Betrayal and Shots

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I'm such Newtmas trash whoopsss...but really aren't we all.

It was cold, end of fall beginning of winter. That perfect time when the leaves were almost done falling and if light snow appeared it would be perfectly normal.

Newt walked down the street smiling slightly at all the couples walking hand in hand. It was his favorite time of the year, he absolutely loved the feel and his favorite pub opened their apple cinnamon drink on the menu which was his favorite. He was actually on his way to order one.

He reached the small pub, it was a warm grey color with a few hanging lights and a long dark wood bar table. Newt smiled and pushed open the glass door with a crooked "open" sign hanging on it. A small bell dinged and the man, who was wiping down the bar, looked up and waved.

"Hey Newt. I'm guessing I know what you're here for?" the man chuckled, wiping his forehead with his sleeve. The man was older looking, he had the scruff of a beard visible against his dark skin.

"I'm starting to think I'm addicted to those drinks Jorge," Newt laughed, taking a seat on one of the empty bar stools. He drummed his fingers on the surface as he watched Jorge disappear into the back to make his drink.

Newt was the only guy in the pub so it was quiet, well until the door slammed open making the bell ring loudly. A guy stormed in, his eyes red and puffy, breathing heavily. He sat down on a stool 2 away from Newt's and frantically ran his hands through his hair.

Newt watched him discreetly, wondering what was wrong. He was good looking, shaggy dark brown hair and a few freckles on his face. His brown eyes were bright due to the tears that flooded them.

"What's a good type of shot they have here?" he suddenly looked at Newt.

"Uh what?" Newt was slightly taken aback.

"A shot, like something strong. I need to get drunk."

"Um I don't drink like that," Newt shrugged,"care to tell me what you're trying to forget. You can't drown your problems in vodka."

"My girlfriend....she, she cheated on me," the guys voice cracked.

"The names Newt," the blonde boy shifted stools till he was right next to the other guy.

"I'm Thomas, Newt short for anything?" he stuck out his hand for Newt to shake which he gladly did.

"Yeah Newton."

Up close this guy was even hotter, and, yes, Newt was about as straight as a circle.

"So uh this girlfriend...does she have a name?" Newt carefully asked not wanting to upset the attractive brunette.

"Teresa," he spat, "I loved her. This is why I don't normally date chicks."

Newt laughed,"tell me about it."

Thomas cracked a grin and Newt's heart skipped a beat.

"Here you are Newt," Jorge came back out with his drink,"you have a friend? What would he like?"

"I need a shot, gimme your best," Thomas sighed.

"Coming right up," Jorge sympathetically smiled and disappeared once again.

"She isn't worth it," Newt said,"if she cheated she doesn't deserve ya."

"Thanks Newt," Thomas patted him on the back,"you know you're cool. We should do this more often."

Newt felt himself blush.

Oh I probably look like a bloody idiot

"Sure! I've got a pretty boring life so I'm almost always free."

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