2 9 ~ R u s t y

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Present Day ~ June 19, 2011

"I've got one!" Sawyer jumps up, tripping over his feet while trying to grab the fishing pole. He lands on his stomach a few inches from the water, the pole falling in. Everyone laughs.

"This is why you don't set down the pole. Now you've got to go fish it out," Bailey giggles.

Colt's laughing so hard his face is red. He tries to speak between breaths. "I... see... whatcha did... there," he manages to stop giggling for a second. "Aaron. You get it? Fish it out?"

"Yeah, man. I got it," Blue raises his eyebrows with an amused smile.

Sawyer pulls the pole out of the water and untangles moss from the line. "Shit. That fish stole my bait."

I just shake my head, looking out over the pond. The morning sun reflects all of the trees into it like a mirror. "We're not going to catch anything. We're on the bank."

Bailey nods. "Yeah, Colt. It's like, three feet deep."

"Sawyer caught something," Colt argues.

"No, I think the fish caught Sawyer."

"And if there were any fish," Blue laughs, "Colt just scared them away."

We keep trying for a few more minutes. Blue sits down beside me and shows me how to reel it in slowly. I guess it makes it easier for the fish to catch it or something... who knows, I've never done this.

I keep my eyes trained on the trees in the distance, how they shine down through the water and reach for the sky. It makes me relax, for the first time in a while.

Something ruffles the leaves of the trees next to me. I jump and knock into Blue, who just chuckles. I drop my pole and stand, backing away from the tree line. "Did you all see that?"

"What?" Blue asks, glancing up at me.

There's more movement in the woods. It's getting closer. Dear lord... We should never have come here.

Suddenly, a white blur bursts from the edge of the tree line. I let out a short yelp as it comes at me, jumping up on two legs and knocking me to the dirt. My arms shield my face, but I hear Blue laugh.

Carefully, I lower my arms, looking at the animal clearly for the first time. It's... a dog?

Blue drops his pole and comes over to the dog, smiling and petting it, then glances at the collar. It jumps up and licks his face.


"It could have rabies," I say, dusting off my shirt and sitting up.

"Come on, Rusty. Look at his cute face." Blue grins and the dog jumps on me again.

"Who's is he?" I laugh, this time scratching the dog's ears.

"The guy who owns the pond. We can bring him back when we leave."

"Hey there," I mumble to him. He licks my hand before turning back to Blue.

"You know, he has your eyes," Blue grins as I glare at him.


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