Coffee Shops

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I'm trash for these AUs sooooo sorry just stick with me

Newt sat down at his normal table located in The Glade coffee shop. He ordered his regular, which was just a simple black coffee.

He had the coffee on his table, a short distance away to let it cool. He was scrolling through his phone when the bell above the front door rang. He looked up with intentions of just glancing to see who it was but he froze when he saw the face of the guy walking through.

He was quite hot with dark brown hair and little moles that dotted his neck. His shirt was tight enough that Newt could see a few curves of his abs. He was hands down one of the hottest guys Newt has ever seen.

The boy went to order and Newt kept staring, not minding the view of his ass at all.

Finally he tore his eyes away and started to plot out a plan. There was no way he was letting a guy this hot get away without at least trying for his number.

The boy sat down at a table close to Newt, he was in perfect viewing range.

Newt stared hard, trying to get the boy to look up.

Finally after what felt like ages he did and locked eyes with Newt.

Newt smiled and picked up his coffee. He tried to take a flirty looking sip but he forgot about something....the drink was really hot. The liquid scorched his tongue and he quickly spit it out causing it to spray all over. He felt it roll down his chin and onto his shirt. Now he wasn't to sure what was hotter, the coffee or the blush on his cheeks. He sat there, mouth open, staring at the mess. His eyes flickered from the guy to the table then to his shirt and back to the guy.

The guy was holding back a laugh and he got up and walked somewhere but Newt was still too in shock to look where he was going.

"Need a napkin?" a voice asked behind Newt and he jumped.

His head snapped around to see the boy holding out a handful of them.

Newt nodded and took them, still super embarrassed.

The boy sat down across from him as Newt cleaned himself up.

"That was so embarrassing," Newt mumbled as he wiped his chin and his neck.

"I thought it was cute," the boy grinned.

"Cute? I just spit scorching hot coffee all over myself!" Newt laughed as he finally finished wiping himself clean.

"It was a cute attempt to flirt. Names Thomas."

"I'm Newt and I still can't believe you're talking to me right now."

"I've had my weird share of failed pick up attempts. For some reason your little fail was insanely adorable," Thomas grinned as he leaned back slightly in the chair.

"Insanely adorable huh?" Newt smirked.

"Especially with that accent."

The blush returned to Newt's cheeks as he tried to think of a flirty comeback.

"Stop it," Thomas lightly laughed.

one shots // newtmasWhere stories live. Discover now