One Call Away

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I thought of this idea when I was binging a show on Newtflix so yeah it's kinda weird.

"I have a right to a call though!" Thomas struggled as the police officers dragged him to the cell that he was going to call home for the next couple months.

"This is my job kid, I think I know what your rights are."

"I just need to talk to him," Thomas begged.

"I said I know what your rights are, you'll get your damn call," the officer shoved Thomas roughly into a room and shut the door.

Thomas sighed and slid his back down the wall till he was sitting on the floor. He felt tears prick at his eyes and soon they were running freely down his face. The handcuffs binding his hands prevented him from wiping his cheeks.

"I didn't do it," Thomas whispered to no one. His bit his lip to stop it from quivering.

He silently cried for a while till on officer came into the room with a phone.

"I'm guessing you know the drill?" He asked as he unlocked Thomas' cuffs with a small key.

Thomas shook his head,"I've never been here before."

The officer scoffed and plugged in the phone, then took it off the hook and thrusted it at Thomas, who gladly took it.

He dialed the number he knew by heart.

Every time it rang Thomas's heart rate picked up, thinking there would be no answer.

Then finally, it clicked.

"Hello?" He heard a thick British accent ask through the phone.

"Newt! Oh shuck I love you. I'm sorry. I promise you I can explain because I really didn't do it!" Thomas rambled, holding the phone so tight his knuckles we're turning white.

"Tommy," Newt said softly. His voice instantly relaxed Thomas.

"Tommy, where are you?"

"Um....I uh...I'm in jail."

"JAIL?!" Newt yelled making Thomas flinch.

"Bloody hell Thomas what did you do!?"

Thomas flinched again at the use of his full name, "Newt I promise....I didn't do it."

"Well what are you accused for then."



"I got set up," Thomas was crying again.

"Babe don't cry," Newt breathed out a shaky breath.

"But I didn't do it. I really need you to believe me right now," Thomas' hands started shaking really hard.

"I do Tommy. Relax, I love you and I'm coming down there now," Thomas could hear Newt grabbing his keys and heading out the door.

"I love you too," Thomas whispered as the officer signaled for him to wrap it up.

"Hang in there, I'm coming."

Thomas sniffled and clicked the phone back on the receiver.

"Who'd you call?" The officer asked as he started leading Thomas down a hallway.

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