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Chapter 2

Last week of November and nothing changed. Well actually if you think that cars now are hovering, skyscrapers are dominating and the police officers are robots isn't change, then it's not.

I managed to be awake in the first period of our afternoon classes. CHINESE MANDARIN. I rubbed my sleepy eyes as I tried writing the characters of hě, mài,ma and bàba. Its not like I hate Mandarin. Mandarin is actually fun especially when the whole class starts preparing for the Chinese festival this coming February. But right now all I want to do is sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep. I dont know what's gotten into me! It's like everything is so disappointing I cant have fun. After the hurried writing of characters on my notebook, I leaned on my chair and closed my eyes.

Everything is a blur. I can't see anything. My mind is spinning, my ears are bleeding and my heart is pounding yet I don't even have a clue why the hell am I running! And I dont even run!! I tried to stop but something kept me moving. A soft voice keeps telling me move it or you'll die. I dont have a choice. I ran. I came upon an abandoned factory.
My breathing is ragged and I need a bag to calm down but I heard a soft pitter patter of footsteps that made me run and hide instead. I hid behind the enormous doors and waited. Suddenly I heard the footsteps coming closer and is accompanied by the soft humming of engines. I don't know what that is but it made me shiver. I placed my hands on my mouth to shush my ragged breathing when I heard a robotic voice. "find them and kill them. Make sure every police officer has a copy of their names. It's time to harvest." my heart flipped as the humming and footsteps decreased. I ran when huge hands grabbed my forearm. I'm gonna die! I stared at my captor when his mouth moved. "Emily"

"-mily! Emily!! Wake up!"

I woke with a jolt. My notebook fell and my head was spinning. "arrrrgggg what was that for?" I asked quite pissed. I managed to stare at my alarm clock. It's Moarie. Her dark round eyes met mine as I managed an internal groan. "sorry, yeah you were saying" I asked. "it's already Physical Education. Time to get dressed." she said and walked away. I groaned again and buried my face into my hands. Why do I need to do physical education? I mentally asked when someone answered it for me. "because it's in the stupid curriculum that we need to have this?" it was Sham. She was already in her outfit and is now tying up her shoe laces. I grinned as I checked On May as she tied her hair into a pony tail.

We went down to meet our instructor. But nobody said to meet her on time. So I walked one minute an inch until I got bored and slid down the railings.

"took you long enough." our instructor said. "alright this time we are going to do some cardio activities. I want the lot of you to sweat once in a while, be outside and work your systems than stay indoors and be a couch potato" everyone sighed and slowly grab their groups and started the warm ups. May and Sham already found a spot so I quickly tied my hair into a messy bun and did the warm up.

Water! Stop! Rest! Sleep! Cut this class!

Those were my thoughts as I sat down beside Sham and May on a vacant bench. We watched as our classmates ran on the track. "how can they keep their stamina for so long?!" Sham mumbled as she gulped down the remaining water in her jug. "I've been working out and the only cardiovascular exercise I hate is running." May added. I released a small laugh and rested my legs when my dream flashed before my eyes.


I gripped my water bottle and drank furiously when my bestfriends suddenly grabbed my water bottle. "hey! Whats the big idea?" I asked pissed. "do you wanna drown?" Sham asked with her hands on her hips. "what?" I gave her my what-the-heck look. "you just finished your water without breathing. Without BREATHING!" May added as she pointed towards my bottle. I gave them an innocent shrug and changed my gaze.

Breath huh?

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