For The Love OF God Don't Touch Him

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TW: More violence then I usually write...idk if you get upset with violence and stuff skip this one. Also swearing, probably lots. 

~You can breathe my soul, take my life away, beat me, hurt me, kill me but for the love of God, don't touch him~

"If you just would have cooperated damn it," Janson grunted as he shoved Thomas into a room.

"You expect me to voluntarily get my friends killed?!" Thomas spat at him.

"We're not killers!" Janson yelled as he kicked Thomas' side.

Thomas winced but held his glare.

"You killed Chuck!"

"We're looking for a cure you little shit!" Janson clenched his fist and furrowed his eyebrows making him look infuriated.

"No, you're torturing kids! Kids that did nothing except have a stupid immunity!"

"Tell me where they're hiding."

Thomas laughed, clutching his bruised stomach due to it hurting but he kept laughing anyways.

"You really think I'm going to tell you?"

Janson pulled his foot back and kicked again, hard.

Thomas groaned as he rolled onto his back due to the force of the blow.

Images flashed through his head. Minho, Newt, Teresa, Frypan all huddled together in the safe house. WICKED wouldn't ever find it on their own. Thomas had been caught, the others were safe. His Newt was safe.

"This isn't going to end well for you Thomas," Janson smiled evily, "and I'm going to enjoy every second of the pain I'm going to cause you. I never liked you, Ava did but I hated you. You're reckless."

"You don't hate me because I'm reckless you hate me because I'm smart," Thomas retorted as he pushed him self up so he was on his knees.

"Smart? You're not being smart right now! Tell me where they are and all this is over," Janson slammed his foot into Thomas' side again which flung him across the empty floor.

"They're safe. I don't care about myself, I care about them," Thomas spit at Janson which made his face contort into pure rage.

"Safe? You think they're safe? WICKED will find them and when we do I'll make sure you're there to watch us torture them, especially the little crank one, Newt is his name?" 

Thomas froze, his blood felt like ice, "don't touch him."

"Aw did I hit a nerve? What does he call you again? Tommy. Did I piss Tommy off?" Janson crossed his arms, feeling accomplished until Thomas sprung up and lunged.

"Don't touch him you rat!" he screamed as his hands grabbed for Janson's neck.

Janson brought up his knee and smashed Thomas' between the legs. He gasped and collapsed in pain.

"You really shouldn't have done that," Janson said, wiping blood from his mouth. He pressed a button on a small box in his belt. Thomas saw spots but tried deep breathing to keep himself conscious. His lower body felt like it was on fire.

Soon enough he heard the door open and a small blonde boy was pushed inside along with 3 WICKED workers.

"Newt!" Thomas yelled as he twisted his body so he could sit.

"Tommy, I'm sorry," Newt looked at him with watery eyes.

"How'd they get you?"

"I came after you, I know you said not to but I just couldn't let them have you..." Newt trailed off as two guards grabbed his hands and shoved him into a chair.

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