I Love Hating You

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"Maybe if you weren't so bloody annoying I wouldn't hate you so much," Newt growled at Thomas who just scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"The British swearing was cute at first but now it's just irritating," Thomas crossed his arms and Newt clenched his fists.

"Trust me I'm not the irritating one here!"

"Would you two shut up?!" Minho screamed from the other room. Soon he appeared in the doorway with his arms crossed, "this is supposed to be a work place, how are we supposed to get business if you two are going at it all the time?"

"Minho we literally just work on the WICKED's blueprints all day, no one even comes in here.." Thomas trailed off as Minho frowned.

"You two with me now," he ordered as they two boys hung their heads and followed.

He pointed to the small break room and the boys went in. Suddenly the door slammed shut and clicked. The doors were out on wrong so they locked from the outside, that was before Minho took over the company.

"You two have a mandatory break for two hours, I suggest learning to play nice or I'm gonna need two new employees."

Thomas groaned loudly and turned to Newt.

"I'm not happy about this either," he sighed and jumped up and sat on the small table.

"What are we supposed to do for two whole hours?"

"Not fight?" Newt suggested softly.

"Well that's easy," Thomas smirked, "I know why you fight with me constantly anyways."

"Oh you do?"

Thomas nodded happily as Newt raised his eyebrow in confusion.

"It's because you like me a little bit."

Newt choked on air as his face flushed red, "what?"

"Awh come on Newt, we're not really fighting it's more like...intense flirting."

Newt just stared at him, open mouthed.

"Look me straight in the eye and tell me you don't find me at least a tiny bit attractive," Thomas moved so he was standing in between Newt's legs, "cause trust me, I find you very very attractive."

This was not at all how Newt expected this to go, but honestly he wasn't complaining. Of course he found Thomas hot, who wouldn't?

"I'm confused," was all Newt could manage to say. The closeness of Thomas was seriously messing up his train of thought.

"I make fun of you because I like you, it's easier then being nice because then you're nice back and it drives me mad."

"I definitely didn't see that one coming," he laughed lightly.

"And I'm pretty sure you like me too, if I kissed you right now...." Thomas trailed off as he moved even closer so he was standing directly in between Newt's legs and traced little shapes on his thighs.


"Mm," he slid his hands up till they were resting gently on Newt's hips.

"Bloody hell you're close," Newt whispered as his heart picked up speed.

Thomas' lips ghosted over Newt's, their lips just gently brushing which sent chills down Newt's spine.

"If you don't want me to kiss you say something," Thomas whispered, his breath warm against Newt's lips.

Newt's heart was beating out of his chest, Thomas' slow soft touches were driving him insane,

They sat there in silence for a few moments till Newt slowly guided his hands to the rim of Thomas' t-shirt.

Thomas grinned before pressing his lips to Newt. Newt's insides did a backflip as his grip tightened on the shirt.

Their lips moved together, weird at first but soon found a pattern and started moving smoothly.

It was the best kiss Newt ever had, it was the first kiss that made Thomas actually feel something.

Thomas pulled away which made a small displeased sound escape Newt's lips.

"Relax, we got two hours in here I'm not done with you," Thomas laughed as he left light kisses down Newt's neck.

Newt's eyes fluttered shut as he leaned into the touch.

"How are you so good at this?" Newt asked softly.

Thomas smiled against his skin and slowly traced his hands up Newt's shirt.


Thomas froze and brought his eyes up to meet Newt's.

"That was the cutest thing I've ever heard you say."

Newt flushed red and buried his face in the crook of Thomas' neck.

Suddenly the door swung open and Thomas jumped a foot which caused Newt to almost fall off the table.

"Well that was the last thing I expected," Minho stammered as his eyes flickered between the two boys.

"You were the one who locked us in here!" Newt protested.

"I didn't think you'd get frisky on my table! People eat there!"

"We weren't doing that, just uh...kissing. That's all," Thomas mumbled, his face all red and flustered.

"I only left you in here for 20 minutes, I thought 2 hours was cruel but apparently you would've liked that," Minho raised his eyebrows.

"I'm not an ass Minho, I wouldn't have done that this early. I know I don't show it but I actually care about him."

"Well greenie, you two are free to go," Minho grinned as he left the door open.

Thomas turned to Newt and ran his thumb across his cheek, "now how would you feel about a date?"

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