We're taking the Answers

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Chapter 28

We marched noisily to our new room, The bunker room. We all talked about how fun it was when the whole place was under our control. Oliver also piped in making the conversation lively as ever. When we entered the room, the whole place was cleaned and fixed. From the doors to the vents to the sheets of our beds. Quickly as we got in, we swing ourselves and cuddled the soft pillows and blankets.

"wake me up when it's dinner" Noreen said as she quickly went to bed and quickly slept. "uh huh. Maybe I'll wuzzle off too" it was Hannah. Soon, almost everyone was sleeping, instead of Rose, Sham, Oliver and myself. "well, that was a fun game wasn't it." Rose said softly. "you bet! I'll show that damn spoiled kid of the president that we are not to mess with" Sham said with a fist held in the air. "hahahahaha! That was soooo much fun! Sebastian really is a worry wart" Oliver said "tell me who's the worry wart" a tired and male voice came from the door as we all craned our necks and found Sebastian all clean and bandage free yet panting. "Hey big brother!" Oliver said cowering behind the 3 of us. "seriously, you guys don't follow instructions at all. " he said as he entered fully inside the room.

"come on Sebastian. Do you really think that we would sit their doing nothing? Believe me, we get bored easily and you don't want to be with us when we are bored as hell." I said making my point. He just shrugged and got a chair near my bed and sat in front of us. "well-" he started when Rose and Sham cut him. "wait" I gave them a what look. "we clearly see you are acquainted but, who are you?" ohhhhhhh right! My friends hate socializing and sush.

I let out a small laugh as well as Oliver and said. "Rose, Sham. This is Sebastian Hendrix, Oliver's big brother. He was the one who gave me information. Sebastian, these are some of my friends, Rose and Sham. Sham, Rose this is Sebastian." I said making small hand gestures. "Oh! So you're the one who captured our Emily's little heart" Sham said playfully poking my sides. What the hell?! "what are you talking about?!" I said pissed. Oliver just laughed as well as Rose as they continued making annoying remarks when he said pinching the bridge of his nose. "remind me, why am I here?" he said.

"clearly we don't know. You just came in barging inside the room." Rose said now moving her attention to her phone. "oh right. Rose, Sir Christian was calling for you. He said he's in the second laboratory. Also Shyamelissa, a call is waiting for you in the control room." he said with a monotone.

"well, why didn't you say so! We could have saved time without you forgetting it." Rose said hurriedly walking out. "and why do I have a call?" Sham said and was given a couple of shrugs by myself and Oliver. Both went out without looking back. Well! Aren't their lives busy!! While I'm staying here with the grumpy cat. I was about to go up to my bed when he released a heavy sigh. Seriously, is this guy carrying the weight of the world or something?

"Don't stare at me like I carry the weight of the world" Sebastian remarked. "well, I can't help it cause you released the heaviest sigh inside the room. "well, I can't help it because I am suppose to guard you guys." he said with such an annoyed tone. Seriously, we don't need you. "I thought it was Christian's job." Oliver broke the silence. "well, sir Christian has more important things to do than watch over annoying kids with high IQs" he said clearly ignoring my presence.

Dumb ass

"well, Emily and her friends aren't annoying at all. They really keep me company and they saved me. So I totally contradict you on your stupid blaber about Emily." holy shiznuts. Is this Oliver? I mean seriously. He's awesome. I continued staring at them as a small smile crept on my face. Beat that sebastian.

"I can actually feel your dagger stares and annoying smile Emily" he said surprising me and fell off the bed. Waiting for the impact that never came, I turned to look at my rescuer who was the person who made me fall down in the first place. "not only annoying, but clumsy as well. Remind me to buy you a leash." he said. I squirmed out of his arms and landed not gracefully but still landed with ease. "I should say the same thing. I'll buy you a black leash and I'll drag you around like a real golden retriever." I said angrily.

"seriously, if you're planning on shouting and waking up the world then please do it outside" it was May. Biting back a pissed answer, Oliver grabbed my arm and Sebastian's and dragged us outside. "okay, you may continue" Oliver said as we stopped halfway towards the dining room. So basically, we are in the hallways.

"nah I'm good. Anyway, you guys get ready, you'll have a dinner date with Doctor Tundra, Come on Oliver." Sebastian said calmly this time and his eyes showed calmness and exhaustion. "I'll see you later Emily!" releasing a sigh, I waved back to Oliver and watched as both of their silhouettes disappeared.

"Sebastian's a little over the edge isn't he?" it was Christian. Seriously, this guy has become someone important to me and ofcourse I ain't telling that to his face. "you're supposed to be watching us, not him" I scolded him. His brow furrowed and I can see that he actually aged. His eyes were blood shot and he has wrinkles all over his forehead and his smile starts to waver. "What's wrong Christian" I said softly this time. "what ever do you mean" his voice was back and cheerful but I know his faking it. "Christian" I said with my most intimidating tone I have. "I'm just concerned Emily. Everyday keeps changing" he said pinching the bridge of his nose. "everything changes Christian nothing stays" I said with a soothing tone I mastered. "but this change is different and I hate it" he said now staring at me. "why is it different?" I calmly asked. "it's because-" "Sir Christian, the meeting has already started. Your presence is badly needed " one man wearing the security suite announced.

He sighed as said, "later" and went on his way. Just like what I did to Sebastian and Oliver, I stayed until not even their silhouette can be seen. After a few minutes of pacing around, the dinner alarms flooded the place. I stopped moving as I inhaled forcefully and waited for my friends to get ready.

This time we're hearing the truth and we're gonna learn alot and everything and everyone will change and we are willing to take it on no matter what happens. Cause this time, we're taking the answers by force if they'll start covering up.

Sorry for late updates. It's suppose to be a break but then again it's not a break -_-

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