Alexandre and Syringes

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Dedicated to jia_nm06 for.. Dunno awesomeness?? xoxo

Chapter 12

We managed to wear a pokerface as we entered the gymnasium. We scanned our eyes as we search for some familiar faces in this sea of awkwardness. We managed to find them at the uppermost seats in the gymnasium. We marched towards them when somebody tapped Sham's shoulder. She turned around and saw her cousin -a grade 8 student- and pointed to the front line set of chairs with our names printed at the back. We awkwardly jogged towards our seats and sat down forcefully. "what the heck is happening? Why are we in the front?! And our names are printed on the chair!" May managed to shout whisper as some guys wearing blue shirts and black pants came in with the projector. I scanned my eyes looking for the speaker and found her holding her phone and the microphone. Maybe earlier she was just checking if our sound system is working. I sighed when the same man entered the gymnasium. I gripped Sham and May's hands as Rose turned to look at who we're staring. We broke our gaze when in came the teachers. "I thought it was just us?" Rose asked in confusion. "dunno, maybe her royal highness changed her mind." Sham sarcastically replied.
When the teachers finally filled in the front chairs, we managed to sigh in relief but spoke too soon. The guy wearing the same suit and tie placed a chair at the back of our aligned chairs and made a satisfying grump as he sat down. Goosebumps filled my arms and face as I strained to not walk away. The others were in the same state. I relaxed and got my phone. I managed to entertain myself when finally the speaker greeted everyone. My mind raced as her presentation started.

"Students! We give you the future of the world!" she let out a strong gesture making them clap like there's no tomorrow. "you lot might be wondering why we are starting from you! Well, here's to answer your question. It's because the youth today has more imagination than the adults. Ofcourse, the youth has a lot of influence to the adults that can certainly make this dream possible! For long years we have dreamed of flying cars! Then wait no more. We are already placing the last piece of our hover car!" thunder of claps were heard. "Houses that can clean itself and repair and repaint itself! Malls that are highly secured and is open 24/7. Computers that are surely safe because it only opens when it is its master. It is secured by voice recognition. Also we managed to feel the burden every student is carrying. We made a watch book that can download all of your books. You don't need to carry such heavy things anymore. Lastly, tracker serums to make sure that wherever you are, your parents know where you are." everyone gave their best claps and catcalls and whooping. I gripped my shacking arm as Sham and the rest lowered their heads.

"are you not excited for the government's ideas young ones?" the guy wearing the suit made us jump as he suddenly remarked. My heart was in my throat when he chuckled and offered us his hand. "I'm sorry. Nice to meet you, I am Alexandre Rousel. I work for the government." we stared at this Alexandre like a new specimen. When he took of his dark shades, he looks younger. I'm sorry I didn't mention he was wearing shades. Okay. HE WAS WEARING SHADES!!!!. Shades can be intimidating. No one returned a reply but just a handshake. Suddenly, I remembered what the evil guy did to January, I faked a smile. "nice to meet you" as I got rid of his hand, the others followed mumbling "hello, nice seeing you and welcome to our school" we sat down muscles tensing when Alexandre guy laughed lightly. "Don't be so tensed. I'm still 19, still a teen and just working under my dad's orders. " we managed to nod and smile when the speaker's presentation slide moved and a picture of a dalek -from doctor who- or something was placed there with a caption. The new police officers! The robocop.

My jaw dropped when another deja vu happened. It's like in my dream. The robocop that was looking for us. No no no no no no no. I want to walk out from here! My hands started to numb when I was brought back by Alexandre's cheerful statement. "That will be the pride of the new age. The robocops"

Drowning from realization, my head throbbed and dark spots seem to float in the air as one of my dreams came flashing. The syringe. Everything went black.

Dum Dum Dum Dum.... Syringe and Alexandre

Truth be told I like this chap :D

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