She's Alive. She's Alive

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NOTE: yeah, so the title is like a dead give away. Yeah its Sebastian's point of view. yaaay :*

Chapter 37

When Doctor Tundra told Christian and I about the real plan when he will let them understand made us choke on our cokes. Yes, literally thank you very much. "No way! I would rather tell them than do that!" Christian's voice resonated inside Doctor Tundra's office. "Christian please, its like killing two birds with one stone! While they know the truth, they would give us enough information to go by." Doctor Tundra explained. 

"Well I'm sorry because I care for THEM than YOU do! so you wont have my support in this." he said with finality and walked out of the office. "Christian! wait" Doctor Tundra said with expiration as he forcefully sat down on his recliner. "Sebastian, you're the only one who can help me. I know you'll help me right?" he said with full authority. I get it old man. I cant say no to you so shut up. 

"Of course Doctor Tundra" I said surprisingly without a hint of sarcasm. achievement award goes to Sebastian Hendrix. He smiled as he got up from his recliner and gave me a pat on the back. "I know I can count on you my boy. Now, do what you must" he said clearly making me move my ass out of his freaking way. Sighing, I went out happily towards the dining hall when I heard the unmistakable annoying voice of Smarty Pants.

"Hey Sebastian!" I heard my brother call out to me as Smarty Pants's group went marching to the very end of the hall. Well, that's convenient. After a while, I noticed Christian and Doctor Tundra's sign. Its time to roll the ball. not literally okay? sighing, I did what I have to do. Piss Smarty Pants and lead them into the office.  

When they entered the office, of course the same ranting of their annoying mouths didn't stop. Instead, I decided to make myself comfortable when I noticed that her other friends decided to sit on the floor while she's looking for a place on the couch to sit. With a change of heart, I scooted over and gave her some space to sit and it made me regret later on. Instead of letting me get all cozy, she decided to sit like an Indian and I gave her my what are you doing look  while she just gave me her you don't want me to sit on the floor so I'll do what I want look. Sighing I gave her my you win for now look. 

After a while, I noticed that they were all heated about the topic and Christian slowly and reluctantly gave me the let's go signal. Giving him a tight nod, I walked away starring at their serious faces and closed the door and locked it from the outside. Before I knew it, I was already dropping the temperature fast with Doctor Tundra's hand guiding. Damn him! It would kill them! the sudden drop!  Keeping my eyes on the monitors, I saw Smarty Pants lean towards May when she suddenly blacked out. 

  "maybe it's time to sleep Smarty pants" I said letting her know that I'm here for her. no not what you are thinking thank you  staring in the monitor, I found her searching for the camera maybe when she suddenly stopped in front of the main monitor.  "when we wake up, we expect a warm drink and clothes or I'll rampage." she suddenly said letting out a croak. Smiling, I answered. " On it Smarty Pants" I answered. 

Waiting for them is pissing me off. Yeah so I'm waiting for them so what? well, I am monitoring their heart rates and I can say that they've been into some serious and adrenal experiences. Slowly and carefully, I inject some soothing ideas into their minds to help them calm down and regulate their blood pressures. Suddenly, the door in the control rooms opened and I saw Christian coming in with a check board. "How are they looking?" he asked. "Notice of change of heart rates. I believe they are putting their advantages to work." I said reading the notes I had when I heard him sigh forcefully.

"I never signed up for this." he said through gritted teeth. "we all didn't Christian. Its all his doing." I assured him I was on his side. "Well, for a moment there I thought you would contradict me." He said with a laugh when the clock on the wall chimed making all the possible racket a grandfather clock does when its 12 in the midnight. 

"Well, I hope he's happy. We are putting our friends' life on the line" He said as he got up. "I'll go get us something to munch on." he suggested and closed the door behind him. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I checked the monitors again when I noticed the rapid change of heart rate from Noreen, Roselin, Judelyn and Mel. they're coming back! they're coming back!  "Christian! get your team ready! They're coming back!" I called to him through his earpiece. "I'm coming!" was his reply. 

Regulating their heart rates, their blood flow and oxygen intake, made me hurt my lower lip as I made sure I'm doing it right before Christian's team arrive. Finally, his team barged in the doors that could freeze you to death. no joke they got the triplets out. Inhaling and relieved, I checked the others and saw the same signal. "Christian! get your whole team ready! No delay would happen." I announced not even covering the hint of happiness in my tone. "Don't worry Seb." He said happily and relieved.

Minutes later, the others were quickly brought into the infirmary and the last change I saw was Philip's heart rate. what? I called Christian's attention again until they got him out. 15 minutes has passed still no sign of change from the four of them. "Sebastian? What's happening? why aren't the others back yet?" He asked puzzled and pissed. "I don't know. Maybe they got held up-" that's when I noticed that May's heart rate changed. "Its May!" I shouted. "On it!" he answered back. 

Finally relieved that May's back, that's when I noticed that Shyamelissa is coming back as well. Calling Christian's attention, her last words before she was taken to the infirmary was, "Emily, help." and out she went. After 4 minutes or so, Rose was back and Christian himself too her to the infirmary. "Seb, just call alright?" he said as he disappeared into the infirmary. 

5 minutes

10 minutes

30 minutes

She's still not back. Gripping my head as I notice a migraine coming in, her heart rate changed uncontrollably it made me jump. I stared at the monitor and saw she was struggling in the intake of oxygen. She's having a panic attack! quickly as I can. I got the first aid kit and dashed inside the frozen room.


kyaaaaaa I ship sebastian and emily!!!! ♥


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