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Flashback ~ December 30, 2010

I look out the windows of the car on the way to the police station. I'm in the back seat with Toby and my parents are up front.

I wonder what Toby will be like when he gets older. I can tell that he's got mom's hair, but there's not much I can predict about him personality-wise. All I can hope is that he does better than I do.

The car slows down when we get to the bridge. My mom always refuses to drive over it, and if we want to get into town-- like an actual town with stores and not just little shops-- we have to cross the bridge.

This is why my dad drives.

We arrive at the police station about ten minutes later, and as I'm getting out I catch a glimpse of myself in the car window. I see a girl with unbrushed hair and dark sunglasses, and a gash on my forehead. Boy, aren't I a sight to see?

My mom insists that I wear the sunglasses--even if it isn't that bright out-- because of the concussion. Something about the light and... I don't remember. All I really heard when she explained it to me is that it would help my killer headache.

Toby holds my hand as we walk inside. The officer at the front desk directs us where to go. I get a few weird looks from people and I decide to keep the sunglasses on. I can see them but they don't know I'm glaring back.

"Hello, are you the Blakes?" A woman asks, standing up from where she was sitting behind a desk. My dad nods and shakes her hand. My mom does the same.

"I'm Detective Johnson. I'm sorry we had to have you come out today. We heard about the incident last night..." She says as her eyes trail first to the bruise on my forehead, then back to my parents.

My mom steps forward and smiles at the woman. "Nobody really explained what this was about, but Anna doesn't remember much from last night. The medic said she has a concussion." She says this in a whisper as if I wasn't supposed to hear.

The detective nods and eyes me uncertainly. I don't say anything.

I don't like her. She seems polite right now, but I know it's probably an act.

"Anna, please come this way," she motions for me to follow her and I look at my parents.

"Can my parents come?" I ask, feet planted on the ground. I thought one of them would be able to come in with me.

"We'd actually like to talk to you alone." Her smile falters for a moment before turning to my parents. "You all don't mind, do you?"

"Um," My mom hesitates. "That's... fine." She looks like she might object, but I can see the conflict in her eyes. She doesn't want us to be a problem. We're supposed to look like we have nothing to hide.

I nod slowly when they all turn to me, passing Toby off to mom. Glancing back at them once more, I turn and follow the detective down the hall.

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