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Chapter 29

Remember the movie Warm Bodies? Where the zombies walk real slow and you wish that you can be inside the movie and push them to hurry up? Yep, thats us. After disrupting their wonderful nap time, they keep mumbling and grumbling about how dramatic Doctor Tundra is. Keeping us in a cliffhanger saying, "if you wanna know, wait for the next episode tomorrow at 7:30 pm only here at bla bla bla" seriously, he needs to get a life. Please note irony

"ohhhh look who's here!" it was Christian's voice that caught everyone's attention and I gladly welcomed it. He was waiting for us in front of the huge doors of the dining hall wearing the same white jump suit but he decided to sew his makeshift logo of the Alpha Point. Also just a few inches behind him was Sham and Rose. I'm pretty much sure that they are in a deep conversation because of their gestures and furrowed brows.

"come on, you'll have 20 minutes for dinner and after that, off we go to paradise!" he said lighting up the mood. Laughter and giggles were heard as I sat down and quickly, dinner was served. Everyone decided to eat silently and hurriedly as the hall was almost packed with people; and not to mention Oliver was trying really hard to catch my attention but Mr. Grumpy pants is so sour that we locked annoying gazes and quickly mouthed curse and looked away. "tell me something interesting will you" it was Ahn who started the conversation. We all shared a glance when Sharyl piped up "the world is probably dying and here we are ahh... Striving?!" she said in her duh and boring tone. I mentally rolled my eyes as the others shrugged.

"Emily. Daniel. Call" it was Sham mumbling. Even though she wasn't talking in full sentences, I got her message. I mean seriously, that's one qualification of friend, you gotta understand your bestfriend no matter how many words are left out. "spill" I said as I saw her gulp a spoonful of gravy. "later. Need to tell everyone" "ok-" I started when everyone become silent. "Newbies, to my office now" his voice resonated inside the hall. With a thud and some annoying mumbles, we got up and followed Christian and Doctor Tundra. I don't know if I was seeing things but at the corner of my eye, I saw Mr. Grumpy pants stood up and took the rear. Great! More annoying people!

After some twists and turns, we entered a room that smelled like coffee and ink and basically crowded. Well not the crowded types we get from the TV. You know clean crowded and- you get the point. We entered the heart of the office and entered a huge study, with sound proof walls and a gigantic sofa. I quickly made myself comfortable on the edge of the sofa when Mr. Grumpy pants decide to tip me off the edge. So basically I'm standing.

"oh I forgot, gentlemen ain't alive these days and your on the top of 'em" I said with a fake Scottish accent. Hey! Capaldi's fault! Not mine. The others decided to sit when the doors opened and in came Christian whom I never knew was out with Rose beside him. "everyone is all here" Ahn said like the president she is. "good, cause I won't be talking again. My vocal chords hurt if I use them to much" Doctor Tundra said.

Everybody shifted as he took a seat on his recliner and faced us. "it all started when the government decided to change the city. Well city by city if you ask me and they planned to start here. Where almost every business, every life intersect." he spared us a gaze and continued. "well, first, they just want the city to bloom. Like hover cars, robot nannies and all you gotta do is just sit and use the remote control and be lazy all day. That's what they planned. To make our lives easier yet lazier. After a while, when their plan was under construction, one of their scientists had a wonderful dream of safety and life preservation and that was Doctor Darvoc. Doctor Darvoc designed the robocops and asked the jury to vote for his invention. Seeing this as a wonderful project, all votes went to his aid. After a great long time of research, making the robocop into his imagined independent state is clearly impossible, yet he found something that would make it possible" he stopped again for dramatic effect.

"he tried to use animal brains. First he started small. Rodent brains then feline brains, then canine brains until he stopped at ape brains. The closest to us. The closest to all of us." he said furiously as he banged his fist on the table. "but he wasn't contented was he?" I started and everyone gave me a look. "No, ofcourse he wasn't. He wouldn't be chasing us would he?" it was Hannah who asked. We all shrugged and I accidentally landed my orbs on Mr. Grumpy pants's and I saw awe and astonishment. What's his problem?!

"but why would he do this? I mean he's gone bonkers!" it was Judelyn handing of her famous gestures that would make us laugh before but not now, not ever. "I don't know." Christian said willing to participate. "not to mention he's inclined to peace and Shit." it was Sham who was gripping the edge of the couch slowly counting 1-100. I turned around, gave Doctor Tundra my most menacing and pissed look. "what happened to the doctor who wants to preserve life?" my words were harsher than I imagined but I didn't care. I already felt the uneasiness from my friends and they wanted to know.

"leave nothing out" Shela piped up. "not a tiny bit" Josephine added. I suppressed a laugh as I saw Doctor Tundra pinched the bridge of his nose. "well then, please take your seat, get comfortable because we are going kayaking down memory lane"

Besides scuba diving I love kayaking!

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