Alpha Point 737

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Chapter 23

My mind raced as I heard the masked men. "what the freaking hell is happening?!" Sham asked fully pissed. "is this some kind of joke?!" I found myself shouting at Christian who was trying really hard not to laugh.

"What's so funny?!" we all asked in unison and with anger and deadly stares. "Woah! Calm yourselves! Guys it's me Christian." he said playfully to the masked men. Hoping that they would put down their guns, we started to place down our hands when they pointed their guns again.

"we don't know any Christian!" one of them shouted. Throwing dagger stares at Christian, he gulped nervously. "that's not-" he started when a shadow from a far was seen walking in the vast and empty space. Seriously! We can plant crops here. "Omega team at ease. This is Christian the research lieutenant. The person I briefed you about which you clearly forgot." The dude was wearing a white lab coat with silver white hair, fair skin complexion and beautiful green eyes.

"oh! So that explains why they won't let me in." Christian said with relief as he twirled to look at us. "see? We are safe!" his 8 year old attitude was back. "guys! I want you to meet Doctor Tundra. Doctor, this is who I was talking about" Christian said presenting us like some gift.

"ah! Yes! Your classmates has arrived not earlier than you. They are currently staying inside the green house. Owen, please do lead them." Doctor Tundra said as he gave us a smile. With a soft hand on my back, Christian pushed us to the vast and empty space.

"Christian where are we going?" May asked quietly. "oh! Right sorry." he said as he got the car keys and pressed the lock button. I was about to shout at him when the whole place shook. "ladies, please do cover your noses it would get very dusty indeed.

Without further a do, I covered my nose as some plate underground brought us somewhat 24 feet under. We stopped as we saw a huge white sealed door with all the guards, the codes and the scanners. "what is this place?" we all mumbled in unison. "ladies, welcome to Alpha Point 737." he said giving us his million dollar smile. "ah okay?" Sham said. "Come on! It's time for you to change. Breakfast will be served 20 minutes from now" he said as he pushed us past whatever we passed. Seriously this guy needs a playmate.

Quickly as a panther, Christian stopped in another sealed door. "here's your room ladies. Hope you don't mind about bunker beds." he then walked away skipping and left us. I slowly pushed the door open and saw the bunker beds. There were four beds and four closets. I opened one closet and found out that it was fully loaded with shoes, underwear, clothes and gears. Yes I mean guns.

"This place is cool" May said in utter awe. "yeah! But it needs a make over" Rose said between awe and disgust. "really? It doesn't need any make over at all! This place is purrfect!" Sham announced trying to stop the artist freak from ruining her bliss. "alright alright chill. It's not like I can do it." Rose answered back. "good point" Sham concluded. Silence took over when I suddenly burst out laughing.

"What's funny?" May asked clearly puzzled. "I don't know it's just I miss laughing so much." I answered and released a sigh as I stopped laughing. They all gave me a smile and announced. "off to change!"

17 minutes, and we're all ready to get some food. I combed my wet hair and straightened it out as my friends did the same. After combing, four knocks came and echoed inside the room. Rose ran and opened the door and was greeted by a polished Christian. Instead of wearing his beat up deputy uniform he wore a cotton shirt and matched it with kaki shorts and his hair was perfectly trimmed and his eyes shone more as he came in with a smile from ear to ear.

"Hey Rose!" Christian's voice resonated inside. "are you guys ready?" right now I could imagine Rose blushing and trying to grab her voice from underneath. "yup! Just fixing the- ah- hair" Rose replied clearly stammering. "ohhh okaaaaayyy" Christian replied again.

Holding a laugh, we went to our bestfriend's rescue. "Hey Christian!" we all said in unison. Rose gave us a smile and relief washed over her grey eyes. "well then come on. Breakfast is ready" quickly as that, Christian lead us into a huge door but this time it was just made of mahogany. Seriously, Effie would love this. "ladies, welcome to the dinning room" with a squeal, we ran inside looking for our classmates and we saw them at the far end of the looooooooonggg table.

We ran as fast as we could and shouted "guys!" the lot of them craned their neck and I saw them smile with relief. Josephine, Shela, Noreen, Jay, Michelle, Vincent, Roland, Sophia, Hannah, Ahn,Sharyl, Philip, Roselin, Mel, Salbino and Judelyn I announced inside my head as my friends exchanged hugs, laughter and stories.

"Emily!" I heard Vincent and Roland's voice as they hugged me and choking me. "are you alright?!" they asked in unison. Laughter and relief washed over me as they as questions clearly concerned. "I'm alright. Are you guys okay here?" I asked giving each of them a pat on the head. "yup! We're good! But still waiting for the others. The rescue team didn't come back yet so we're still waiting." it was Roland who said that. Clearly, nervousness washed over me as I listened to them.

"Emily!!!!" I craned my neck as I saw Jay, Noreen and Michelle came running into me. Clearly these guys already did their bone crushing hugs to the others. It was Noreen who got to me first. "waaah! Are you alright?!" she asked when we pulled away from our hug. "yea-" I started when Jay and Michelle crushed me and shut me up. "holy macaroll! I'm so glad you lot are alright!" Jay said as he hugged me tight. "Jay! Move over!" Michelle shouted. I laughed as I gave them my bone crushing hug. "I'm good!"

For the past 3 minutes we did nothing but talk and talk when Christian decided to come and play. (note sarcasm) "Hey guys!" he announced. All of us spared him a chat, a glance and more when someone wearing a lab coat whispered something to Christian. When the guy walked away his smile came back. "The rescue team will be back 20 minutes from now"

This time, I smiled at him and this time we're all gonna be together.

Or so I thought. 20 minutes passed and the rescue team came in. We jumped in excitement when the leader of the rescue team announced. "code red 4230" we exchanged puzzled looks and finally glanced at Christian who was white as sheet. "ah,Christian, what's the-" Rose started when he said "it means your friends are-" he was distracted when the place shook. "we have company"

Waaaaaaahhhhhhh periodical tests are coming and out teacher is freaking scary and Shit XO

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