Let's steal it

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Dedicated to madoverswift who started voting for this. Thank you :D

Chapter 7

My mind kept racing as I stayed in my favorite spot in the public library. I took out the book that would always calm me down. The Avalon Series Web of Magic. I scanned the page where I was on when I felt someone was behind me. I craned my neck and saw Rose. She eyed me with her familiar cocky slinted eyes and her signature smirk. I smiled back and pointed the chair across me. She gave me a quizzical look when she opened her mouth. "Are you not gonna open the chair for me?" I let out a small laugh when I comically stood up. "oh your royal highness! Do forgive me for my manners. Please do sit." I motioned to the chair. She gave me her full smile and replied. "oh thank you darling. My feet were quite sore from walking." I was about to reply when the soft and familiar walking patterns became audible. "look who has arrived! The dutchess and the lady of the court." I happily greeted Sham and May. Sham just playfully rolled her eyes while May laughed and sat beside me. After we were all placed, the aura around us quickly changed. "tell me you haven't received any text warnings" Rose opened up first. "sorry to tell you but we did." Sham said placing her cellphone just across her showing the message. Quickly we took out ours and placed it across us and sighed heavily. "Literally I don't know what the heck is happening here!" May said in frustration. "Don't get me wrong but I think these messages are only sent exclusively to us." Rose perked up. "but why?" I leaned my back on the chair and looked up. "science class." I mumbled. "I think it has something to do with students who belongs to the Science class."not only that, but its happening right now." I quickly ended it with a matter of fact tone. " I think those files are for something bigger. Bigger and dummer" Sham interjected. "I agree, it's gotta be something big. Something that will change someone's life."May added. "not to mention those files" Sham once again said. Rose stiffened. "what files?" she asked. The three of us shared glances and leaned in closer. "we found these files with all our names and crap about us." May started. "It's norm-" Rose starter when Sham wailed. "ALL about US Rose! I mean IQ, likes, hobbies, food?!" Sham said in an outrageous manner. "Hush before we get kicked out" I controlled. "But that's impossible! Stalkers!" Her eyes turned to huge saucers and eyed us one on one. "we need to at least have a copy of that crap" May said. Steal it. My mind said. "Let's borrow it" we all said in unison. We shared a glance and an awkward smile. "try out any tactics. This is something big." "The school is not heavily guarded in the weekends. Let's go." Sham planned. We all share a nod and a smidge of guilt.

We are stealing confidential Files. It's bad but I think it's for the better.

My mind reassured but a word keeps echoing.


Stealing! Holy shiznuts!

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