote! Thanks for reading

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