Welcome to the control room. We weren't expecting you

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Chapter 27

Running around the hallways is making Oliver laugh that made me broke a smile even though I was dying inside. Note change of mood. Finally we stopped as we saw the change of door locks. This time it's an ordinary lock and key with whole body scanner, thumb scan, eye scan and blood sample. Ofcourse my friends are already inside while I'm struggling here thinking how should I destroy these things. With a sigh I started checking the scanners one by one when all of them turned green.

Access granted, you may enter.

The computer said. Sparing Oliver a glance, he just shrugged and was distracted by the heavy movement of the doors. Waiting it to fully open, I saw Christian waving at me with my friends near the console fidgeting. I laughed as I saw the rest of the workers being tied to their chair and was served candies? I know, it's the triplets work. Namely, Roselin, Mel Grace and Judelyn. I mentally faced palm and shoved Oliver inside the sealed doors and was greeted by heavy air-conditioning. Shivering, I held Oliver's forearms and lead him towards Christian who was smiling like a Bob cat.

"That took you 35 minutes" Christian said checking the time. "not bad. My men did that 45 minutes so it's a great achievement!" he happily said as he took a candy from Rose's palm. Seriously, these two have a thing! Rolling my eyes, I took Christian's leather jacket and made Oliver wear it. "Hey!" Christian said as he plopped a candie inside his mouth. "thaat wasz mine!" he said between eating. Oliver and laughed as I made an innocent shrug and went closer to the consoles.

"Hmmm finally all of you are here" Doctor Tundra's voice resonated inside the control room as the others tried to release themselves. While Christian stayed being Christian, eating candies not showing any care to Doctor Tundra. "Doctor" one of the hostages managed to say. "well, welcome to the control room! We weren't expecting you" Doctor Tundra said with a smile and a tired face. "you just can't lock us forever." it was Josephine. Woah! I mean Woah! She's known to be super duper quiet with Shela and here she is all mad and furious!

Feeling the great shift of emotion, Christian stopped eating, the hostages stopped moving and Doctor Tundra broke a smile. "dear children, I never expected you to be good mannered when you enter Alpha Point. Actually we already anticipated that you would make a move but we didn't expect that you would directly go for the heart. We expected you guys to go straight to the weaponry and try to take the place by force and yet, here you are escaping so easily through pipes and vents." Doctor Tundra's voice was so full of awe I could mistake it as him so proud of us.

"that's nice" this time it was Mel Grace. She wipped her chestnut hair as she broke open a keyboard console. Gasps and murmurs flew inside the room as she started doing her thing. After a while, the others decided to start working and noticed how pointless it is to talk. So without any doubt, we took over the control room and checked every nook and cranny of the place starting with the cameras.

"there's sebastian!" Oliver shouted. I quickly wipped my head to the screens as I saw him bringing some huge guns as he wore a camouflage shirt. "Doctor Tundra" it was Ahn. "Can you please explain what the freaking hell is going on" she said anger and calmness fighting over dominance. "well child. If you would know then it would be boring." he said and took a card from his dangled silver necklace and swiped it on the center of the console. "Doctor Tundra! What are you-" one of the workers asked but Christian shushed her with a lollipop. Seriously, this guy could chow some sweets. "Hush!" he said and I saw how mad he is. " I know what I'm doing Marebella. Don't worry" just as he said those words, the console got bigget and has more controllers. "This is Alpha Control. We only use this whenever someone or our plan is jeopardize." Doctor Tundra explained. "since you're already here, why don't you try this opportunity to help as you might say it" he said gazing at us with his pale blue eyes. "well then. Let's get started" it was Philip who said that and grabbed everyone a seat. "places everyone" May said between giggles. Taking two spare chairs, I handed one to Oliver and I sat down forcefully and stared at the screens.

"open vent 12. Put point 10 under quarantine. Sham, Jay, Noreen can you hack that part please. Salbino, Vincent, Roland, Philip blow it up. Roselin, Mel Grace, Judelyn candies. Ahn, Sharyl commotion. Shela, Josephine oxygen. Sophia, Hannah, Michelle piano tiles. May, Rose illusion" I commanded everyone as I saw that the soldiers already infiltrated the whole place. The cameras showed that Alpha Point was losing before I gave orders. But ofcourse I already know what's happening. This is a drill, a freaking drill that lightened up my boring life.

Biting back a laugh, I stared at each camera as I saw how my friends collaborated beautifully. Also, they already know it's a drill so we're showing those Alpha Point people what we can do and how furious we are. Joking! Hehehehe not really. As I sit back and relaxed, I spared Oliver a glance and saw him smiling from ear to ear. "I knew you guys were cool. Seriously, how'd you guys know bout the buttons in the console?" he asked happily. I leaned closer and said. "surprise" and we shared a laugh. After some time, the cameras showed that the solders fled so we stopped harassing them.

"well, I'll be. Proud and astonished is surely an understatement." Doctor Tundra said clapping his hands. Even the people working inside left their mouth open while Christian, stayed Christian yet was smiling from ear to ear and lastly stopped his eyes on Rose. I rolled my eyes and decided to focus on Doctor Tundra.

"well, I no doubt for the most wanted group in the experimental list" he added. Experimental list?! "what are you talking about?" it was Hannah. "answers, you wanted answers yes? Then I'll give you answers. Christian, lead the group inside the laboratory after dinner. Good job everyone" he said and went away.

Finally! Finally some answers!

I turned to my friends and I saw their eyes burning with determination, and I know they are more eager than I am.

Ladadiladadaladia hullo :3
Finally! A long break from hell! (school)

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