9 8 ~ R u s t y

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Present Day ~ July 24, 2011

"Rusty," Blue says. "Your brother's not dead."

I move away from his touch. "That's not funny Blue. What the hell...?" I'm trying to wipe away my tears with my arm and turn away from him. I knew this would happen. I shouldn't have told him. I should go. I know I should go. But I can't get my legs to move fast enough. I didn't think he would make fun of me like this...

"No, I mean it, Rusty." His hand finds mine and he pulls me back down to the couch. He takes out a newspaper clipping and hands it to me. I freeze, something clearing up inside me for just a split second. There's no possible way that he's right...

...is he?

I take the clipping and scan it over.

Everything inside of me drops and I bring my hand up to cover my mouth.

A follow-up story.

A damn follow up story.

On the little brother who survived the wrath of his sister, who murdered her family and partnered in a robbery that killed an innocent boy. My thumb passes over the side of the clipping, over the photo of the little boy.


Placed with a new family.


I'm crying. I glance back at Blue and he's frowning. "I thought you knew... the customer--Caesar-- gave me both clips," he trails off. I reach over and then hug him. After a second to get over the surprise of what just happened, he hugs me back. I pull away and keep reading the article.

He's alive.

He's alive.

My little brother is... alive.

Holy shit.

Holy shit.

Then it hits me like a train. Is this real? Where is he? What happened to him? I saw him die. I saw it happen. His body was limp when he floated away.

I need to find him.

He would still remember me, right? He'd have to. But would he recognize me, now, after everything? Is he okay where he is now? Is he safe?

When did Caesar find out? Has he been watching him? Why would he give this clipping to Blue? Is this... Is this strike three?

"Blue... I have to go to him."

He smiles down at me, but then it fades. "What about Caesar?" It still sounds weird to hear someone else say his name. For it not to be said just in my head.

"Oh, yeah," I mumble, dropping my head in my hands.

"What about..." Blue trails off.

"What?" I ask. If it's even possible that I can get to my brother again, just once, then I'll do anything. Anything.

"We could talk to my dad, try to lure Caesar in. I mean, even I've heard of the guy. He's wanted for so many reasons... and we've got a direct link to him through you." He trails off, then shakes his head. "We can't. Someone could get killed. And your name isn't cleared yet..."

"Let's do it. Let's talk to him. I don't care if I get hurt. Use me as bait or something."

"Rusty..." he bites his lip.

"Blue...please. Toby's alive. That changes everything." I plead.

He raises his eyebrows at me.

It's Caesar. I know it's Caesar. I know it's the man who ruined my life and is out for my blood. It's going to be dangerous, and stupid, but when has that ever stopped me?

But it's not just Caesar. It's Toby. It's about Toby now.

"We'll have backup," I say. "It'll be fine. Please. I'll go to him myself."

Blue closes his eyes for a moment, opens them again. Slowly, he nods and winces at what he says next. "Fine."


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