Not Really Passing Notes (Part 2)

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I love it when you guys ask for part 2. It makes me feel like my writing is actually good :)

"Just wear what normal people on first dates wear right?" Newt nervously scanned his closet for something, anything normal.

Finally he decided on skinny jeans and a long sleeve shirt.

He looked normal but like he tried. He was still shocked that desk kid turned out to be so damn attractive. Of course he loved his personality but his face...and body...was the icing on the cake.

Tommy was going to be there in less then an hour and Newt was freaking out. He wanted to impress Thomas so badly. From the first day they started texting those weeks ago he already knew there was something about Thomas' snarky remarks that drew him in. Now of course that was only texting...once he met Thomas in person he was head over heels. They talked the whole detention class after explaining their situation to the teacher, who thought it was super cool, they got a free pass to talk.

Thomas was cool, really really cool and everything about him had Newt grinning like crazy.

When the doorbell rang Newt jumped. He nervously went to the door and opened it.

"Hey," Thomas said, his cheeks tinting pink.

Bloody hell was he adorable.

"Hey Tommy, you look nice," Newt smiled as he leaned against the door frame. And it really wasn't a lie.

Thomas cheeks flushed a darker red as he played with his hands, "you look cute."

Newt grinned as the younger boy looked up shyly then reached out and intertwined their fingers.

"You drove here?"

Thomas nodded as they walked to the car, "yeah. Borrowed my sister Teresa's car though so I gotta bring it back in one piece."

"Where are we even going Tommy?"

Thomas smiled as they got into the car, "drive in, it's my favorite place."

"You're not getting lucky in the backseat," Newt snickered as Thomas mocked a frown.

"My whole plan, foiled."

Newt just shook his head as they got into the car.

The car ride was filled with blaring random music and the two boys stealing glances at each other. When they finally got their the mood was a lot less tense, Newt knowing that Tommy felt the exact same way he did.

They positioned the car so that the trunk was open and they could lay down on a mass of pillows and blankets.

They started the movie far apart but as it went on the shifted closer so they were just barely touching.

"Let's just get this awkward shifting phase over with and cuddle okay?" Newt finally said as Thomas happily agreed and Thomas' head fell on Newt's chest.

"Newt?" Thomas asked softly, vibrating his chest.

"Yeah Tommy?"

"This is my first date," he whispered as he held Newt a little tighter.

"Well in my opinion it's going pretty well so far."

"Yeah I thought so too," Thomas looked up and smiled.

"You're really cute when you smile," Newt said as he traced little patterns on Thomas' arm.

"I still can't believe you failed Calculus twice," Thomas lightly laughed as he stared at the contact between him and Newt.

"Hey it's hard! I have to pass it this year or I don't graduate," Newt admitted.

"Don't graduate, stay with me," Thomas said quietly but Newt heard.

"I'm staying close for college, already have mine picked out. Only about 45 minuets away."

"I'm alright with that," Thomas said happily, "you know when we first started talking on that stupid desk I thought you were some thug."

"A thug?" Newt laughed.

"Yeah! But then you turned out to be really hot," Thomas lightly ran his fingers along Newt's stomach, "and you're nice to and I have a feeling you're going to make me fall way to hard."

"Well I'm glad you don't still think I'm a thug."

"The last thing I thought would happen is this honestly. You say in that detention room looking like some fuckin runway model and then for some reason you find me attractive....I'm just happy."

"For some reason? You're pretty bloody adorable yourself."

"Oh did I mention that nickname drives me crazy?"



"Nothing, I just love your reaction when I say it," Newt smiled then shifted so he was it from under Thomas.

Thomas frowned at the loss of contact but was quickly cut off by Newt's lips meeting his own.

The younger boy was taken by surprise but immediately kissed back. Their lips moved softly together, like they were trying to get a feel of how they fit. It was a chaste kiss but enough to make both boys' stomachs release butterflies.

Soon enough they both smiled into the kiss and it turned into a dysfunctional mess but a good mess.

"You're a good kisser," Thomas whispered as Newt's face was still close to his.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah but maybe cause the only kiss I've ever had was truth or dare," Thomas admitted shyly.

"You don't know a lot about relationships do you?" Newt chuckled slightly.

Thomas shook his head and Newt pecked his lips again, "then how about we make this official and I be your first one?"

"Are you asking me to be your boyfriend?

Newt nodded and Thomas grinned, "then my answer is yes."

I suck at writing dates maybe because my last date was a dysfunctional mess but oh well. I hope you enjoyed the Newtmas!

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