3 3 ~ R u s t y

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Present Day ~ July 1, 2011

I walk into the diner to the sound of a bunch people talking at once. All of the tables are full.

Usually, the place only has maybe seven or eight tables filled at once, and that's on a great day. Now there are actually people waiting to be seated, a look of impatience on their faces. There have to be at least fifty people here.

Bailey and I push past everyone to get inside, receiving annoyed glances from all around.

Geez. I'm not cutting in line.

We make our way to the counter at the front, where a girl is looking flustered while talking to a customer. After he walks away, Bailey goes up to her and smiles. "Hey Bree," she says, and the girl looks a little relieved to see a familiar face.

"Hey, I'm sorry but there's going to be a wait." The girl, Bree, starts scribbling something down on the paper in front of her.

"Oh, we aren't going to stay," Bailey says. "Just came by to see Aaron. Is he in the back?"

The girl nods. "Yeah," she mumbles while looking over my shoulder to the line of people behind us.

"What's with the crowd?" I ask, and Bree looks up to see me like she hadn't noticed I was there, to begin with.

Well, at least I'm blending in...

"Oh, this happens every year. The fair in the next town over is a huge event and all of the people going tend to take their rest stops here," she pauses and throws Bailey an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, but we are really busy. Can we talk later?"

Bailey nods with a smile and motions for me to follow her back into the diner. I see Blue taking someone's order and tug on Bailey's sleeve. She looks over to where I'm pointing and we head over to him just as he finishes.

"Hey A," Bailey smiles, and he gives her an exasperated look before his eyes flick over to me. I return his small smile and Bailey begins to talk.

"We were going to come in and bug you. I guess I forgot it was already July."

He nods, "Walk with me," he keeps heading towards the kitchen and we try to keep up. "Yeah, and a stomach bug's been going around, so we are two people short."

We come to a stop at the door to the kitchen, where he turns to look at us before heading in. "I'll see you all later, then?" he asks, and I can tell he isn't trying to be rude, but we are slowing him down.

"I can help out if you need it," I offer, not even realizing what I've said before it was out of my mouth. He pauses for a second, glancing between me Bailey and me.

"Oh, I can't stay, but Rusty if you want to..."

I start regretting it almost immediately. If Bailey isn't helping too... Dear lord, what did I just get myself into?

"We can't pay you, but if want you can help in the kitchen?" Blue says it like it's a question and I shrug.

Bailey leaves, but not before whispering in my ear that I should try to use this to convince the manager to hire us to paint the diner. I almost laugh.

Blue ushers me into the back kitchen, where people are rushing around and fires are flying dangerously close to people making multiple things. "No offense, but you're going to have to wash your hands," he says, looking down at the paint I'm wearing as an accessory.

"None taken," I say as he hands me a hair net and points to a stack of dirty dishes and a sink.

"You can wash dishes, right?" he asks and I give him a look. "Yeah, of course." He says. "You know what to do."

And with that, he rushes away and grabs a tray of food, leaving the cook another order slip.

It takes a good hour or two for things to die down at the diner. The owner actually extended closing time this week until nine o'clock because of all of the business that is coming in. I don't blame her.

Blue walks over to me, relief written all over his face. "You look dead," I say, grinning. If I'm tired after a few hours, imagine the guy who's been here all day.

"I could say the same," He pulls off his apron.

I start to walk past him. "At least we can leave now."

He laughs. "Not quite yet... Now we've gotta help clean up."

Isn't that what I've been doing this whole time?


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