Newt Imagine

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Because it's Newt Dayyyyy

It was your second night in the Glade, you had come up in the box yesterday morning to see a bunch of boys faces looking down at you and were beyond terrified. Now you realized they are all very nice and welcoming.

You laid down in your bed as the sun started to go down. You tightly closed your eyes because even though you'd never admit it you were afraid of sleeping alone in the dark in this place. The first night you stayed with the boys but now they gave you your own room with Newts new "don't touch the girl" policy. You started shaking as the sounds of the walls shifting and a startled moan of a griever scouting filled the small room. Warm tears started flowing down your face as you hid deeper in the covers.

Maybe it'll be better if I take a walk you thought as you threw your thin blanket off and hesitantly put your feet on the floor.

You quietly exited the room trying not to wake the boys with the sound of your door creaking open. Once you were out in the cool night air  the block of fear loosened in your chest. You were in the clearing of the Glade and eventually decided to explore a little bit after staring at the gray looking sky for awhile.

You wandered around, looking at the massive walls that trapped you in this place. You looped around and ended up back at the homestead. You creeped inside not really knowing what you were looking for. You wandered around smiling softly at all the sleeping boys. You spotted Minho spread out almost across a small pudgy kid that everyone called Chuck. Soon after you spotted Gally who actually looked peaceful, not a trace of his normally mean scowl anywhere on his face. Smiling slightly you creeped over to another section of the small building. You stopped in a narrow doorway and squinted to make out what was inside.

You could just barely see the fluffy blonde hair of the second in command, Newt. You could hear his soft breathing indicating he was sleeping.

As creepy as it sounds, you watched him sleep. He was definitely cute, no doubt about it. His hair was messy from tossing in his sleep, his lips were slightly parted allowing him to let out quite snores and his body was loosely sprawled out on the small bed. Newt had been so sweet to you the moment you came out of the box, he made you feel safe and answered all your questions with his hot British accent.

Suddenly Newt stirred and let out a slight groan.

"Y/N is that you?" he said, his voice deep and groggy from sleep.

Your breath hitched in your throat at the sound of his voice but you quickly recovered, "yes, I'm sorry I'll go back to my bed now," you whispered.

"What's wrong? Come here," he sat up on his bed and patted the spot next to him.

You hesitantly took his offer and sat next to him, tucking your legs underneath you.

"Wanna tell me what's going on?" he said looking into your eyes.

"It's dumb really," you blushed, thankful it was dark so he couldn't tell.

"That's bloody nonsense. If it bothers you then it matters."

"I got scared," you hung your head afraid he would call you weak.

"Afraid of what love?" he gently placed his hand on your back and pulled you closer.

"The dark, the grievers, the maze, being alone," you trailed off, feeling your eyes warm up with tears.

"I wouldn't have given you that room if you didn't want it. I just thought you'd want a break from those shanks," he smiled.

"I just don't like sleeping alone here, I wish I were home," you wiped a tear that fell down your face,"I'm sorry I'm acting like such a baby."

"You should have seen some of these slintheads when they came up from the box. Most of them klunked their pants and cried in a corner for days. You are one of the strongest I've seen," he fully wrapped his arms around you, letting you rest your head in his chest.

"Thank you Newt," your voice vibrated against his shirt.

"You can stay here with me tonight love," he suggested then quickly said, "only if you want. I'll take the floor."

"You don't have to sleep on the floor," you said shyly, "you could stay here with me. Unless that breaks the 'don't touch the girl policy'" you teased.

"That rule doesn't apply to me," he grinned then laid down and pulled you into his body, wrapping one arm tightly around you.

"I promise I'll keep you safe," he said, his soft lips lightly brushing against your ear which sent chills through out your whole body.

"I trust you," you admitted as you cuddled closer into him.

He lightly pressed his lips on your forehead then gave you an innocent but lingering kiss on your neck which made your heart beat a million beats per second.

"Get some sleep love," he whispered.

You felt his body relax as he got ready to sleep and you did the same, feeling completely safe in the arms of a certain beautiful British Boy.

This was so much fun to write I love Newt so muchhhhhhhhh. Thanks for reading guys, remember to comment and voteeeee

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