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Dedicated to hannahmamen
Chapter 15

I woke up with a splitting headache. Not to mention it's a Monday. The two day weekend brought the deputy Christen Hall -the hot deputy who save us. Rose said- usually drops by to say hello.

Last night, we got another text from the blank. We call it the blank cause we think it's a good name for it. Yeah I know, naming someone is suicidal but we can't keep calling the text messages red flashing msg. So we made a name.

You guys okay?

It said. Yesterday, after church my friends and I stayed in May's house talking about the message. I mean seriously why would this person care about us. So as we stayed there eating some chocolates and siting on the love couch, we turned on the telly and was greeted by an announcement.

Good evening everyone! We interrupt your usual program for this breaking news. Earlier today, we got a peek of the future! We saw the model of the robocops! Dr. Heus made a demonstration. "Robocop, I want you to capture all teenagers who breaks the curfew. Curfew for today will be 7:30." Eagerly waiting for the results, we managed to stay inside the lab while waiting for 7 o clock. Not longer than 20 minutes, the robocop brought 15 teenagers inside the lab successfully capturing them with ease. "when this prototype will perfect all the acquired activities, then we will finally place the very crucial and important part of this prototype. Which is a secret ofcourse"
Well, there you have it. We can't wait for the finished product.

We stayed silent when our phones vibrated. We picked it up and found a new message.

Like the gift?

I shuddered, after reading it I planned to stuff some chocolates in my mouth instead. The others had the same idea so no one said anything until our mums called. One by one, we bid goodbye and thank you and went home.

So here I am inside the classroom, alone and sleepy. I don't want to do anything even eat. I just want to stay asleep. I tried to wuzzle off when footsteps started to rain down on the hallway. I groaned internally when the door opened and music blasted in. It was Sophia one of the best dancers inside our classroom. She was holding her phone as music blasted out. She gave me a smile and a wave as she sat down.

I groaned again when my phone vibrated. It was a text from Sham. "You at school?" I groaned again. I know, I groan alot and texted her. "yeah why?" right after sending it, a picture was sent. I gasped as I saw the news. 10 grade 7 classes found dead inside the classroom.

My mind was throbbing as I stared at the picture Sham sent. What the hell am I gonna do? And WHY am I in this crap anyway! My mind said. I cradled my head when I heard the splitting sirens of the police and I just noticed that the classroom is half full. I went outside to the corridors and saw 5 police cars. I saw May, Rose and Sham coming out from the police car with the same deputy.

Running down the stairs, I managed to keep myself upright when I stumbled in the last steps of the stairs. Expecting the hard floor, I was saved and caught. Thank goodness! And a bummer cause the guy who saved me is Christen Hall a 20 year old deputy. Oh did I mention he has a mind of a 15 year old? No, probably not. "Woah there. I was just looking for you." he said. I managed a nod and followed him to the car.

"where are they going?"

"are they criminals?"

"oh my gosh! Aren't they science classes?"

My body boiled with anger as I heard stupid bitches talking crap. I mean seriously, if we were criminals they wouldn't be treating us kindly. Instead WE WOULD BE IN HANDCUFFS you morons! I released a sigh as I got shotgun and drove to who knows where.

The drive was silent; but not for me. My phone keeps vibrating and the same words keep flashing.

First phase almost completed. 95% completed.

I also noticed that the others received the same texts until we arrived at a laboratory. Wait what?! Laboratory? What the freaking hell are we doing here?

"what the hell are we doing here?" Sham asked in her bossy voice. The others nodded in agreement. "Woah there tigers! I'm pretty sure that you saw the news last night with Dr. Heus." he said as he slowly took off his seat belt. "what about it?" we asked in unison. "he wants to have the students opinion." he said with a final tone. With a sigh, we took of our seat belts and went out.

We were greeted by the sounds of drilling, hammering and more. I managed to cover my ears as we get closer to the drilling. Kristen lead us to humongous whitr doors and motioned us to get in. Swiftly and softly we went in.

Inside we saw some students, they were all crowding on something. Christen managed to nudge us forward as we stayed at the farthest part of the huddle. "here we are! And that's what's inside the robocop" clapping was heard when a husky and tired voice announced. "well! Thank you children! Please do leave your comments inside the dropbox!" he said and was followed by coughs. "oh hello who's this?" he managed to finally see us. "They are from the -" Christen decided to whisper our school. I don't know why but I think he's a jerk.

"ohhhhhh!!! How wonderful! I've been waiting for you guys! But four people? I want their whole class to come!" Kristen nodded in agreement and took out his phone. We just stared at him when he mouthed. That's doctor heus. Look after him for a while. I didn't know if we nodded but he nodded back. Maybe we did.

"Children come, come! Look at the pride of the government! I will let you have a peek inside this robocop when your classmates arrive!" not longer than 15 minutes, our classmates flooded the place. I saw some of them gawking at the place while the others specifically the silent ones -Josephine, Shela, Charlyn and Marife- stayed in the back and talked silently as possible. When they all managed to see us crowded near the robocop, they made their way to us.

"what are we doing here?" Hannah asked to no one in particular. "atleast classes are cut because of this." Vincent stated happily. "that's all of it." Christen's voice boomed inside the lab. "ohhhh good good!! Well! Let's start the fun!"

1136 words \OoO/ Woooo!

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