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Flashback ~ December 30, 2010

They aren't dead.

I'm not dead.

This isn't actually happening right now.

I tell this to myself over and over as I feel the tears stream down my face, my bare feet crunching through the branches and ice of the vacant woods. I hope to God that I'm heading in the right direction; the bite of winter so intense that I can no longer feel my feet. At this point, though, I'm not sure if I care to.

I'm really not sure about anything anymore.

I stop running, stop pushing past the trees that are caging me in. When I glance over my shoulder in a rushing moment of panic, the leaves and roots and undergrowth get their grasp on me. They pull me down, and before I know it, the darkness is pressing me into the muddy snow.

God, I did this. This is all my fault. If I had just kept my mouth shut, this wouldn't have happened.

I dig my fingers into my hair, pressing my face into the ground with a curdling scream. I can't take it anymore. I can't keep going like nothing happened. I can't just do what Caesar says... not now. It's too much.

I let myself cry. I let the trees stand over me like demons, let them stand and laugh. I don't think about how my toes and fingers are numb to a point of no return.

I crumple into the ground and let the it all tear me apart like a pack of wolves. Snarling teeth, bloody and denatured. I let it all eat me from the inside out. Freezing me until I can't move. Breathing me in and out but not stopping long enough to let me breathe too.

Twisting, pulling, biting.





I'm not sure what comes next. Or even who I am anymore.

The girl I used to know is slowly drifting away, but I'm not quite sure when I lost track of her.

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