Fun in the Lab

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Dedicated to my manghud :D LeoReenSerino

Chapter 16

"welcome to the sneak peek of the world's future!" Dr. Heus voice resonated inside the lab. My classmates fidgeted when he came into view. So much for a grand entrance. "ohhhh I've always want to meet you guys! Even if it's just a half of your school!" he motioned us to his working space and saw the parts of the robocop.

"This is the robocop! Made for the people! Born in justice and knows liberty! It may be a robot for now but soon it will be different." he explained. "What's the outer body made of?" Jackie asked perking my interest.

He laughed before answering. "That is a secret actually but if you have seen Doctor Who, then you would probably know that this was designed too look like a dalek. Minus the exterminating talent and war freaky-ness. I mentally laugh as he continues talking about the dalek and the robocop's similarities and differences.
"also! I have something to show you. This is also a prototype but it's about to work. This is a cloud gun. This will be the gun that brings total justice!" he announced like a mad scientist. "a cloud gun? Really?" Jay asked in a bored tone. "you know it's just for marketing Jay" Michelle said with the same bored tone. "how is it then? It's still a gun and it will work like a gun I presume" Jay asked with a bossy yet bored tone.

Good going Jay! Go Michelle!

Laughter filled the place as Dr. Heus grabbed the gun. "No child, this is a different kind of gun. This gun can only be used if you are legally signed or contracted to this. This is also called a loyal gun if you like. It wouldn't work on someone else. It only works for you and ONLY you!" everyone gawked at the idea but some just rolled their eyes. "and what if you would like to kill someone so yeah you can just kill that person." Wynn said in her bossy and tired voice. "Gosh! You kids really are something! Well that's the fun part!" suddenly, he got the cloud gun and pointed it towards Christen. Gasps and "what the hell are you doing" filled the place. He then pulled the trigger.

Just nothing

I turned to stare at the gun when I noticed Dr. Heus eyes changing color. "a gun that shoots only those who are criminals" I mumbled. "a cloud gun. So the gun must have something inside to detect some kind of sin" Sham added. "not to mention it needs physical and mental energy to work or while holding it." May added next. "and I believe it's not the end of it. Judging by it's figure anyway." Rose also added.

"hahahahahahaha!" his voice resonated. "did they say something wrong?" Chelsea asked flicking her long highlighted hair. "that's why you lot aren't underestimated." Dr. Heus said. "No child, actually they did got it right! Ohhhh I just want to keep you inside the laboratory and make you my assistants! I really want to tell you about the hidden specimen behind this project but sadly I can't. The government wants to keep it a secret." he said with a sniffle. I saw the others making an are-you-insane? Look. Namely Salbino, Ahn and Noreen. And the rest just rolled their eyes in boredom.

"well then! Until the next project kids! Make sure to follow us on Twitter! Facebook,Instagram and pinterest! Bye bye!" Dr. Heus added as we were escorted out by Christen. "remind me to never cross you guys. Ever" he said with a smile as he drove us on the police van and back to school.

"guys! I have an announcement!" Ahn's voice resonated inside the room. "next week, we will be having these field trips I don't know where so don't ask me" she jumped down the platform and got her bag. "alright!!!!!! This is gonna be epic!" the boys shouted happily. I turned to my friends and let out a small smirk when our phones vibrated.

I hope I can meet you guys while your on your field trip!!!

May let out a small yelp and the others including myself let out a worried whimper. "This is not good"

Dum Dum Dum Dum!

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