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Real quick wanna thank you for 18k reads wow, that's amazing. Here's a cute little AU to celebrate :)

"Don't go that way," Thomas hissed as he yanked on Newt' arm.

"Ow!" Newt swatted Thomas' hand as they tried to sneak out of the cabin they got stuck with being councilors of.

"Go around," Thomas whispered as he pointed to a kid who was stirring in his sleep.

They heard a groan and froze in their tracks.

"Are you two sneaking out again?" the third councilor of their cabin, Minho, asked as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Yeah," Thomas admitted shyly, "it's the only time we can."

"That's what you get for perusing a banned relationship," Minho chuckled as he stretched his massive arms.

"I can't help it," Thomas snickered as he pinched Newt's side.

"I'll cover for you if need be," Minho waved them off, "you horny kids have fun but if you wake up Chuck I will turn you in myself."

"Very funny Min..." Newt was cut off as Thomas dragged him quickly out the door.

"We're gonna get caught one of these times," Newt huffed as he intertwined his hand with Thomas'.

"Don't care," Thomas mumbled as he pulled Newt closer into his body.

"I'm serious," Newt frowned.

"I'm serious too, I'd rather spend some time with my insanely hot boyfriend than obey the rules of this stupid camp that I didn't even want to go to in the first place if I may add."

"If you didn't come to this camp you wouldn't have met me," Newt hummed as they finally reached the dark abandoned tree they met at almost every night.

"That's the only reason why I haven't done something to get kicked out," Thomas snickered as he pulled Newt down onto his lap.

"You're a pain in the ass," Newt sighed as he let his head drop to Thomas' shoulder, "you're lucky your ass is cute."

"Oh yeah?" Thomas smirked as he wrapped his arm around Newt's waist.

Newt nodded as he yawned.

"Tired?" Thomas asked, softly kissing Newt's cheek.

"We sneak out almost every night, of course I'm bloody tired," Newt grumbled as he slipped one of his hands up Thomas' T-shirt.

"Wanna go back?"

Newt's grip tightened, "that's the stupidest thing you've ever said."

"I'm gonna miss you so much when we go back home," Thomas admitted as he absentmindly ran his fingers across Newt's arms.

"We'll make it work okay? I don't want to just end this," Newt frowned and picked his head up to look at Thomas.

Newt looked adorable with the little pout on his face so Thomas leaned in and connected their lips. They kissed softly, their lips moving together just like the hundred times they've kissed before.

Thomas gently bit on Newt's bottom lip which earned a solid slap to his chest from the boy on his lap.

"What?" Thomas pulled away with a smirk plastered on his face.

"No making out."

"Newt we've been dating for a whole month and haven't made out once," Thomas wined as he let his hand trail across Newt's side.

"I already told you why we can't," Newt flushed as he buried his face in Thomas' shoulder.

"Cause you're scared I'll make you moa..." Thomas was cut off as Newt smacked a hand over his mouth.

"It's not funny!" he hissed as Thomas licked his hand, "that's bloody gross."

"Newtttt," Thomas whimpered as he started kissing his neck.

"Tommy," Newt warned, "if you leave a mark we're dead."

Thomas paused for a second then flipped Newt onto the ground and kneeled over him, "then I just have to leave marks where no one can see them."

"I'm gonna kill you," Newt muttered as Thomas lifted up his shirt and started kissing his stomach.

Newt let his eyes flutter shut as Thomas marked his stomach.

"See? Nothing to worry about," Thomas grinned as he moved up to peck Newt's lips.

"You're bloody lucky I like you," Newt huffed.

Newt lifted himself up on his elbows and gasped as he saw what Thomas did, "bloody hell Thomas! Guess I have to wear a shirt in the lake now," Newt pushed Thomas who fell backwards off of him.

"Good, no one else needs to see you shirtless but me," Thomas snickered as Newt just shook his head and pulled his shirt down.

"I take it back, I hate you."

"No you don't," Thomas pulled Newt back onto his lap and ran his hands over the marks he just made, "and you definitely don't hate these."

Newt didn't say anything as he cuddled into Thomas, sighing contently as he closed his eyes, "I don't want to just be some summer fling Tommy."

"I know," Thomas caressed Newt's back softly, "we don't have to be."

"I can't be just a summer fling Tommy cause I went and fell in love with you."

Thomas froze at that, "you love me?"

Newt nodded as he tried to cuddle even closer to Thomas which was near impossible.

A stupid grin took over Thomas' face as he replayed it over in his head, Newt loves him.

"You could at least say it back you bloody idiot," Newt grumbled.

"I do, love you too," Thomas said as Newt hummed in content. "Newt you're exhausted why don't we go back?"

"You're more important then sleep," Newt mumbled.

"Thomas? Newt?" a voice sounded from a few feet away from them which made both of their blood run cold.

"Uh yeah?" Thomas asked nervously as Newt was trying to slide off his lap but that just resulted in him moving against parts he really shouldn't. It was proving very difficult to make this look platonic now.

Suddenly Chuck came into view as Newt was partly off Thomas' lap, his legs still sprawled across Thomas, in the worst possible position too.

Chuck suddenly grinned, "I knew it."

Newt groaned loudly, "Chuck please don't blow us in."

"I wont," Chuck smirked, "if you both give me your sausage and bacon rations at breakfast."

"No way!" Thomas shot back.

"It's either Newt or food and from what I'm seeing you can get all the sausage you want fromyour boyfriend over here."

Newt flushed red and Thomas' mouth dropped open, "what the hell Chuck you're 11!"

"Do we have a deal," Chuck snickered as Thomas looked back at Newt and sighed.

"Fine, we have a deal."

"Then I didn't see anything."

And with that Chuck was off.

"I just got played by an 11 year old!" Thomas gasped as Newt laughed and climbed back onto his lap.

"Well I guess we can make out now."


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