A Trip Down Memory Lane IV

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Notice: this chapter is for Noreen Louise Borces who's one of those awesome people who supports this story and maybe the other upcoming stories. Happy birthday to you forever of mine. :* LeoReenSerino

Chapter 33

Emily's point of view

Ever get the feeling of drowsiness in the middle of something important? Uh huh, that's what I'm feeling right now. All I want to do is sleep at this freaking moment. Yet I can't cause right now, we are following Doctor Heus and it's kind of a big thing on what would happen to us in the near future so I'm doing my best to be awake. Also, I thank Noreen for keeping me awake. Seriously, she can be a handful sometimes but in another way of handful. She's keeping me awake by pinching me now and then and making me hungry by always showing her juicy lollipop but won't give me some. "gimmie!" I would croak while she drags me. "nuh uh" she replied making a popping sound. "aww come on! Please" I whined. Hey! I'm still 16! I still eat sweets that'll help calm down my nerves! Or not.

We continued walking or stalking Doctor Hues when we stopped. "shhh they stopped" Michelle said quietly that I almost thought she cursed. "give me some details" I asked as I sat on the pavement with my wobbly legs and my drowsiness isn't helping at all. "too dark to see" Jay said. "besides, it's not that guarded. Maybe we can get in" Sophia suggested. I buried myself on my palms as I try very hard to wash away the drowsiness when a creaking sound that surely comes from a rusty door filled the air making us jump. "what the hell?!" Noreen mumbled as she accidentally spit out her lollipop. Serves her right for not giving me some! I bit back a giggle when the others beat me to it. They laughed and clutched their stomachs as they keep laughing. "oh shut up" Noreen said between laughs. I finally recovered but Jay's laugh was too much so we kind of started another set of laughter when howling of dogs came out of nowhere. "opps! I think we need to move" Michelle said grabbing Sophia's hand and Jay on the other. "Let's take cover near those trees" I suggested.

When we finally used the darkness to our liking, we saw 3 guards with fluffy German Shepherds! I gave my group a pleading glance. I mean, who could resist cuties like them?! "Don't even think about it" they said in unison. Woah! Weird. I just slumped my Idea inside my imaginary vault inside my head and stared at the happenings. There, I saw Doctor Hues putting on a surgical mask and gloves before going inside. "weird" I mumbled. "What do you think is inside?" Michelle asked me as I noticed I'm actually on full alert. "only one way to find out. Let's go inside" I said as I saw the dogs being tied outside.

As we crawl closer to the heavy steeled doors. Our first enemy are the dogs. I mean, it won't be a problem if I am physically here cause I think I can take control of them, but not here. Everyone gave me a what now look. I managed to give them an innocent smile and shrug when one an idea kicked in. "we're still holograms right?" I asked. "I don't know. It's like we're physically here" Michelle said full of worry. "but this" I pointed to the ground for emphasis. "This is like Sword Art Online. We aren't physically here yet we can feels, see and do things like we're here" I said enthusiastically. "uh yeah so?" Sophia asked matching the worried glance of Michelle when Jay let out an "ahhhhhh! Your right! So basically, we can be seen, we can be heard and WE can weild things here!" he said matching my enthusiasm. "ohhhh!!! And we can easily get those dogs to our command!" Noreen said jumping like a kid. Seriously, even if it's the apocalypse, they would still bring out lollipops and jokes. "ohhhh!!! Let's do it!" Michelle and Sophia said happily.

Breathing slowly, I continued staring at the dogs who are tied together at one side of the place. I decided to distract the cutties as the others try grab the safety suits. With a nod, I beamed my torch close to the dogs. Feeling my presence, they all sit in full alert bearing their fangs as I heard soft growls. I heard soft gasps from my friends as the dogs started to gro louder and pace around. Inhaling swiftly, I made baby steps towards them as I continously hummed shhhhh. Yeah I know. There's no such thing as a humming that's shhh. Well, I can sing and compose songs. Why can't I make it?

Taking only restricted intakes of oxygen, I continued humming, slowly walking towards the dogs as I reached out my hand to them. Their growling seemed to quicken when I mumbled, shhhh. I'm not trespassing. I'm here to make friends with you. And just like that, I tried to stare at them in their eyes when they paced and decided to go back to sleep. I bit back a loud cheer as they willingly accept my pettings.

"Emily come on!" Jay shouted as low as he can. Skipping away from my new friends, I managed to quietly got to Jay and the others. "we got some extra safety suits. Let's go" Sophia told me as she handed me my suit. With a small mumble of "thank you" I quickly put it on.

Walking stealthily, we managed to enter without any casualties. When we opened the steel door, we were greeted by intense air-conditioning. Quickly rubbing ourselves to keep warm, we just moved in a straight line and entered the only lit room at the far end of the hallway. Inhaling, we peeked inside and I thought my jaw literally dropped. Inside were bodies of kids floating inside tubes full of water and were clearly unconscious. "what the!" Jay announced with gritted teeth. "what are they doing?" Sophia asked to no one in particular. "I think I'm gonna barf" Michelle added as she covered her mouth tightly. Feeling at loss and hopeless, I felt a pat on my back. I craned my neck and saw it was Noreen. With a straight face and half disgusted, her eyes tried to say let's go. With a nod, I entered and took the others with me by holding their hands.

Slowly, we entered the heart of the morgue like place to check for something. Okay, I don't really know what to check but Noreen kind of did the thing so I'm here leading them to who knows where!!!. Okay! Calm yourselves Emily! It's not like someone's gonna jump out of the tubes and gobble you up like chocolate! Okay. Too much books and anime. I inhaled and stayed attentive to my surroundings when I felt my legs rooted to the ground. My knees were turned into jelly and my heart shattered into pieces. Inside one of the tubes is Jasminne our classmate and friend.

"Emily why'd you st-" I heard Michelle say when she gazed into what I was staring. She let out an audible gasps and caught the others attention. "What's wrong? Sophia asked when I saw Jay and Noreen tugging Sophia at the helm of her shirt. "Jasminne?! B-but" she started when we heard footsteps. Hide! Our eyes shouted together. Like termites driven away from their home, we hid behind the unloaded tubes and stayed silent sending eye messages. "Hmmm, you only caught half of the class. I need all of their heads! Especially these 4!" am angry shout made me grip the metal rod handle on the tube. "but we are doing everything we can! We can't just turn the place upside down. Rumors has it, that the rest of thr students are under the rebels' custody. "gyaaa! Danggit those rebels! If only I can bomb their roots. Then they would stay down!" one of the two voices said. "especially Tundra. I volunteer to crush everything he creates" hearing Doctor Tundra's name made my heart skip a beat even though he's on the top of my "I don't like him". Hey! I got my list of hated people. "then for now, remain the slow run. Then we will finally fill the quota no doubt" the first voice said and finally I heard a pair of footsteps going farther away until it was no more. Releasing a breath I held in for about 10 seconds, we nodded to each other and made a dash towards the rendezvous. They need to know what the hell is happening.

Sorry for the late update T.T wifi was out and I wasnt inspired hihihi

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