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I never write Glade one shots so that brought me to this...

Thomas was sitting in the homestead eating dinner when Newt slid down next to him.

"Hey Tommy," Newt smiled as Thomas swallowed his bite of food.

"Hey Newt, what are you up to?"

Newt shrugged, "I'm bored, finished my work."

"Wanna walk around?"

"Yeah, I'd like that," Newt grinned and got up as Thomas cleaned up his spot.

They left the homestead and started walking a perimeter along the maze walls.

Newt's hand kept brushing against the back of Thomas' as they walked causing the brunette boy to blush deeply. He always had this small crush on Newt since the first day when he was nice to him. Newt was always on Thomas' side and he was the only person he could trust.

Newt was about to say something when Minho ran over and grabbed Thomas' arm.

"Yo Thomas come help me real quick," Minho said as he started tugging on Thomas.

Thomas looked back at Newt and saw him glaring harshly at Minho.

"He was kinda doing something," Newt said softly.

"It'll be fast, I'll bring him back soon."

 Thomas didn't want to leave Newt, he barely got to spend time with him alone.

He jumped when he felt strong but small arms around his waist.

"I'm not ready to give him away just yet," Newt said as he pulled Thomas' back into his chest and rested his head on his shoulder. Thomas was as red as the apples they had in the garden. He started running his fingers across Newt's arm, trying to memorise the feeling if he never got it again.

Minho was watching them carefully, "I guess um, I'll go ask Alby."

Newt smiled in content as Minho ran away. He didn't loosen his grip on Thomas though, he just buried his face into his neck and hugged him tighter.

"Newt?" Thomas whispered softly as if he was afraid the words would make Newt move.

"Hm?" the vibrations on his neck made Thomas shiver.

"I'm definitely not complaining but why are you hugging me?"

"Minho wanted you," Newt said as he left a soft kiss on Thomas' shoulder.

"Oh," Thomas said, his breath shaky. The boy he was obsessed with was all over him right now and he wasn't about to do anything that affected that.

Newt pressed a kiss into Thomas' hair then slowly unwrapped himself and kept walking as if nothing happened. Thomas was a blushing stuttering mess as he chased after Newt.

"You're slow," Newt teased.

"You can't just do that!" Thomas protested.

"Do what Tommy?" Newt looked innocent as if nothing happened.

"Hug and kiss me like that and make my heart go all fast then walk away like it never went on!"

"Well are you saying you want me to keep hugging you and kissing you?" Newt smirked, as if he knew this is what would happen all along.

Thomas nodded shyly as Newt closed the distance and held his hips as their foreheads rested on each other.

"So this is okay?" Newt asked as he squeezed Thomas' hips gently.

"More then okay," Thomas softly said back.

Newt pulled away and shrugged, "good to know, I'll keep that in mind.

Thomas just stared at Newt wide eyed, "you're not gonna kiss me!?" He clamped his hands over his mouth when he realized what he had just said.

"Patience greenie," Newt grinned as he intertwined Thomas' hand with his own, "now come on I want to walk."

"You're such a tease," Thomas grumbled as Newt ran his thumb along Thomas'.

"If I just admitted I liked you from the start that would take all the fun out if it," Newt said as he bumped Thomas' shoulder gently.

An idea sparked in Thomas as he pulled away from Newt, "well if we're done here then I see no reason why I can't go help Minho."

Anger suddenly clouded Newt's face as he scanned Thomas to see if he was joking.

Thomas gave him a small wave and started walking away. He had no idea where Minho even was but if it got a rise out of Newt he succeeded.

"Thomas," Newt growled.

"Yes Newt?" Thomas turned around looking innocent.

"Come here."

Thomas happily did and wrapped his arms around Newt from behind, "you should know that you're very cute when you're angry."

"I bloody better be," Newt smirked as he leaned into Thomas' touch, "don't leave."

"I wasn't planning on it," Thomas said as New flipped in his arms so he could face Thomas.

"I don't like you hanging out with Minho everyday in the maze," Newt whispered as he buried his face into Thomas neck for the second time that day.

"No need to be jealous, I usually just talk to him about my crush on you."

"Oh yeah?" Newt's face lit up.

Thomas grinned and stared into Newt's eyes. He was so cute.

"Thanks Tommy," Newt laughed lightly as Thomas flared red.

"I said that out loud didn't I?"

"If you'd like to know I find you quite attractive too," Newt said before he closed the gap between their lips.

Thomas was shocked for a moment but insantly kissed back. Newt was kissing him. Newt was kissing him. Newt was...

Thomas gasped and pulled back, "you kissed me!"

"No shit, and it was a really good kiss before someone ruined it."

Thomas' eyes widened as he realized what he did.

By then Newt was laughing, "come on Tommy, it's getting late. I think it would be necessary to have your bed roll next to mine tonight."

"You don't care if anyone knows?"

"They all better know to keep their hands off you, which is why I'm going to cuddle the shit out of you tonight."

"I'm down for that!" Thomas said as they walked hand in hand to the homestead.

This is me. Whatever theres Newtmas in this so I guess its okay. Thanks for reading guys!

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