Newtmas/Minho Imagine (Part 1)

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This is a new thing I'm trying just read it and tell me what you think because I had a lot of fun writing this.

***Btw warning this will get extremely sad***

"Get your hands off me," you hissed as some cranks pushed you tword the 'crank place' as they called it.

"Hey we're all on the same side here," one of the crank men snapped at you but obeyed.

You looked up and blinked, trying to get the tears that we're pooling in your eyes to go away. When the group of cranks found you, you were alone. But it's not like you had anyone anyways, your parents we're way past gone and your friends had disappeared somewhere in the insane apocalyptic cities. You had agreed to go with them, trying to make yourself belong somewhere.

"You know, you look kinda young," another one of the men gently said, inspecting your face. He looked about mid 30s with uncut brown hair and unhealthy skin due to the flare but he wasn't completely crazy yet.

'I am, it's not like I got to choose what age I get infected at," you shrugged.

"True that kid. You know there's another one like you, not crazy yet but real young lookin'. I'm gonna take you to him," the man gave you a forced half-smile but it meant a lot.

"Thank you, really," you said softly as some hot tears finally escaped and ran down your cheeks.

"Don't have to much hope, that'll get ya screwed."

You nodded and let yourself silently cry till you reached the crank place.


"This is it, by the way you can call me Dan. If you need anything, find me," the man said patting you gently on the back,"the other kids in there somewhere."

"It means a lot Dan, thank you."

"Look out for yourself kid," he ordered then turned and left with the rest of his gang.

You took a deep breath and walked into the bowling ally that you were standing in front of. Well at least it used to be a bowling ally.

"Hey! Who are ya? Never seen ya round befoa," a random woman, who was perched on a cracked table yelled as she saw you enter.

"Uh, I'm (Y/N), Dan sent me to find a kid that should be here," your voice shook from slight fear, you could tell the woman was out of it, she was further along then you.

She cocked her head and scanned your body slowly while licking her lips, then suddenly she froze and let out a screech,"Newt!"

"What do you bloody want?" a thin looking blonde boy came into view looking angry.

"This kid was looking for you," she pointed at you then fled on all fours like a rabid dog.

"Apologies, who are you?" he raised an eyebrow and shifted one hand to the launcher that was hanging against his hip.

"(Y/N), no need to use that," panic became evident on your face.

"Why are you here then if you're not trying to hurt me or take me away?" he looked a little curious and loosened his grip on the weapon.

"They picked me up today and brought me here. Dan sent me to this exact place though, told me us kids should stick together," you stared at the boy, he was a little cut up and dirty but very cute with his messy blonde hair and brown eyes.

He paused for a moment then completely dropped the weapon,"alright let's go. At least I have someone normal to talk to."

You followed him into an empty corner of the room and sat next to him on the floor.

"I'm slowly going insane," he said running a hand through his hair.

"I'm scared. Last night I tried to eat my own wrist," you mumbled and pulled back you sleve to reveal mangled flesh wrapped in some pieces of ripped messy cloth.

"My friends, they showed up here. I almost shot them. I asked the guy I love to do something for me and he didn't," Newt scoffed.

"I want to die before I loose it too," you whispered, knowing what he asked his lover,"I have no one left."

"Well now we got each other, alright? We'll watch each other's backs, no matter the circumstances," he looked away and you nodded, understanding what he was implying.

"Your friends, where did they go?"

"They're munies, all of them except me, even him."

"You love him a lot don't you? What's his name?" you asked curiously.

"Thomas, I never had the chance to tell him I love him though," sadness and hurt radiated from his eyes, the kid was broken.

"You'll see him again, I assure you," you put a hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"I sure bloody hope," he said, disbelief sown into his voice.

"We could go look for him," you suggested,"it would give us something to do, keep our minds at ease and maybe we could find a new shelter."

"I think I'd like that actually," the corners of his lips pulled up as he looked at you with almost a relieved expression.

"Our lives aren't over just yet," you noted.

"I just need to find Tommy, then I'm done here."

You thought for a moment,"I want to actually kiss someone."

"If we find my friends, there's someone who would definitely be willing to bloody kiss ya," Newt laughed.

"Well then what are we still doing here?" you grinned, your heart feeling lighter and the fears leaving your mind for now.

"I'm right behind you," he got up and helped you to your feet.

"Two crank kids against the world in search of love and a kiss," you laughed softly.

"Let's go shuck some shit up," Newt smirked then flipped off the bowling ally before taking off with you to enjoy your final days of sanity.

I couldn't put this all in one part because it was so long but I'll put up part 2 as soon as I can. Do you guys like this so far? I loved writing it so much, don't worry part 2 gets better. Thanks for reading, remember to vote and comment.


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