A Trip down Memory Lane

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Chapter 30

An unexpected change of Mr. Grumpy pants's mind astonished me. Note tiny bit of sarcasm he scooted over to let me sit. The others decided to sit on the floor and decided to sit beside them but Mr. Grumpy pants stopped me and made me comfortable on the couch. With a shrug I decided to sit comfortably by sitting like an Indian. He gave me a pissed look and I just gave him my you don't want me to sit on the floor so I'll do what I want look. He sighed as he saw half of my friends sitting on the couch. I was sitting beside my bestfriends and he gave me a you win. For now look. I released a light laugh and stopped when I realized I just laughed and probably saying truce or surrender to this guy. Nooooooo

"I'll take that as a truce Smarty pants" he mumbled. Arrrrgggg I wish I didn't... Arrrggg!! Okay Emily! Inhale! Exhale! "whatever" I mumbled back. "well then!" Doctor Tundra's voice quickly brought me back to reality. "Let's take a trip down memory lane" he said and quickly stood up from his recliner and made a swishing motion and suddenly the lights turned off and the temperature dropped. It's like a morgue in here. "w-what are you doing?!" it was the boys who shouted in unison as they protectively made us huddle together.

"crap crap crap" I heard May say as she keeps exhaling and warming up her hands. "your killing us!" I heard someone shout. I craned my neck and saw it was Noreen who was huddled closer to Michelle and Michelle closer to Vincent. Michelle was rubbing her arms when Jay gave both of them a bear crushing hug yet Noreen got the upper hand since she was closer to Jay and saw how they welcome the warmth and the reassuring hug. The same happened with Vincent, Salbino, Roland and Philip. Also my bestfriends who are quite allergic to boys decided to welcome the hug. I tried to laugh but it came out like a croak.

"basically, we are literally going down memory lane am I right?" I said when I warmed myself by rubbing my arms and heck! Where's Mr. Grumpy pants and Christian? Can't they give us a blanket or something... Well.... Okay my mind is seriously having a brain freeze! "sharp as always Miss Carbonell." Doctor Tundra's voice came out from the speakers and I just noticed that the place is actually in quarantine and crap I'll do anything to get away from here!

"explain what the hell are you doing!" I didn't bother knowing who that was because my bestfriends got the idea first. I looked around at the frightened faces of my friends and whispered to May what's happening in short versions. She whispered to the others until they calmed down but still huddled together and this time closer while my bestfriends came closer to me as I stand alone searching for the hidden cameras.

"I'll drop the temperature, Be prepared." Doctor Tundra's voice once again resonated inside. I craned my neck and huddled them closer. "when the temperature drops, our circulating blood would slowly stop and we would be... More or less... Paralyzed." I paused to let it sink in. "so our best way to be comfortable is lie down and let the temperature do it's work." Rose said reassuring them that it's not so bad. "well, they actually are thoughtful." Sham said as she gestured the 20 sick beds. "and how kind of them to prepare oxygen tanks. Yaay" May said with a I'm not satisfied tone. With a nod, everyone took a bed and quickly cowered into the covers.

"holy macaroll! The sheets are as cold as ice!" it was Vincent who shouted. "Hush now. Everyone, endure the cold of the sheets. That's our only source of heat. For now" Philip said as he combed Hannah's hair. Seriously, they need to get a room. "2 minutes left kids. Or you'll be lying down the cold floor." Doctor Tundra reminded us. Reluctantly, we all went to our places, and put on the oxygen masks. "everyone just calm down okay?" Roselin said as her trembling hands anchored close to the edge of the bed. "godbless us guys" Judelyn started and the rest answered back. I released a tired laugh and watched as the triplets dozed off first. The other girls were next and I just noticed that they were timing us when Vincent dozed off. Still I didn't welcome the drowsiness. "Emily" I heard May croak. "yeah?" I answered back and I saw that my bestfriends were the last once to go. "maybe it's time to sleep Smarty pants" it was Mr. Grumpy pants. With every last strength I've got, I scanned my eyes and saw the camera. It was completely covered by foam and is blinking green. I made sure I'm starring at it. "when we wake up, we expect a warm drink and clothes or I'll rampage." I said loudly as I can but my voice is already hoarse and I can feel my heart beating slower. "on it Smarty pants" I heard him say and finally the darkness engulfed me.


That's what I heard first. Trying to wake up calmly is so hard. I could still feel the effects of the dropped temperature even in my subconscious. Finally taking in a few breaths, my muscles worked and I successfully got up. Finally sitting upright, I scanned the area as recognized that this place is close to our house. I ran towards the dumpsters.

Dèjá vú

When I hid behind the dumpsters, I got a clear view of the town I used to live. It was in ruins and it's beyond recognition. I bit back a gasp as I saw my house burned to the ground. I tried to crawl towards my burnt house when I saw familiar backs facing the ruins. My parents!

"please follow me. The government is really sorry for your loss." one cop said as he slowly and gently guides my parents inside the poli car with my sisters inside. My heart ached when I saw how haggard and hollow faced they are. My mum's face still has traces of tears while my sisters have puffy bags and are clearly tired.

I continued watching them when the cop started the engine and drove towards the city hall. Quickly checking out the place, I dashed towards my ruined house. Entering the rubble is a pretty pathetic idea but I continued anyway. I saw the burned pictures, the clothes and my anime posters and not to mention my books! Anger crept inside my system as I continued scanning the ruins and saw one piece that would actually lead me to the person who did this.

Robocop target practice 10/20/XXXX
Carbonell's residents
Stage 23 complete

So this is how they're doing this. They attack the families of the captured students and force them into brainwashing and then poof! Your out! I clenched the piece of paper and didn't notice the shards that pricked my palms. This time, there's nothing more painful than to never exist. With a sigh, I heard the sirens and guessed that it's heading towards Sham's house. With another glance of the rubble, I dashed and ran towards reality. The best thing is, I ain't doing this alone. I'm with my friends and bestfriends, we'll get our revenge.

1248 Woooords!! Wooo praise tp chapter 30! By the way who listens to 105.1 every Saturday and waits for otaku Hour?! Cause I'm writing this while listening to OH

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