Cop Series Fic. 1

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So basically someone (they know exactly who they are) sent me these pictures of Dylan and Thomas in cop uniforms so then we planned out a cop series that's gonna have 4 fics and it's gonna be great bc Dylmas cops.....why not

(Btw Dylan is 20 and Thomas is 22 in this)

Dylan was driving home, going over the speed limit when he heard the sirens. Of course, the one time he decided to speed he gets caught.

He sighed and pulled over, already getting out his license and ID.

The cop tapped on his window and without looking he rolled it down, to busy searching for his ID.

He heard a slight gasp and quickly turned his head.

"Bloody hell, Dylan?" a familiar British accent asked.

"Thomas! You're a cop now!" Dylan exclaimed.

He smirked, "yeah, it's a nice job plus everyone calls me Officer Sangster and that has a nice ring to it."

"Officer Sangster, I like it," Dylan grinned as Thomas leaned on the open window.

"Speeding Dylan though, really?" Thomas cocked an eyebrow as Dylan flushed.

"It's late, I just wanted to get home," he shrugged but Thomas was laughing.

"So how've you been, I haven't seen your stupid arse since high school?" Thomas asked.

"Still in college, busy with classes and life, still single though. How about you?"

"I just got into this job last year, I love it, I broke up with Isabella last year."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Dylan frowned but if he was being honest, that wasn't bad news to his ears at all.

"It's okay, no hard feelings between us, we're still friends."

"That's good," Dylan smiled.

They just stared at each other for awhile in silence till Thomas laughed awkwardly, "uh, you look good."

Dylan grinned, "so do you, Officer Sangster."

Even in the dim light Dylan could see the blush that spread across Thomas' cheeks.

"You know," Thomas shook his head then started again, "all throughout high school I uh, had this crush on you and now we're adults and I'm pulling you over for a speeding ticket."

That was shocking to Dylan, "you had a crush on me?"

Thomas nodded as he played with his badge.

"That would have been good to know in high school you dork, I liked you too."

Thomas' head shot up, "you did?!"

"Yeah," Dylan laughed as his gaze met Thomas', "and I don't think that crush ever went away."

Silence fell over them as they just stared at each other in disbelief.

"I...I still like you too," Thomas shyly admitted as Dylan grinned.

"I'm so glad I got pulled over," Dylan laughed as he leaned out the window and pulled Thomas down by his uniform to kiss him.

Thomas was surprised at first but kissed back once he recovered. Their lips moved together slowly as if they were still two love ignorant teenagers. Just that simple kiss was enough to Dylan's insides flip. He was kissing Thomas. He was kissing Thomas....he was kissing...

Dylan pulled back fast, "I kissed you."

Thomas nodded slowly, "yeah, I realized that."

He got out of the car and dragged Thomas to the front of it. He hopped up on the hood and pulled Thomas as close to him as the car would allow.

"D-Dylan, what are you doing?" Thomas asked as he leaned closer to him.

"If I kiss you really good, Officer Sangster, can I get out of that ticket," he grinned as Thomas rolled his eyes.

"I think we can arrange something like that," Thomas smiled as his hands rested on Dylan's hips.

Dylan smiled and leaned forward, connecting their lips once again. Thomas hummed in content and leaned into it as Dylan smiled against his lips. They kissed for while, getting a feel of each other until Dylan deepened the kiss which made Thomas squeeze his hips.

Dylan pulled back slightly which caused Thomas to whine at the loss of contact.

"Why'd you bloody stop?" Thomas frowned as Dylan laughed.

"I wanted to know if that was good enough to get my ticket forgotten about."

Thomas gave him a look then leaned up and kissed him again.

"You know I really like the uniform," Dylan mumbled into the kiss as he ran his hands along all the stuff attatched to the shirt.

"Bloody kinky bastard," Thomas laughed before kissing him again.

"Damn Officer Sangster, I didn't know you were such a good kisser," Dylan teased as Thomas frowned.

"You need to start talking less or I will give you that ticket."

Dylan smirked before pulling him into yet another kiss. This was definitely not how he planned his night to go but this was way better then any other thing he could think of.

As they kissed Dylan let his hands roam over every inch of that tight uniform top, who would have guessed Thomas Sangster would become some runway model looking cop.

Thomas pulled back and smirked, "would you stop feeling up my uniform?"

Dylan buried his face in the crook of Thomas' neck, "I can't help it, it looks so good on you."

Thomas just laughed as ran his hands across Dylan' back.

"It took us years to finally do this," he laughed as Dylan started innocently kissing his neck.

"I should take you out on a date," Dylan said inbetween kisses.

Thomas' stiffened at that, "a-are you serious? You'd want that?"

Dylan nodded, "of course I'd want that. Your my hot little cop, no one elses. And you better not make out with any other person you pull over, that's a strictly me only deal."

Thomas rolled his eyes but couldn't hold back the grin that was spreading across his face.

"You're adorable," Dylan said as he pecked Thomas' lips again.

Thomas glanced back at his police car and sighed, "I really should get back to work."

Dylan nodded and hopped down from the hood of the car.

"It was really nice reconnecting with you," Dylan laughed as Thomas shook his head.

"I'll see you on our date," Thomas stated, almost hopefully.

"I'm looking forward to it," Dylan grinned as Thomas walked back to his squad car.

"Hey Thomas!" Dylan called, "does that mean if I call 911 you'll come in that uniform."

Thomas flipped him off and got into his car.

Dylan was smiling like an idiot when he got back in his car, speeding got him a date, a super hot enforcer of the law date.

It may have taken them years to admit their feelings for each other, but it was well worth the wait.

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