Let's get outta Here

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Dedicated to LeoReenSerino again because I want to XD

Chapter 18

I don't know what time is it but I know it's late. I rubbed my eyes as I saw the messed up beds and the snoring. Almost all the girls are still asleep but I can hear faint cheering and howling in the other room. Smiling, I jumped up and made way to the boy's bedroom. I made two soft knocks when Salbino and Vincent opened the door.

"morning!!!" both of their enthusiasm made me smile. "morning. Why so loud?" I asked peeking inside their room. I saw Roland, Philip and Jackie playing chess, Michael and Jay changing the channel of the television. "Just having fun really." Salbino said moving aside to let me check that these guys really slept. "and about to make breakfast. I'm making waffles!" Vincent happily stated smiling from ear to ear. I smiled and watched them ran downstairs.

I made my way back to the girl's room when suddenly my phone vibrated. I fished my phone and was about to read the message when my phone went off. Crap! Low battery! So I left my phone on the dresser and went downstairs to help.

10:30 my classmates started waking up. Quickly, we ate the delicious waffles Vincent made when Wynn decided to turn the telly on. We positioned ourselves to the huge sofa and waited as the telly showed static. Boys Over Flowers the Korean version played. Everyone howled as our marathon started. We were halfway through Jandi's emotional breakdown when the telly turned off.

"what the freaking hell happened?!" Marife shouted. "it wasn't me" flooded when the telly turned on and what we saw next made me drop my plate. It was a woman on her late 40s. She has strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes and a fair complexion. She was like staring intenly at us. We tried flipping the channel but it didn't. For about 10 minutes, we played the life and death staring game when the clock chimed saying it's 12:00nn.

"hello children. I am your aunty Bex. I am from the research facilities of the Lambada Project and this is your shelter. I know the lot of you has questions, but this is the only answer I can provide."

Suddenly, her image was changed by events. It was the city. Everything was in chaos! The buildings were burning! The cars and hovercars crashed and dent! People running around not knowing what to do! And worst of all, dead bodies. Pile and pile of dead bodies being burned. I heard gasps and wails as we saw our school burning to the ground.

"What's happening?!" Precious said as she stood up and stared at the screen.
"This is what happened in the past weeks that you were gone." The image was back.

"WEEKS?!!" we shouted in unison. "but that's impossible! I mean, we just got here!" Charlyn said in disbelief.
"That is what they want you to think" she said calmly. "Who's THEY?" asked Shela. Everyone got up and had their share of staring at the figure.

"The- " suddenly, static started to disrupt the image's face. "who!" someone shouted. "gov-" static again. "Just freaking tell us!" Michael shouted in anger. "government!" then the line went off.

Silence. That's the only thing that is shared right now. For minutes no one spoke. Even after we washed the dishes, we took a swim in the pool and ate our lunch. No one spoke.
"I can't contact my mom" Sham said breaking the hours of silence. "it's gonna be impossible." I heard Rose said. "what?! Why?!" the others asked.
I took a deep breath as I gazed at my friends faces. "I went rounds in every corner of the house. This place is full of hallucinogens. Not with a great amount but great enough to let us believe that we just got here. Also, the house is bolted shut from the outside. It's like we can't get out." I mumbled the facts outloud with my voice.

Silence once again reigned when Ahn spoke. "what of our parents?" " No one knows for sure ahn." May said in disappointment. "we better expect things for the worst" Melgrace said with a heavy heart.

Suddenly, wails and crying flooded the place. Everyone was hunched up into their very own private bubble and cried. I saw the boys soothing the girls one by one by saying something and gave them reassuring hugs.

"Sorry to break it to you guys but-" Sham suddenly said. Everybody looked up and stared even with crying eyes. "Let's find a way out. And I need everyones cooperation!"

Feeling determined, we all nodded and went to work. Having the blueprints, we started to destroy all possible soft spots of the house. Everyone on the ready, we drilled and cut the wires and bolts that would hinder our freedom. After an eternity, our work has slowly payed off. Slowly, holes stared to show on the wall. Feeling inspired and determine, we continued when finally we breached the southern part of the house. Finding out that the clock just moved to 12:45, everyone hit the sack.

Later than 8:15, we started our work again when the telly turned on on its own. "what the-!" I mumbled when I saw who was on the screen. "Daniel Freed? The president's son?" we asked in confusion.

"hello smart people!!!" he suddenly waved at us. No one waved back though. "aw!! Come on! Is that how you treat the president's kid?I am disappointed." he said with a sad puppy face. "you can see us" May said. This time, his face lit up and he started twirling around. "yes! Ofcourse! I can. Well anyway, I am here to say hi and hello to Emily, Shyamelissa, Rose and May!" everyone turned to look at us. "how-" one of my classmates was about to ask when he showed us his phone. "I am what you call, textmate." everyone gasped, but not us. Ooooohhh not us. My jaw dropped, my heart sunk. How?! How can this guy possible have our phone number?! I want to kill him! I wanna chop his head and feed it to the snakes and... And... And..

"I have come to help." everyone and everything stopped. "what do you mean?!" we shouted. "I am helping you escape from my twin brother's twisted and mad ideas!Miss Sunder I am gonna send you about the highlights of the place and help you get out."

"No" Sham said in her fiercest voice. "You might lead us into a trap and-" Sham didn't get to finish when her phone vibrated. "what-" "that's the old and new blueprints of the building. Hurry! There's no more time. Tonight they'll be harvesting you."

The screen turned to static and everything felt odd.
"Let's just do this. Guys, to your positions. Let's get outta here."

Waaahh 1145 words!!!! Enjoy

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