It's The Stupid Little Things

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"Tommy, you actually have to put the clothes in the suitcase," Newt laughed as he dodged a wadded up shirt.

"Awh you're just mad that my aim is better then yours," Thomas grinned as he grabbed something else off the ground and proceeded to throw it at Newt.


"Newton!" he mocked which caused the blonde boy to cross his arms, "You're so cute when you're angry, like a little kitten."

"I hate you," Newt growled as he picked up some clothes and chucked them back at Thomas.

Soon a full on war broke out and the two boys were laughing so hard as they tried to hit each other with any soft object they could get their hands on.

Thomas bent down to pick up another article of clothing when Newt tackled him.

They both fell to the ground and rolled around. Thomas, being bigger easily flipped over so Newt was on the bottom.

"That backfired for you little Newtie," Thomas grinned.

"Don't call me that," Newt frowned as Thomas shifted his weight so he was more on Newt's stomach instead of his chest.

"I don't wanna pack," Thomas pouted.

"Then how are we supposed to move in together if you don't get your bloody shit together?"

"Cuddles first?" Thomas asked with huge puppy dog eyes.

"You know I can't say no to that," Newt huffed as Thomas grinned and quickly scooped him up.

"You know you're a very good boyfriend," Thomas said as he got to the couch and sat down on it with Newt on his lap.

"Of course I am," Newt smirked and turned so he was straddling Thomas, "now lay down."

Thomas listened and pulled Newt down with him so his head was on his chest.

He traced soft patterns on Newt's arms and back which occasionally made him shiver. He sighed in content and let his eyes flutter closed.

"You know when we live together we can fall asleep like this every night," Thomas mumbled.

"Only if a certain someone packs their stuff," Newt said against Thomas' shirt.

"I just really hate packing, will you pack for me? I'll sit on the bed and watch."

"You're so needy," Newt laughed softly but then got up so he could hover over Thomas, "I kinda wanna make out for a little bit."

"I'm the needy one?" Thomas smirked but almost instantly Newt's lips were on his own. It was a soft kiss, gentle and lazy but it was definitely enough to make their insides flip.

Thomas rested one of his hands on Newt's bicep and the other on his shoulder. Their lips moved together in the pattern they found worked.

"I don't get it," Thomas whispered as Newt pulled back and started lightly kissing down his jaw.

"Get what?" Newt's voice vibrated against Thomas' skin.

"We've been together for what 2 and a half years now and still one little kiss from you drives me absolutely crazy."

Newt just smirked and continued making his way across Thomas' jawline.

Thomas shivered as Newt kissed under his ear. Newt's knees were next to Thomas' hips, keeping him up. He used his free hand to play with the hem of Thomas' T-shirt.

Thomas swallowed hard and his grip tightened on Newt's arm.

"You're heart is beating so fast," Newt whispered as he moved down to Thomas' neck. His lips moved against the exposed skin which made Thomas squeeze Newt's arm and his eyes flutter shut.

"You're adorable," Newt laughed as he traced the tip of his nose across the side of Thomas' face, "I'm barely touching you."

"Damn you," Thomas breathed out.

"You want me to stop then? I guess we should go pack..." Newt smirked as Thomas grabbed his hips tightly.

"Don't leave," he practically begged.

Newt grinned and reconnected their lips which allowed a soft pleased sound to escape from Thomas. They kissed more passionately this time as Thomas' hand slipped up Newt's shirt.

"Your hand is bloody cold," Newt complained as his lips ghosted over Thomas.

"It's cold in here," Thomas stated as he tried to reconnect their lips but Newt stayed far enough away where they were just barely touching.

"If you finish packing today we can continue this," Newt said as his lips attached to Thomas' collar bone.

"But I don't wanna get up," Thomas wined as his grip tightened on his boyfriend.

Newt moved his lips against the thin skin covering the bone again, which allowed him to escape and hop off the couch.

"That wasn't fair! You distracted me!" Thomas groaned but slowly got up too.

"Pack," Newt ordered as he pointed to the direction of the bedroom.

Thomas frowned but listened, "as soon as I'm done were finishing that!"

Newt just shook his head and smiled.

This was the boy he fell in love with

Newtmas real life AUs are what I live for. I'm thinking of starting a new fanfiction. Hmmmmm idk ;)

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