Not That Far

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I made an extensive plan to meet my internet friends so then I wanted to make a Newtmas internet friend one shot so voila...
(Autumn if you're reading this ily v v much!)

"Tommy!" Newt grinned as his best friend's face appeared on his computer screen.

"Hey Newt," Thomas smiled as he ran a hand through his hair.

"You know we've been talking for a little over 2 years now?" Newt pointed out happily as Thomas' eyes widened in shock.

"We've been talking for that long and still haven't met in person yet?!"

"About that...." Newt trailed off as his best internet friend stared back at him in confusion.

"Newt what are you hinting at?"

"Well, I'm kind of coming to America next week...if you can give me a place to stay that is," Newt nervously scratched the back of his neck.

Thomas stood up from his table so quickly he almost knocked it over, "YOU'RE COMING HERE?!"

Newt nodded happily.


"I should be there by Friday," Newt said as he watched Thomas practically jump up and down.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER!" Thomas exclaimed as he spun around and waved his arms happily.

"Tommy relax a second," Newt laughed as Thomas froze and faced the camera, "I was planning on making this a surprise but I realized I was short on money so I couldn't afford a hotel which was why I had to ask if I could stay with you."

"You shouldn't have had to even ask," Thomas grinned stupidly as he sat back down, "you should have known I was going to say yes. Who could even say no to your adorable little face?"

Newt frowned, "don't be an ass."

"Hey I'm being nice! I complimented you," Thomas stopped for a moment then slammed his fist on the desk, "I'm gonna tackle you when I see you, like hug you so hard you're eyeballs will pop."

"Tommy, that's bloody disgusting," Newt glanced at the camera with a bored expression.

"Okay, maybe that was to extensive...I'm just gonna hug you okay?" Thomas shook his head, "I can't believe you're actually coming."

"Well believe it on Friday Tommy boy," Newt smirked as he leaned his head on his hand, "you wanna pick me up from the airport too?"

Thomas nodded quickly, "now how am I supposed to get though school this week knowing you're coming?"


Thomas shifted nervously on his feet as he watched the small glass hallway where Newt was supposed to be coming through. His hands were sweaty as he waited. The butterflies we're going insane in his stomach and he couldn't stop checking his phone for a text, call or even the time. It was like he magically expected Newt to appear.

After waiting and waiting people finally started to pool out of the hallway. He scanned the people for any sight of Newt's little blonde head.

Finally after what felt like ages he saw him. He saw his head bobbing along the hallway, getting closer to the door. He was taller then Thomas expected but a lot

Newt passed the doorway and stood still for a moment until his eyes fell on Thomas. They both froze for a moment before full on sprinting to get to each other. When they closed the distance they threw their arms around each other, Thomas being bigger, almost pushed Newt over.

"You're real," Thomas laughed into Newt's neck as he felt tears build up in his eyes.

"It feels so bloody good to hug you," Newt's voice cracked as he pulled Thomas impossibly closer.

"Don't let go then," Thomas whispered as they held each other, Newt's suitcase was lost in a sea of bodies but it didn't matter at the moment, all that mattered was each other.

After they separated with tear glistened cheeks Newt started blushing.

Thomas cocked his head in confusion as Newt rubbed his burning cheeks.

"I didn't think you'd look so bloody hot off camera," Newt mumbled.

Thomas' face lit up at the compliment but he hid it by pulling Newt into another tight hug.

"I can't believe you're here."

Newt was the first one to pull away, he scanned Thomas' face before sighing, "if I don't do this now I'm gonna regret it for the rest of my life."

Before Thomas could react Newt's lips were on his. He was completely to shocked to respond so Newt broke the kiss with a frown.

"Who said I was done?" Thomas smirked then reconnected their lips. And they were kissing with two years of no contact poured into the kiss. It was full of passion and love, their lips moved together, trying to get a feel of how they fit. Neither of them would have pulled away if they weren't in public so sadly they separated.

"Best damn kiss I've ever had," Thomas whispered as he rested his forehead on Newt's.

"I've had this crazy crush on you for like ever," Newt was grinning wider then he ever had before, "I never thought you'd like me back or I'd actually get to kiss you."

"Why wouldn't I like you? You're literally amazing," Thomas laughed as he intertwined their fingers and led Newt to where his luggage was dropped and forgotten.

After getting everything together they headed hand-in-hand to Thomas' car.


Once they got to Thomas house Thomas quickly dragged Newt to the couch, "I haven't been able to touch you for 2 years so I'm about to cuddle the shit out of you."

"I wont complain," Newt grinned as they lied down, their legs tangled together, facing each other.

"I was gonna suggest a movie but I'd rather just listen to you talk because your accent sounds so much better off camera," Thomas said as he traced little shapes on Newt's arms.

"Oh yeah? Well ehat do you want me to talk about," Newt looked happily at the boy in front of him.

"Me," Thomas said shyly.

"You?" Newt smirked as he shifted so he was hovering over Thomas, "I started liking you about a year ago, when we started video chatting every week," Newt said as he traced his nose gently along Thomas' jaw line. "Then when I saw you in the airport I knew I needed to kiss you."

"Oh yeah?" Thomas' voice wavered slightly as Newt left innocent kisses on his cheek.

"Yeah," Newt looked Thomas in the eyes as he grinned, "now I don't ever want to stop kissing you."

Hey guys! Ik I've been updating a lot recently but it may not be this often anymore because I'm getting my cast off tomorrow! (hopefully) Thanks everyone for continuing to read this trash. ILYSM


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