State your name or you'll die

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Chapter 22

My back ached as I felt the vibration of something. Slowly opening my heavy eyelids, I saw that my friends were inches away from me and were sound asleep. I tried to sit straight when I was thrown back and made me kiss the greasy floor.

I'm in a car

My mind concluded. With another forceful push of my weakened arms, I managed to sit straight. Rubbing my eyes, I managed to see who's driving. "Christen!" I managed a growl. Christen's brow made a shush action that made my anger boil into a certain degree.

"where are we going?!" I growled louder this time. "shush Emily! If you don't want to get caught" he growled back. "Turn back Christen! My friends are in danger!" I snapped back. "Don't worry about your friends, I managed to call some back up." he said with a pained smirk.

"what back-" I started when I heard soft moaning beside me. My friends are waking up! "guys!" I whisper shouted. "oh damn! Where are we?" I heard Rose said. "why does it smell like gasoline and Shit?" Sham added. "not to mention that I am so tired." May concluded.

I smiled as I heard their famous lines. "calm down guys, hero here saved us." I said as I pointed towards Christen who stopped the car. "Who's this he-" Rose started when he saw Christen and his glad lime green eyes. "hi! I'm glad you guys are alright" Christen managed to say.

I rolled my eyes and accidentally landed on Rose as I unmistakably saw her blush that made me laugh mentally. Seriously, this friend of mine is a piece of work. I craned my neck once again to check the road when Sham said "where the hell are we going?!" silence remained as we waited for Christen to talk.

"well?! Aren't you gonna say anything?!" it was May who was already red in anger. The car stopped again and then he completely turned around, "it's time to know the truth. I am Christian Osten West and I am a researcher and ofcourse I am still 19 yet I got the brains and yes I am linguistic and yes I am conceited so no problem about that" he said and beamed a smile.

"Christian Osten West... Aren't you a darling. Yes, that's what we wanted to know. That's ALL we want to know" Sham exhaled for a while and shouted. "for crying out loud dude we need real information!" "why?! Wasn't that real information?" Christian defended himself and I saw his teenage side that is dying to be released.

"No it wasn't. Where are we going?" it was Rose who ended the tension. "Off to the real safe haven for people like us." Christian's face turned dead serious. "what do you mean people like us?" May asked. "you'll know." he said with a tone of finality.

With a shrug I just positioned myself and tried to be comfortable as I can be as he continued driving. 30 minutes of silence almost broke my mind. I need answers!!!!? My mind shouted. Feeling all mushy and tired, I gave my friends a glance and I saw that they were trying to be good by shutting their mouths, but I know better, they fidgeted every now and then to release tension, anxiety and anger.

"how long are we gonna wait?!" May asked in a quiet voice. " That I don't know" I replied. The drive continued for another 15 minutes until the car stopped for good. "we're here" Christian said.

Quickly, we slid out of the car and was greeted by men in gas mask holding guns and more. "lift your hands up in the air! State your name or you'll die!" they said.

Wah wah wah sorry for the late updates! I've been reading The Young Elite, Magnus Chase and The revenge of the Wallflower. Hihihi forgive me :3

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