7 5 ~ R u s t y

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Present Day ~ July 16, 2011

"What about the Gin? We haven't been there in a while?" Blue offers as we all sit in a booth at Archie's. I need to talk to them. I should tell them what is going on. I should let them know that we are all in danger, but I can't bring myself to do it.

Because no matter how horrible it is, I don't think I can stand to tell them my story. I don't think I can stand to have them go to the police. I don't think I could survive jail. I know Caesar has people everywhere. And that probably, almost definitely, includes jail. Surely he'll just have someone murder me there. Or worse.

And I don't think I could take it if they saw who I really am. If they saw Annabella Blake, the murderer. I don't think anyone would stick around long enough to hear me out.

"I don't know," Colt says, scooting closer to Bailey. "Maybe we could go to the quarry, go for a swim." Blue laughs and so does Bailey. I stay silent. Sawyer just smirks.

Blue is leaning against the booth, Bailey and Colt on one side and Sawyer and I on the other. I take a deep breath and tug on Sawyer's shirt. He looks at me, and I jerk my head towards the bathrooms in the back. I don't think he gets what I mean, so I say, "I'll be right back."

He nods and scoots out of the booth so I can get out too. But before I sit back down, I tug on his sleeve again, and he follows me. Nobody else at the table notices us both leaving because they are so deep in conversation, but I'm glad.

I walk past the bathrooms and to the outdoor seating, finding a table in the shadows. Dear lord, what I'm about to do is terrible, but it's my last chance, I guess. Maybe if I find this person for Caesar, then he will let me go. Maybe he will let me win because he will be winning too.

"Princess, if you wanted to date me you could have just asked," he says, sitting down with a wink. I roll my eyes.

"I need your help," I say.

"Yeah," he shakes his head. "I figured you'd go for Aaron. Quite a catch, that one."

I can't help but smile. He's only playing, I know. He is still in contact with his old girlfriend from back home and I don't think that he's gotten over her. "It's not like that," I say, shaking my head.

"Yet," he mumbles under his breath and I glare. "What do you need? Finally want to cash in that information card?"

"I'm... yeah, I guess. But don't let anyone know that you're doing this. It's really dangerous."

His tone turns serious. "Are you okay?" he wonders, trying to look at me in the eyes. I can see how he and Blue are related sometimes, and I give him a sad smile.

"Yeah, for now."

"What's going on?" he asks. I think when I first got here he thought I was like him, running away from home or something. I never decided to correct him because it sounded better than the truth. I know now that he is reconsidering the possible stories behind me, but I decide to take his question for another turn.

"I need to find someone."

"Don't we all..." he trails off, shaking his head and looking into the distance.

"Sawyer, I'm serious." He nods, waiting for more. I take out the photo that I had to get for Caesar so many months ago and slide in across the table. He picks it up and scans it quickly.

"Who is this?" he asks.

I shake my head. "Don't ask questions, okay? Just try to get some information on him, where I might be able to find him. An address."

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