Stealing 101

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Dedicated to Mariezoje for being an inspiration too. Xoxoxo

Chapter 8

After the meeting we had, we planned to meet outside the gymnasium across the school. I got my midnight blue jansport bag and placed all the possible things needed in the infiltration. My mind kept throbbing while my heart keeps pounding. You're gonna steal something today. I banged my head on my pillow to get rid off that stupid thought. Not really, but my conscience. Shut up! I know its wrong but I need to do something! I mentally shouted to my conscience. You can't do anything. It will only cause you half of your conscience. It replied. I continued banging my head softly onto my pillow when my phone vibrated. I sheepishly opened my phone with a flip of my heart. Expecting red letters, I saw Sham's message. "Any moment know." she texted. I checked the time and saw the clock just flipped from 3:29 to 3:30 I still got another 30 minutes to sleep. I went to my settings and turned on the alarm. I made a contented smile and wuzzled off.

The place was like a safe haven. Everything is secured, everyone is safe and everyone is comfortable living here. I craned my neck as I gasped on how majestic the skyscrapers are now. I continued scanning my eyes when a dark alley caught my attention. I was about to walk when I accidentally stepped on something and turned on the alarm. I panicked as I saw some shadows scurrying in the alley. I walked backwards when someone or something is grabbing my arms and legs and dragging me off to who know where.

I woke up when my cute little baby pup Cuddles bit the tip of my shoe laces and started dragging me down. I successfully got my shoe back and checked my phone. I released a heavy sigh and gave Cuddles a soft kiss. " I'll be back Cuddles. Make sure you keep mom away from my room okay? I'll be back with a treat." I blackmailed slightly. Cuddles gave me a soft nod and bark and guarded my door. I got out from the window and made a run towards the gymnasium. When I got there, I was alone. So I stayed closer to the side gardens when I saw three shadows. "Em! We're all here!" Rose whisper shouted as we stayed cover.
I managed to form a nod and released a soft sigh.

Let's get this over with

We crept into the open window of the gymnasium and started to pick the locks of the door connecting the gymnasium to the school. I grab a wire cutter and forcefully cut the stubborn locks when the second lock wouldn't budge. After a few struggles, we managed to finally enter the familiar hallways. We sucked a few mouthful of oxygen and continued. We slowly tiptoed towards the principal's office and went to work. Sham got the files and photocopied every single one, May checked more files to see if we missed anything, Rose made sure they placed all the files back properly, while I kept watch.

Hurry up

My subconscious scolded. I glanced at my watch and sighed contentedly. After a set of file copying, we managed to grab a copy of everything. Slowly they arranged all the files like it was never touched and gave me a tight nod. "Let's get outta here." May said. "Come on before our conscience kills us of guilt." Rose added. I managed to nod and lead the way. Slowly we came out the principal's office and made a few sprints towards the gymnasium and climbed up to exit through the window. Rose, Sham and myself are already out, May reached towards the window when Rose's phone ringed. We all flinched as it pierced the tranquility of silence. "sorry" she whispered. Sham made a facepalm and I gave her deadly daggers. I reached out to my cousin when I heard footsteps. Panick rose into my stomach as it grew louder. "Who's there?!" the guard shouted. "Shit!" Sham cursed as the beams of light came flashing closer to where May was standing. May grabbed both of our hands and hoisted her up and not longer than milliseconds, the guard's flashlight beamed into the place where May was standing. We held our breaths until we heard the footsteps walking away. "crap I am so sorry May" Rose whispered. Nobody answered until we all calmed down and gave each other a high-five and a brofist and made a run for it.

*inhale... Exhale*

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