A Trip Down Memory Lane V

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Chapter 34

Sham's point of view

Did you ever fantasize yourself as Sherlock freaking Holmes and quickly solve all those freaking nerve racking and skull crushing mysteries? Cause I do. Right now, with my group; Roland, Hannah, Ahn and Sharyl, we are walking aimlessly to the surrounding abandoned buildings. Yeah I know the plan was clear. It was to find some clues but how do you find clues when you don't even know where to start? With a mental groan, I made a turn in the hallways as we planned earlier to separate ways. Finally bored and got nothing, I went to our rendezvous point in the building.

I saw Ahn, Hannah and Sharyl talking like there's no tomorrow. Seriously these three."have you found anything?" I asked as I was a foot apart. I kind of hate direct contact. What? Okay my mind is doing crazy things with me. "haven't seen anything weird lately." Ahn stated as she cut her conversation with Hannah and Sharyl. "Same here" Sharyl and Hannah added and continued to chat. Weird I mentally said and went to look for Roland. Making a bee line or a Sham line okay mind. That's enough!

Feeling claustrophobic for the first time, I bit my lower lip as I used my torch to light up my way. Your my flashlight! Light! Light! What the hell?! Okay something is seriously wrong with me! I need to go back to my bestfriends. NOW! biting my lip again, I continued walking towards the only lit room at the right side and kicked it open. There I saw Roland who was struggling in covering his nose and that's when I noticed that the place is foggy and Smokey and dunno. Arrggg you get the point it's full of gas inside.

"Run! This Is hallucinogens!" he managed to say as he stood up and tried to destroy the thing that's releasing the gas.

With a tiny bit left of sanity yes. Sanity hush! I ran outside, took out the axe from the fire emergency case and striked at the "thing." The funny thing is, I kind of looked like Taylor Swift in her Blank Space when she destroyed the car of the guy. Yeah so maybe I really lost it. "Sham! Calm down it's destroyed. " I heard Roland's voice as my sanity came back. Welcome back sanity!!!!!! "oh." was all I can say and a millisecond later I felt tired, sore and I found blisters on my hands. "remind me to not anger you. Especially when you mistakenly inhaled hallucinogens." he remarked between laughs. With wobbly legs, I released the axe and fell down on a chair that was thickly covered with dust.

"what the hell- Sham! Roland! Did you guys try to kill each other?" Sharyl asked with total innocence. Seriously, this girl can be with Emily for innocent types. "not really. But we found out that hallucinogens are placed inside this building for intruders and I'm pretty much sure we can find something in here." I said as I fully regained my sanity and my mind. "Let's go on a scavenger hunt." Roland announced. Silence fell first when soft murmurs of agreement followed. "okay, same rendezvous." Ahn suggested. "yup, but this time, we're going by pair." Hannah suggested. With a tight nod, she pointed at Roland and Sham. " They will team up and they would go that way" she continued as she pointed to the far corner from were we destroyed the thing. "while Ahn, Sharyl and I would... Ahm we would..." "you would check the remaining rooms and check for weird things" I said with a bored tone. " yup! That!" so without any delay, we walked towards the area Hannah was pointing.

With our torches beaming low, we listened attentively to our surroundings and kicked open doors when we're sure it's safe. Fortunately, as we kicked open each door, the device that releases hallucinogens - let's call it hallugens- were quickly disabled by our mighty friend the axe. Big round of applause please! Dragging my feet to catch up with Roland, I accidentally released the handle of the axe and it made a loud thump. Quickly picking it up, I heard a soft whimper under the floor board. Silencing my rapidly beating heart, I leaned down until I can really hear crying and soft whimpers of help. Full of adrenaline, I called out to Roland and aimed the axe downward. "Sham! What the hell are you doing?" Roland asked as he tried to stop me. "believe me or not but just listen. I heard someone down here" I said and he moved his hand towards the handle and nodded. Getting the signal and not to ruin his golden ego, I gave him the axe and watched as he striked the floor board easily. When finally he made a whole enough for someone to escape, we saw a student who's In rags and in chains. "please don't kill me" she pleaded. Feeling anger, pain and guilt, I stared down beaming my torch for me to see the place. "who are you?" Roland asked with gentleness. "I'm Karen." her unmistakable feeble voice cried out.

"what are you doing here Karen?" I asked as Roland helped her out. "my f-friends? Where are they?" she asked as I saw nothing in her eyes. Metaphorically okay? "who are your friends?" I asked crouching down. "Eve, Lara and and- they're coming! Those men with white suits! They are coming!" she suddenly wailed. Wow talk about losing MY mind. Her's is worst. "what do you mean men in white suits?" Roland asked using his calming and soothing voice. "t-they would come alternately and grab my classmates and friends and- and-" "Roland! Sham! We need to bail!" Hannah shouted running. "someone is coming inside" Sharyl added. Feeling all jumpy and with the freaking help of adrenaline, I grabbed my new bestfriend! Martin the Axe! Yaaaay "Karen, you need to run for now. If you want to be free again." I said loudly that I wanted making her flinch. "o-okay" she squeaked and was holding on Roland. Seriously this guy is a girl magnet. "off we go" I announced and ran to look for another exit.

"what do you mean it's broken?! It couldn't be broken! It's unbreakable! It's fire proof, water proof and dust proof! " one voice managed to caught my attention. "Sir, it wasn't shock proof and axe proof" one said. Biting back a laugh, I made a patting motion to my friend. "look for them! I'm sure they are still around here somewhere. Go!" Crap! Time to run! Gazing back at my team, I saw determination so I made a nod and ran towards the door. But ofcourse the door was barricade but what's the use of Martin the Axe if I can't chop things? Swinging the axe and with the proper momentum the door was taken out from it's hinges. Time to go to the rendezvous.

This chapter is for my papa (Roland Mathew Nabua) who's celebrating his sweet 16 :3 love lots papa :*
LeoReenSerino ikaw lang pabasa ani :*

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